Posts for Behemoth

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I'm pretty sure that can't be made quicker, after doing a quick test myself. You have release the bomb spread some way into the tunnel for the furthest bomb to reach the destroyable block in the floor. Another detriment is the block sitting next to it which has to be shot when exiting the spazer room door, which means the beam has to be re charged while jumping.
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Glad to hear it :) Well this here ends my speed run. The final installment I'll be submitting this to SDA very soon, and I did manage to sub 2 hours, getting 1 hour 55 minutes and 26 seconds !. At least by in-game time that is. I could have probably improved this entire run by 1 - 2 minutes by doing the better level order of Hive first, Lair second; The trick in River of souls to jump through the raised bridge and just generally being tad more perfect in each segment, totems, bosses etc. But other than this I'm very happy with it. I'd say a TAS would probably get in the early 1 hour 40 minutes range, possibly 1 hour 30 minutes. Providing nothing else major gets discovered. If something does like passing Turok through solid walls and doors/out of bounds trickery then obviously it could be significantly lower. Though I'm not particularly interested in this level of game breaking personally.
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After some testing I came to the conclusion that level 5 before 4 is faster by a fairly big margin. If you do level 4 first, the backtrack there later on after level 5 to get the P-key takes around 40 odd seconds in my real-time play test. Even though level 4 first does give you torpedo launcher early for all the water sections in level 5. It only speeds level 5 up by a total of around 10 - 12 seconds. So it's better to go through level 5 first, without torpedo launcher, then do level 4 with the whispers talisman, get the level 4 P-key and finish the level in one fell swoop. Which would be at least 25 seconds faster than otherwise. Unless some way to collect the p-key from it's observable high up platform on the main route is discovered, I think this is likely going to stay as the most optimal level order: 1-3-2-5-4-6 Unfortunately for my Speed run WIP, I had already done the slower level order before I carried out these tests. But not to worry too much though. I still think my target of sub 2 hours is feasible at this present time.
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I'm the runner of the PC version in that thread and I very much feel a TAS of this game would be very entertaining just through the experience of running it and optimizing the game myself. There's a whole slew of tricks and glitches to exploit. Some I think will surprise you an eliminate most of the backtracking that seems to invoke some of the hate this game garnered. Water boosting - Double tapping forward just under the surface of water and jumping out to give Turok his increased speed and you can hold it for as long as possible until you enter another portal then it disappears. There are different levels of speed depending on how you do the double tap and quick jump out. so maximum speed is essential, but that's easy to do. It can be used anytime there is water so levels 1, 2 and 4 have huge time saving potential. It also works on the fans in level 6 - Primagens Lightship, although it appears the speed increase is slightly less, but it still enables some excellent skips and long periods of increased speed which my next upload on my youtube page will show. Overhead item jump - items floating in the air above your head can be gotten no matter high high above your head they are with a certain type of jump. Stand underneath the item, look up at it (might not actually be needed?) jump and turn slightly in the air. I believe it really helps to push forward slightly during the turn. Several items throughout the game can be got like this with pretty much no limit on height for what can be collected. You can see some huge skips from this trick including collecting the level 2 P-key from the first place you see it, instead of taking the intended path. Damage boosting - This one has small gains in the standard scheme of things and not all enemies give you a decent push. Except for the mantids and some enemies in level 6. One boost in the Hive which saves several minutes, and another in the Lightship saves about a minute. You can avoid the backtrack to the Hive of the manitids to get the Primagen key with a damage boost from the mantid at the eye of truth bridge leading up to the Key. In fact in this run you don't need to collect the eye of truth at all. You see the bridges are still there, but invisible, but only a small portion is missing at the beginning which is why you fall. A damage boost will clear this gap and land Turok safely on the rest of the bridge even though it's invisible. For the other damage boost you have to get a damage boost from a wheel bot in The Primagens lightship to clear the gap leading up to the last switch which needs to be pressed to bring down one of the four force fields surrounding the last P-key. The level order for the first 3 levels should go: 1, 3, 2. Level 3 before 2 grants you the souls talisman which grants you some water boost opportunities early in level 2 which contain soul water, and also a glitch/trick which I was too late in finding out unfortunately in my run, which involves jumping into the river and jumping out and through the raised bridge. The bridge somehow doesn't block and you go straight through it, so no need to do a 20 second or so detour to shoot the switch to lower the bridge. For the next levels it's pretty hard to see whether level 4 before 5, or vice versa is faster. There's probably not much in it, but some proper testing will need to be done. For my run I did level 4, then 5. Reason for that was you get the torpedo launcher in level 4 which speeds up the water sections in level 5. But on the other hand doing level 5 first would mean you'd have the whispers talisman so you can clean up the level 4 P-key and the rest of the level in one fell swoop. If it's feasible at this time I would say Tasing the PC game is the better option. Strafing for one is smoother and faster and closer in style to more modern first person shooters. The N64 version strafing was really bad for some reason and it may prevent some really cool skips due to the a possible loss of speed. Anyone interested in TASing this game I strongly suggest watching my WIP of the PC game which uses many segments for best optimal play as I feel it provides a strong backbone on which to plan a TAS just from the sheer number of tricks me and Squeebles on the SDA thread found. My latest run is the Hive so if you want to start from Port of Adia, it's just a little further down the list. I'm currently running/optimizing the Lightship Any questions I'd be glad to help answer.
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Great ideas reeve and somehow I'm in favour of the crystal flash glitching that room because that detour to grab the PB's annoys me. Cpadolf - one of the sickest things I've seen in a long while !!, and yes it would seem wrap arounding here is pointless and detrimental if you have a solid blue door. Shame there's no spring ball at this point because it looks like you could do some jumps on the platforms and possibly reach the cliff missiles :P
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For escaping Ridley Could a delayed shinespark after a Beam work. Plasma-wave charged ? About the left to right wrap arounds: I think the game resource page is simply using those words as to not completely rule out the possibility of it somehow working. Without actually suggesting how it could be done. That's how it reads to my eyes anyway. edit: actually I see there could be problems with having a full charged beam because of time running out for the shinespark. Looks like we'll have to find out how to do these left to right wrap arounds !!!
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lol ok, all this stuff confuses me now, been out of this for a while. I see the bomb drop before you unmorph forensic. It seems to make the trick work doesn't it. Very weird. Damn this is cool !
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Sorry about that, work was taking up my day before I could get home to do any gaming. The wrap around in the attic: I just tested this out again. The only way I've got it so far is from an upward wave-spazer charged shot while running with dash held. I start the run from the pillar on the ground on the left and run full speed and release the beam just at the foot of the staircase. So like I say it's looks detrimental to the run if it can only be done this way. I tried a downward shot standing closer to the door which would be a lot better but haven't had any luck just yet. Also about the version differences for wrap arounds. I'm certain there is an actual difference in shot positions for nearly each and every wrap around between NTSC and PAL. The difference is slight though. My wrap around for the gauntlet entry can be done from that spot I did in my run where as NTSC it can't. you have to go a little further up the slope to do it in the same way, but it just happens to be even more picky and isn't worth bothering with. That's why forensic ops for the original and fastest strategy to do the jump method. Which also works for PAL but I'd rather do my safe guaranteed method. The one in blue brinstar for another example. There is some half a block difference in the standing position for the shot to connect. edit: lol it appears Reeve ninja'd me anyway and holy shit forensic I misunderstood the application of this wrap around until I saw your smv. i thought it was going to be some trick coming out of the robot room and doing whatever the fuck. But I didn't even think of the smv idea. I probably wouldn't try that on console though because this wrap around is a bit troublesome but for a TAS could that save a second or so?. Shoot last enemy and head back instead of having to shoot the blinking door normally. edit2: That speed keeping trick in the attic forensic. I remember you saying it's a more difficult trick in general on PAL. I managed just once while practicing here and trying to make it consistent. I'd love to try this in a run though one day if I could find a way to do it most of the time.
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Just thought I'd chip in with these wrap arounds. The wrecked ship attic one: Do you mean to open the door on the left from the right hand door location ?. I done this on PAL a few times so there's definitely a "spot" for it somewhere, but I recall the spot being in such a location that it would hinder time. Also PAL and NTSC positions for wrap around shots differ so it might be possible that there is no positions for it to work at all on NTSC in this room, or it might be just harder to find. Good luck ! btw , this game breaking business here is really exciting !!!
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It's a really good idea Reeve, but I doubt that's faster at all. Maybe nearly the same at best. It probably takes 4 seconds getting up to the top of the main street after nabbing the missiles. Then you have the right hand then fall in the big grapple room. One thing it does counter is the small wall jump to the passage to grab the supers, but that looks like the only gain where the old route is faster still. Worth a test though to be sure. On a light note: What would be REALLY cool would be a way to break into the super missile cave from the main street where we can see it :P
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lxx4xNx6xxl wrote:
That's actually a very interesting idea!!!! That reminds me of the invisible bridge, I wonder what would happen?.
Do you mean the trick to get a mock ball/bounce off a ledge by jumping at the exact time and landing the mock ball on the correct part of the ledge, just like at the invisible bridge to grab the two missiles in blue brinstar. If not I still wonder how many other places this trick could be used to save some frames.
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100% map completion is a run that I though could be a possibility several months back, but then I lost interest. I think a TAS of this would be much more exciting to watch than a console run too. However I have no qualms about watching said run from fresh save, not a space/time reset, and play the game as normal, collecting all items from 0%. As well as the map completion to go on top of it. It would be a mammoth undertaking and one that could take possibly a few years to finish, but it would be fantastic to watch and could be called "the true 100%" lol. [edit] It'd also need a serious recommendation of the patch that doesn't show door transitions, since there would be an awful lot of walking into rooms, just to turn around and exit them.
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Wow, I'm very surprised to see someone had done it. I love the strategy against Ridley to start things off. Shinespark damage being huge making him leave the screen earlier than taking damage yourself, and then laying the power bomb to make the door blow open so no normal delay. Oh and who said above 50 seconds was impossible on escape ? lol. Just a shame he goes straight to Tourian via X-ray glitch. But I understand it was the intention to complete it as fast as possible, possibly even faster than the other glitched run.
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Shit I must have recorded from a save-state that I put right at the start of my original 'crap' TAS. Can't believe I must have forgot doing that. I guess I mixed up the method of recording between my 'crap' TAS and this one. As the original was definitely from a reset. But thanks for doing that I shall download it !!
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I see. Well during about half way through the TAS It was an idea to maybe submit it if it was all good to go. But yeah it was recorded from reset which is one of the two options there: 'record from now' and 'record from reset'. It was only until after I finished the TAS where I checked the submission rules and found it's the wrong way to do it. I certainly won't be doing this TAS again, but apart from this it's still a 'TAS' and most people can get some enjoyment from it, so I'll just leave it here I guess. If ever I decide to do a TAS of a future game I'll know now what to do.
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Ok thanks ! I hope I done this correctly. Strange how it states it was recorded from save state ?
Post subject: First Samurai
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Hi everyone ! I'm knew to this Forum but I have browsed it a couple of times. Some may know me from M2K2. Some time ago last year I decided to make a TAS of this game. At first I was just going to make it a real-time TAS to use the most optimal route and optimal play to use as a benchmark for a possible console run from me at some point. While I was at it, I decided to give frame advance a shot. I eventually became hooked, and trying to optimize it to perfection. The game is short with only 5 levels. I managed to get to the end of level 4 on the TAS but then realized I could have been a couple seconds faster by this point. So I restarted it, with me able to finish it just a few days ago. I really don't think the game has much in the way of glitches, if there were I'm sure they wouldn't be helpful, but that could just be my noobish ignorance talking. I'm not good at discovering stuff like that. The run doesn't use any glitches, just frame precise play all the way through, with what I deem best routes through much testing, lot's of taking damage to save time, no death abuse, as doing so would waste too much time, even on the least linear level (level 3). I used over 8000 re-records. It's not that much comparably to most TAS's. But for this game as it's so short, it's a fair bit. I was constantly pressing those damn load states. I used 5 savestates. The smv. was recorded from reset, which upon me reading the submission rules just yesterday, is not allowed for submission. One last embarrassing problem. Where's the attach icon so post the smv here ?