Posts for Bisqwit

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AKA wrote:
Hope this helps. Sorry, had to.
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I made an AVI (testing quality). It desynced in Mega Man 3, but all other games played fine. (20 MB)
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Publish with input display, or without input display, or both? Making input display AVI currently.
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I wonder if TASing could be introduced to newbies by the means of lessons with predetermined goals ― such as "first challenge: reach the underground pipe in Super Mario Bros 1-1 with 380 in the clock"…
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Warp wrote:
I have noticed about myself that when I was younger I couldn't care less about politics (the younger I was, the more I *hated* all kinds of politics, in fact), but the older I have got, the more I find myself reading political articles and especially writing them myself, even to the point that I'm beginning to wonder if I'm not worrying way too much about things I can't really affect. I wonder if this is some kind of natural development of personality which most people go through when they get older. Have you experienced anything similar? Has your interest in politics (both national and international) increased as you have got older, almost without even noticing? If so, what do you think is the reason? Is it something completely natural, or is it something to worry about (meaning, "oh no, I'm getting old")?
Most certainly I have experienced and noticed the same. I don't know if the world really is turning into progressively sinister direction, or if it's just because I didn't see any relevance when I was younger. Likely it is natural. As you get older, you have a lot more to which you can compare today's world, and see what's changing. When you're young, everything is status quo unless something drastic happens.
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P.JBoy wrote:
Seems I have a very common name
Yes, no doubt there are many Patrics and many Johnstons. Put the name in quotes or separate them with a special character such as period to make it search for the name literally, not just pages having either name component.
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stickyman05 wrote:
under the submissions, have a link to _every_ submission that person has sent.
That's where works. The link "list all submissions of this submitter" is shown on any submission of the author (not on the forums though).
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Toni was a very popular name in Finland in the 70-80s. I'm mildly surprised to hear that it isn't that anymore.
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Yliluoma is not that common name, and Joel is a rare name in Finland too. (Well, was when I was born. It has since become much more common.) Still, chances are that within 10 years there's another. (No inside information, just extrapolation on probabilities.) But from the more common interpretation of "doppelganger", I suppose there are many people who look like me. Brushy for example thought he saw me last week in Turku, when I was in fact nowhere near Turku.
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Yrr wrote:
1) Did you ever expect this site to become that popular? 2) If you weren't Bisqwit, what would you like to ask him?
1) Not really. Though I'm ignorant enough that I haven't had time being surprised at it. 2) That's a tough one. I.e. what would I like to ask Bisqwit if I were one of the random users of the website. I suppose it would be something along the line of "I see you not only maintain the TASvideos website, but several others: a Japanese dictionary suite and a forum for Finnish protesters of Scientology are among some I found. How does that work for you?" My answer would be: Most of it just doesn't need that much maintenance; once built, it works. That said, concentrating on one thing tends to diminish the other, because humans are bad multitaskers after all. As for "why": I just do whatever interests me. I created the dictionary site because I wanted one so I can use for reference. It's still my primary jp<->en dictionary site. And I created tasvideos because I first wanted to provide high-quality movies of TASes, and later wanted to correct popular misconceptions about TASes. I'm not planning much about the future; I just do. What happens then, happens. If something becomes too much a weight for me, I try to relieve that weight by either delegating, or decreasing its maintenance requirements by other means.
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I liked that article. All in the name of entertainment. On the goal to entertainment, TAS and non-TAS are on the same line. ↑ my opinion. Different means, but still. And it's not just because some games haven't been TASed yet. It's just that proponents of non-TASed speedruns have got something right: the chance of human error introduces some entertainment that is absent in a TAS. When something goofy happens in a TAS, you know that it happened because the author wanted it to happen. A TAS must bring the entertainment with other means; by challenging the unlikely and with creative idle actions.
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arflech wrote:
P.JBoy wrote:
Well 'bit-ratings' aren't really that special
Part of the reason for this thread was to create a reference to hammer that point home all across the Internet; also I used the term "bit-ratings" in the title because it is more easily recognizable by clueless newbies (as I'll admit I was until a couple years ago) than the techical terms "CPU word size" or "external data bus size"...
Wouldn't this information be more suitable for, say, Wikipedia? Somewhat like this:
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IronSlayer wrote:
A mix of two of my favorite bands, Iron Maiden and Slayer.
I wonder why you didn't make it MaidenSlayer then? :P
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What won't? Can I have some more context please? (I'm not asking you to repeat previous posts, but to explain what's the "it" that isn't showing up.)
Post subject: Re: How to delete data on an FDS game with FCEU
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First, refer to the forum rules to avoid having your signature be deleted without warning. Re: FDS games, FDS games are actually disk images. FDS games save the game progress by writing into that disk, i.e. modifying the actual copy of the game. If you want to restore your FDS image, you must have a backup of the FDS image. IIRC, FCEU actually does not modify the original files, but instead, writes a copy of the FDS into its savestate directory. Just find the savestate directory and delete the FDS image copy from that directory, and you should be done.
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jimsfriend wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Well, my previous nickname was --- <censored>. I was slightly hinted that the name might not have good connotations in someone's mind, so I had to choose a new one. (The old name, which shall remain a secret to everybody, is now used by someone else btw.)
Perhaps it is Hoe?
No. The actual information can be found here. ________________ Discovering hidden information in this post will make you aware of that information.
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Tub wrote:
oh, bisqwit, isn't creativity and inventing (and maybe cookies ;)) something you can identify with? *looks confused*
Yes ― in fact, when I took my first steps at programming in 1992, I used to pride myself of being full of ideas and creative. I even called myself an "ideator" of the one-man team that I formed at those times :) Somehow, I stopped feeling like that around the same time I started using a programming language other than BASIC. :-/ _________________________ It's not too late to reply to a post almost 2 years old when it's addressed to you. :)
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moozooh wrote:
Ten hours left until Large Hadron Collider activation. Do you think the result will be of global importance?
No. People are hoping for higgs bosons and fearing for earth-gobbling black holes or strangelets, but I think neither is going to happen. Don't ask why. Would be cool though, place a black hole in an electromagnetic container in a museum.
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Kuwaga wrote:
I've always thought getting into the past required exceeding the speed of light, hm..
Yes, if you attempt to do it with relativistic travel. However, other means may exist, such as a wormhole where a time differential between ends has been achieved by accelerating one end. Then sending something from the future end will emerge from the past end. Assuming wormholes aren't one-way and are traversable (even if with photons only) and the ends thereof can be moved separately. (But, creating an artificial wormhole may require something akin to collecting a blob of material having negative mass.)
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You have to pardon me, nfq, that I don't take your answers as God's word.
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Neophos wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
I don't like most jokes that put someone/a group into weird light, such as blonde/negro jokes or Chuck Norris jokes.
Does this include in-jokes about your friends, or just on a more general scale? Also, is it because you don't like jokes that are designed to (to some extent) insult other people, or simply because you don't find them funny?
I don't find them funny if the only "fun" in them is to insult someone. If the joke is creative and clever enough, I may still find it funny though.
Neophos wrote:
As a kind of follow-up question, what's your stance on political correctness and censorship relating to it? I don't know about how it is in Finland, but I know it's all over the place here in Sweden.
It's a hot topic around here as well. This year they managed to get the Internet censorship law through with the excuse of blocking access to child pornography sites. However, it was soon revealed that the anonymous official who maintains the blocking list has their own interpretations on the law. Blocked are several pornography sites (that are not child porn), and even sites that have nothing to do with pornography, just happen to share a DNS address with some site that has some page that has some comment form where a link to some child pornography site was posted. (Not to mention the fact that the censorship solves no problems at all.) But they are contemplating on extending the censorship to things like piracy sites (The Pirate Bay for instance), Internet gambling (Poker), etc. Then there's the fact that posting opinions can get one charged. Especially those that are in opposition to the official truth regarding multiculturalism ― the official truth being that multiculturalism enriches the culture and if the native population perceives a significant portion of (african) immigrants as muggers and criminals in general (which is supported by the police investigation statistics), it's because the native population "is not integrating well enough". For the same reason, most newspapers practise sorts of newspeak with news regarding immigrant incidents. I believe Swedish newspapers do the same. When they use the word "youth" or "youth groups", it almost certainly means somali groups. Though I don't know what you're referring to exactly with political correctness.
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AKA wrote:
So far scientists have managed to teleport light and are currently working on trying to teleport small objects, I wouldn't trust it because teleportation requires the subject to be melted and recreated.
Sorry, but as for an answer to my question, that's about as useful as IBM's prediction after seeing the computers that take dozens of cubic meters of room, that "there's probably need for about ten computers in the world in total". (Not an exact quote; I am paraphrasing.)
AKA wrote:
As for cloning, technically its already been done. Although not with all the same experiences intact. I doubt it could ever happen without side effects.
I meant the "create an identical copy of the live being", not growing a new organism from zero, type of cloning. Like Kage Bunshin, if you're watching Naruto :)
AKA wrote:
As Einstein pointed out getting into the past isn't the main problem, its getting back again, as getting back into the future requires exceeding the speed of light.<...> Interstellar travel<...>
Error EBOXED: Need more out-of-box thinking.
mr_robrets_z wrote:
Basically through slopes.
There are many different theories as for how it might have been accomplished, but as far as I know, there's no established & agreed theory yet. But that's of course an interesting one.
mmbossman wrote:
Please don't start/revive third party arguments in this thread.
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Raiscan wrote:
...and assuming it is not a continuation? (which was my original intent)
Well, there are plenty of questions I'd like to have an answer for. Most are scientific of nature. Such as -- Assuming teleportation is devised some time in the future, can a live human body be cloned (as an identical copy, with memories and all) without ill consequences? -- Which specific part(s) of human consciousness are not generated by the brain (and the rest of the biological body)? -- If a time machine is devised some time in the future, can it be used to change the history? Can it be used to change the future? Are there parallel universes? -- How were the pyramids built, really? Why are there pyramids in South America as well? -- Will interstellar travel be devised before the current human civilization expires / exhausts its resources? Spent 10 minutes thinking more, that's it for now.
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Raiscan wrote:
Are there any questions you frequently ask yourself (or any specific kind of questions)?
I will refrain from answering this question.
Raiscan wrote:
Are there any questions to which you don't know the answer, but one day hope to find out?
Assuming this is a continuation question to the previous one, I will also refrain from answering that as well. Sorry.
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LagDotCom wrote:
I can see that you're quite interested in languages and linguistics, and I thought it was quite amusing that nate (Nathan Jahnke of M2K2/SDA) also is. What do you think about that? :)
That is a funny coincidence. (Also, the first time I see his real name written.)
okaygo wrote:
favourite Pokémon?
Difficult to say. I used to have one or two, but I have forgot. If I had to pick one, I'd say Charmander or Ditto.