Hello! And happy new year, and everything.
Lately, I've been totally addicted to this Japanese puzzle game called Slitherlink. I spent a lot of time completing every puzzle in the game. Once I completed all of them, I noticed this extra menu option. But since the game is all in Japanese, I have no way of understanding what this is. I know there are at least a few people on here who can read this, so I request your help in getting me to understand better what's going on here. Are these randomly generated levels, are they bonus levels, what are they? I haven't found anything by Google, so my last hope is to ask myself.

This is the main menu. By experiments I'm guessing the rightmost boxes are something like "play", "tutorial" and "profile options". The left box is what I'm curious about. What does it say? Also, the icon-thing above it baffles me. I think it's some kind of ranking as it changes sometimes if I complete puzzles.

This is what I get if I click the mysterious option from the main menu. There are two options there I am mystified about. As far as I can tell, they do exactly the same. A puzzle is brought up which I have to solve. Can you tell me what those two boxes say?
This is what I get if I complete a puzzle in Mysterious Mode:

This I guess says something like "Completion!" which is what comes up in the normal playing mode when completing a puzzle. Only in this mysterious mode does *this* show instead. Then this shows up:

I'm guessing this says "saving game" but I can't be sure.
Lastly, this is what I think is the "profile options" thing (clicked on from the main menu). I know the upper option is to change the profile name. Can you confirm or deny that the bottom one is to delete the profile? It brings up a confirmation box and I'm not about to experiment by confirming it.

Any assistance is appreciated. And happy new year again!