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This movie is just crazy. Of all the movies ever submitted here, this one has to have the highest body count. Voting yes. Awesome job!
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Meh, who cares. :/
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I'm not sure if this is still being worked on, but anyway. I tested the newest version (ZSNESW_0219), and played the game called "Pac in time (U)" and it always desyncs if I use the pause feature. The save, reload and slowdown don't seem to cause desyncs, but if I pause while recording the movie, it desyncs there (even if I play at normal speed and don't save/reload at all). *hopes someone is still working on ZSNES*
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Even with savestates and whatnot, it is still extremely difficult to get even close to the world record times. You'd need intimate knowledge of the game before even beginning to imagine how to work out a TAS.
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No, I meant how the levels are arrenged in memory, so we could predict where you would end up if you could warp through the walls. Like that amazing Zelda:ALttP map that included the entire world in one map (Or was it two? One for the light world, another for the dark world...) that included absolutely everything, including unused and hidden rooms. I missed a fact earlier. This ladder glitch isn't as all-powerful as it first seemed to me. It apparently doesn't work on most ladders, you need two vertical blocks from the top down on either side. Those sorts of ladders are quite rare in this game.
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This is very nice. Do we now have to try this with every single staircase in the entire game to see where they might lead? It would help if someone could simply hack into the ROM and extract the map data...
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I'm sure it's a nice movie, and without question better than the existing one, but I don't know... 10-30 seconds is quite significant. If I were the author, I would want to improve this before someone else does. (didnt vote because I haven't watched)
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Very nice. I didn't think level 1 could be improved at all. I was a little worried that I had made my movie too perfect and you would feel discouraged about trying to improve it. I can see that that didn't happen. At least I hope not...
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Phil wrote:
Never use AVI's made with Famtasia to compare movies. Sorry but you have no choice but to use FMV to compare movies.
I'm not doing that run anymore, so it's not an issue. Even if I was continuing, I still wouldn't use Famtasia. I just won't use it again. Ever.
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Okay, so any game ideas? How about doing the Contra base levels (levels 2 and 4). They're incredibly hard to optimize, so we could do one room per week or something. I think those levels are the only reason there is not yet an updated movie for that game.
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Yeah, I didn't discover that little color weirdness until I had done about 8 levels or something. I don't know what's hard about the menu navigation. I press start for one frame on frame 0, then find the first frames when you press start, first to bring the start/continue menu up and then again to start the game. The best way to skip dialogue, I've found, is to simply alternate between A and B. That is, press A one frame, then B the next, etc. Since both buttons will fast forward and exit the dialogue, this will result in the fastest skip, since you always press either A or B on the optimal frame. Edit: Don't worry too much about improving the first 2 or 3 levels or so. I have reason to believe those are actually un-improvable. (of course, don't settle for slower, either) The later levels can probably all be improved a little. Actually, I don't really know, it's just a hunch. Edit: I'm sure you must have figured this out already but... You probably lost that frame by walking up-up-left-left rather than up-left-up-left. If you go straight, you waste the one frame of movement to the side that is normally used for whiplashing (as you call it). So what that means is that if you have to go two spaces horizontally and two spaces vertically, you save 1-2 frames by alternating between those directions rather than going all the way one way and then all the way the other way.
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Hmm. Well, I guess the route would be decided beforehand and the player would have to fulfill the requirements for their run to be valid (like get level 3 boomerang or something). If that's not feasible for some reason, I don't think that game would be a good candidate for this.
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Yes, I think you should pick one game, then have everyone go at 1 level at a time, continuing from the previous fastest movie, until the game is finished. It would be a nice mini competition AND might ultimately result in a published movie. I think people are not participating because they feel their efforts would be completely wasted once the competition is over. Maybe if they have a chance of their play being used in a popular TAS, more people would participate.
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What happened to Healblade? Anyway, I completed the first world, see if you can make it faster. :)
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Whew. Levels 3-5 done again. I'm glad I did that because I found a much better route in level 4. Edit: levels 01 - 08 are now done. I'm not sure if I'm going to do more. I want to at least wait a bit to see if someone comes up with better routes or something.
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Yes, that's the version I'm using. *downloads version 0.98.15* Yes, I get a desync in level 3 now. I guess I'll just redo from there. It's easy and quick since I already have the route down (at least I think I do). Did the colors get all dark and gloomy in that new version?
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It has worked fine for me, but for some strange reason it desynced in level 2 just now. I have NO idea why that happened, but it hasn't happened again. *confused*
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Well, at least not for now, and I don't want to discourage Healblade just yet (well, that was the idea anyway)... also, the levels get really tricky later on (I mean for making a TAS, not playing normally). I might continue later if there is interest, but I'm not saying I will run this game. Edit: yes, the current movie is in my previous post.
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Wow, why didn't I think of that for level 1. Amazing! I can see how a run of this game will be hard to make. Edit: it seems like for some odd reason, if you press start at or before the "irem" logo, it will disappear a few frames sooner, saving a tiny bit of time right at the start. Urgh... Not only did Baxter find a really good route for level 1, but level 2 seems to be faster as well. I'm going to redo levels 1 and 2 now. Edit: level 1 improved by 1 frame... sheeis! If it goes on like this, this movie will never be done. Edit: level 2 improved by ... 3 frames! Yay!!! Also, I managed to shorten the random time between levels, so at the end of level 2, it is 7 frames faster. Damn. Edit: I've done the first 5 levels and I'm not doing any more.
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Hi, I hope you continue with this run. I have made a quick run of the first 3 levels. It's not much but it is something to aim for. The first 2 might be improvable, but I am not sure how. I have a possible idea for level 3, though. If you could quickly manipulate the first 2 globules into lining up in the center, you could hit the P and make 2 bridges at once. Wouldn't save but a few frames I'm afraid, but might be worth investigating further (I didn't try for very long). Anyway here it is: As of the end of level 3, it is 229 frames (3.82 sec) faster than that WIP posted by "josh l.".
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I was thinking about creating a new thread myself, but I didn't bother to do so because I'm unmotivated to continue. At least for a while.
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Are you sure? It looks just about exactly the same to me. You can use the ball-launcer things as a comparison. They release three balls, then the boss dies as the fourth is *just* about to appear. Not a perfect timing method, but it shows that it is at least very close (0-3 frames).
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Argh. You gained the frame early in the level when you didn't have to jump over a bullet at frame ~1860-ish. You could do this because you didn't pick up the "rapid fire" powerup, so your bullet traveled slower and you were able to kill the guy before he was able to shoot. However, in my defense, I kill every enemy and every turret without wasting any time (more than that 1 frame). To be honest, I think it looks much awesomer (I know it's not a word) this way.
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Yes, I noticed some jumps seem to cost you 1 frame, so I'm jumping as little as I can. I had the impression that the game had already been squeezed dry of frames, but maybe not... I've finished level 1 at 4085 frames (when the guy disappears into the base) and I'm currently downloading the old avi file to compare (there is NO way I'm ever using Famtasia again).
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Okay, I'll try to improve Genisto's Contra movie. Don't get your hopes up, though. That movie is pretty tightly optimized and I'm not too sure I can improve it by even a single frame. :/ I will probably give up after the first level.