Posts for BountyHunterSAx

Joined: 12/8/2009
Posts: 2
So, I just want to respond to something said before - that serious Go players might be able to appreciate the absurdity of the AI? No - it's not just serious Go players. Literally *ANYONE* who has at least average IQ and spent 5-10 hours playing Go - - probably even less than that - - would NOT make the mistakes the AI made here. I have taught many, many, many new players Go; many people just casual observers who stopped by for 30minutes or so. . . and at the end literally *NONE* of them would have played so atrociously. It's just . . so antithetical to all instincts. It's like learning how to play chess, playing a couple games to 'get the hang of it', and then following up by suiciding your queen, your bishop, your rook, and your knight as fast as possible to capture your enemies' pawns. -AHMAD
Joined: 12/8/2009
Posts: 2
I've watched lots and lots and lots of TASes. Particularly of platformer games. I've got to say that this was without a doubt one of the most entertaining runs of a game that I've seen in quite a long time. That said there was the occasional second or two where it felt non-optimized. I have a feeling that the next TASer who comes along to improve on this run will find quite a large number of small improvements to make. Also, there should be a P-I-T-F-A-L-L run. . . although the 'good' ending is almost the exact same. -AHMAD