Posts for Branford

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Joined: 1/15/2006
Posts: 6
JXQ wrote:
I might as well post this here, just in case people check here but not the submission thread? Or more to wrap up the discussion of the current run. I'm done! The run is submitted here: Thanks again to everyone who supported my efforts, helped with suggestions and feedback, and all that good stuff.
JXQ, congratulations. You deserve!! Great job! You entered to the history of the game!!
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 1/15/2006
Posts: 6
Branford wrote:
Tailz wrote:
The link you gave to the Metroid Legacy site isn't working for me. I keep getting the '404: Page Not Found' error.
Same problem.... Anybody could upload the file to a free server..
Damm, quoting myself! Cause it's worked! Just copy the url and paste in your browser!
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 1/15/2006
Posts: 6
Tailz wrote:
The link you gave to the Metroid Legacy site isn't working for me. I keep getting the '404: Page Not Found' error.
Same problem.... Anybody could upload the file to a free server..
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 1/15/2006
Posts: 6
Graveworm wrote:
Maybe there should be a pure speed topic, a 100% topic and a "RBO" topic. People are getting confused.
I agree. Will these runs take too much time? I'm anxious to see! Good luck to evebody that is making the movies!
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Joined: 1/15/2006
Posts: 6
Saturn wrote:
hmmm very strange. Only reason could be that I loaded the playback from a wrong savestate which I did myself at around frame 111000 and until 168000 it did well. I try playbacking it from beginning without any savestates and if it still desyncs I will make a AVI of how the desync look like. The settings I use are the same as you told me. WIP1, volume envelope and sound samples BTW.
Maybe is it. I watched the movie from beginning...
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Joined: 1/15/2006
Posts: 6
EscapePlan9, i just watch the movie and it didn't desync for me. There's no problem with the smv file. Good job! ;)