Posts for Bsi

Experienced Forum User
Joined: 5/10/2008
Posts: 9
I'm trying to reduce compiled exe size not by exe compressers, I try to set entrypoint in G_main.cpp, I add "#pragma comment(linker, "/ENTRY:wWinMainCRTStartup")" and change "WinMain" to "wWinMainCRTStartup", but errors occur. I'm not good at Visual C++, only for hobby.
Experienced Forum User
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Posts: 9
Thanks again upthorn! Using gens 10a, it is because gens 10a can satisfies my needs now, and gens 11a's "ROM History" menu has a problem(
Experienced Forum User
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Posts: 9
I means which "dinput.lib" to use to compile gens 10a? The latest DirectX SDK doesn't contains "dinput.lib" file, but "dinput8.lib" file.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 5/10/2008
Posts: 9
Thank you very much! The 2nd question:Which version of "DirectX SDK" I should download to compile gens 10a? I'm solicitous about "dinput.lib" will bring some problems.
Post subject: Problems about compiling Gens Rerecording 10a
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 5/10/2008
Posts: 9
I do as SourcePatch\readme.txt said, and then run 10 to 10a.bat, but it remains showing message "patch -p0 10_10a.diff", I wait so long, and it seems no effect, why? And I encountered problem of "cannot open file 'dinput.lib'", I googled and downloaded for dinput.lib, then I extracted dinput.lib to "D:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (March 2009)\Lib\x86" directory and successfully builded gens.exe. But will this will bring some problems? Which version of "DirectX SDK" I should download?
Experienced Forum User
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Posts: 9
mz wrote:
I've never played the Genesis version of this game, but there seems to be a somewhat newer (8/13/08) and better patch here: Langrisser II English Translation Patch by M.I.J.E.T..
Thank you very much! I got it, it is a very good patch! Sorry for reply so late.
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Posts: 9
Sorry...My english is not so good. "not perfect" means that when I have beaten the last boss. The end is not translated. Therefore it also means the English translation is not perfect.
Post subject: When there will be a Perfect Langrisser 2
Experienced Forum User
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Posts: 9
I have downloaded a English rom of langrisser2,but it is not perfect. With Fatal font bug.......
Experienced Forum User
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Posts: 9
Gens Movie Test's 0-9 load keys can't be diabled,I want to disable these keys,I don't know if it is a bug,If it is a bug,I hope it will be fixed in later version.