Posts for Cauptain

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After your tip, I did several tests and found the problem is in Youtube encode, not the script (MP4 files are very good to watch). Comparing videos side by side the difference is really smallest. Thank you man Claudio
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Thanks for fast reply nano. Yes. My encodes aren't "fluid" (fighting games suffering) looks like various videos in forum. Its chopiness/stuttering Yep. I upload in H264 because size, my sources are RGB (Lagarith codec or UT video), all files 60.00 fps in default resolutions. Claudio
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Hello all, I'm struggling to know what correct order of filters to conversion 60 to 30. My script below: Download spoiler.avs
Language: avs

Import("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\deblink4.avs") LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\ExactDedup.dll") LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\mvtools2.dll") LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\mt_masktools-26.dll") AVISource("video.avi").ConvertToRGB32().AssumeFPS(60,1).deblink4.ChangeFPS(30) deblink4.avs=function deblink4(clip clp, float "ratio", int "level") { ratio = default(ratio, 2.0 /3) assert(ratio >= 0.0 && 1.0 >= ratio, \ "[deblink4] 1.0 >= ratio >= 0.0, it was " + string(ratio)) level = default(level, round(ratio * 257)) assert(level >= 0 && 257 >= level, \ "[deblink4] 257 >= level >= 0, it was " + string(level)) blink=clp.ng_blinkmask_new m01=mt_logic(blink.selectevery(4,0),blink.selectevery(4,1),mode="or").converttorgb32 m23=mt_logic(blink.selectevery(4,2),blink.selectevery(4,3),mode="or").converttorgb32 f0=layer(clp.selectevery(4,0),clp.selectevery(4,1).mask(m01),level=level) f1=layer(clp.selectevery(4,1),clp.selectevery(4,0).mask(m01),level=level) f2=layer(clp.selectevery(4,2),clp.selectevery(4,3).mask(m23),level=(257-level) ) f3=layer(clp.selectevery(4,3),clp.selectevery(4,2).mask(m23),level=(257-level) ) interleave(f0,f1,f2,f3) } function deblink3(clip clp){ blink=clp.ng_blinkmask_new m01=mt_logic(blink.selectevery(4,0),blink.selectevery(4,1),mode="or").converttorgb32 f0=layer(clp.selectevery(4,0),clp.selectevery(4,1).mask(m01)) f1=layer(clp.selectevery(4,1),clp.selectevery(4,0).mask(m01)) interleave(f0,f1,clp.selectevery(4,2),clp.selectevery(4,3)) } function ng_blinkmask_new(clip c,int "ml"){ ml=default(ml,128) src=c.ConvertToYv12 super=MSuper(src, pel=1) fvec =MAnalyse(super, isb=false, blksize=4) bvec =MAnalyse(super, isb=true , blksize=4) fmask=Mmask(src,fvec,kind=1,ml=ml).mt_binarize(u=-128,v=-128) bmask=Mmask(src,bvec,kind=1,ml=ml).mt_binarize(u=-128,v=-128) eo0_to =fmask.selectevery(2,1) oe_from=bmask.selectevery(2,1) front =mt_logic(eo0_to,oe_from,mode="and") oe_to =fmask.selectevery(2,2) eo_from=bmask.selectevery(2,2) back =mt_logic(oe_to,eo_from,mode="and") ee_src=src.selecteven ee_super=MSuper(ee_src, pel=1) ee_fvec =MAnalyse(ee_super, isb=false, blksize=4) ee_bvec =MAnalyse(ee_super, isb=true , blksize=4) ee_fmask=Mmask(ee_src,ee_fvec,kind=1,ml=ml).mt_binarize(u=-128,v=-128) ee_bmask=Mmask(ee_src,ee_bvec,kind=1,ml=ml).mt_binarize(u=-128,v=-128) ee_to =ee_fmask.trim(1,0) ee_from=ee_bmask ee =mt_logic(ee_to,ee_from,mode="or") oo_src=src.selectodd oo_super=MSuper(oo_src, pel=1) oo_fvec =MAnalyse(oo_super, isb=false, blksize=4) oo_bvec =MAnalyse(oo_super, isb=true , blksize=4) oo_fmask=Mmask(oo_src,oo_fvec,kind=1,ml=ml).mt_binarize(u=-128,v=-128) oo_bmask=Mmask(oo_src,oo_bvec,kind=1,ml=ml).mt_binarize(u=-128,v=-128) oo_to =oo_fmask.trim(1,0) oo_from=oo_bmask oo =mt_logic(oo_to,oo_from,mode="or") #to e0-o1, from o1-e2, nothing e0-e2 even_blink=mt_logic(front,ee.mt_invert,mode="and") #to o1-e2, from e2-o3, nothing o1-o3 odd_blink =mt_logic(back,oo.mt_invert,mode="and") interleave(even_blink, odd_blink).selectevery(1,-1) }
and Download spoiler.avs
Language: avs

Import("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\ng_deblink.avs") LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\ExactDedup.dll") LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\mvtools2.dll") LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files (x86)\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\mt_masktools-26.dll") AviSource("video.avi").ConvertToRGB32().ng_deblink(0.5).Selectodd ng_deblink.avs=function ng_deblink(clip clp, \ float "ratio", \ int "level", \ clip "blinkmask" \){ #Version 10 2012.04.22 blink = default(blinkmask, clp.ng_blinkmask()) ratio = default(ratio, 2.0 /3) assert(ratio >= 0.0 && 1.0 >= ratio, \ "[ng_deblink] 1.0 >= ratio >= 0.0, it was " + string(ratio)) level = default(level, round(ratio * 257)) assert(level >= 0 && 257 >= level, \ "[ng_deblink] 257 >= level >= 0, it was " + string(level)) m01=mt_logic(blink.SelectEvery(4,0), \ blink.SelectEvery(4,1), \ mode="or").ConvertToRGB32() m23=mt_logic(blink.SelectEvery(4,2), \ blink.SelectEvery(4,3), \ mode="or").ConvertToRGB32() f0=Layer(clp.SelectEvery(4,0), \ clp.SelectEvery(4,1).Mask(m01), \ level=level) f1=Layer(clp.SelectEvery(4,1), \ clp.SelectEvery(4,0).Mask(m01), \ level=level) f2=Layer(clp.SelectEvery(4,2), \ clp.SelectEvery(4,3).Mask(m23), \ level=(257-level) ) f3=Layer(clp.SelectEvery(4,3), \ clp.SelectEvery(4,2).Mask(m23), \ level=(257-level) ) Interleave(f0,f1,f2,f3) } function ng_blinkmask(clip clp, \ bool "TEST", \ bool "STABILIZE", \ bool "SHARP", \ bool "HYSTER", \ int "inpand", \ int "expand", \ int "ml" \){ #Version 10 2012.04.22 #BLINK # Blinking is a block that alternates on/off each frame # SelectEven would only see either the on or the off #FLASH # Flashing is a block that is only on for a single frame # SelectEven might miss the flash #SHAKE # Shaking is a block that moves back/forth each frame # SelectEven would only see one position # The goal of this function is to make a blink mask for use with # ng_deblink. For overly complicated scenes where a clean blinkmask # can't be found, just use TASBlend. Uniform softness looks better # than sharp artifacts. # This function calculates flash and shake info for the test script, # but those effects should be handled in different ways. # Flash - choose frames to make sure the flash is in your final clip. # Shake - SelectEvery(4,0,2,1,3) or SelectEvery(4,1,0,2,3) # SelectEvery doesn't generally work because it messes with the fluidity # of motion. But that won't be noticable on a shaking screen. # Be careful if 2 frame blinking is present, as the selectevery can turn # it into 1 frame blinking. TEST = default( TEST, false) STABILIZE = default(STABILIZE, true) SHARP = default( SHARP, true) HYSTER = default( HYSTER, false) inpand = default( inpand, 1) expand = default( expand, 1) ml = default( ml, 128) # The functions used to make the masks work in the YV12 colorspace. Once # the masks are created they can be used in the RGB32 colorspace direcly src=clp.ConvertToYV12() # Blinking is located by looking for blocks that don't exist in # consecutive frames. The motion vector will match blocks that exist in # both frames. The blocks that aren't in both will end up with huge # values that are picked out by the motion mask. super = MSuper(src, pel=1) fvec = MAnalyse(super, isb=false, blksize=4) bvec = MAnalyse(super, isb=true , blksize=4) fmask = Mmask(src, fvec, kind=1, ml=ml).mt_binarize() bmask = Mmask(src, bvec, kind=1, ml=ml).mt_binarize() blink = mt_logic(fmask, bmask, mode="and") # Blinking usually occurs against a stable background. This is found # by looking at blocks 2 frames apart. This distinguishes a blink from # blocks that are just changing every frame. ee_src = src.SelectEven() ee_super = MSuper(ee_src, pel=1) ee_fvec = MAnalyse(ee_super, isb=false, blksize=4) ee_bvec = MAnalyse(ee_super, isb=true , blksize=4) ee_fmask = Mmask(ee_src, ee_fvec, kind=1, ml=ml).mt_binarize() ee_bmask = Mmask(ee_src, ee_bvec, kind=1, ml=ml).mt_binarize() oo_src = src.SelectOdd() oo_super = MSuper(oo_src, pel=1) oo_fvec = MAnalyse(oo_super, isb=false, blksize=4) oo_bvec = MAnalyse(oo_super, isb=true , blksize=4) oo_fmask = Mmask(oo_src, oo_fvec, kind=1, ml=ml).mt_binarize() oo_bmask = Mmask(oo_src, oo_bvec, kind=1, ml=ml).mt_binarize() fmask_2 = Interleave(ee_fmask, oo_fmask) bmask_2 = Interleave(ee_bmask, oo_bmask) background = mt_logic(fmask_2.SelectEvery(1,1), \ bmask_2.SelectEvery(1,-1), \ mode="or") stable_blink = mt_hysteresis(background.mt_invert, blink) blink2 = (STABILIZE) ? stable_blink : blink # Shrinking the blink mask can get rid of noise, # too much will lose signal as well. blink3 = blink2.mt_inpand(mode=mt_diamond(inpand)) # Using just pixels that changed helps sharpen the mask diff = ng_diff(clp.SelectEvery(1,-1), clp) diff_2 = mt_logic(diff, diff.SelectEvery(1,1), mode="and") #Hysteresis # Matches continuous blocks of pixels. # Use with care, will match the whole screen on fades. hyster_blink = mt_hysteresis(blink3, diff_2) # Expand the mask to make up for shrinking it (or just use hysteresis) blink4 = blink3.mt_expand(mode=mt_circle(expand)) sharp_blink = mt_logic(blink4, diff_2, mode="and") blink5 = (HYSTER) ? hyster_blink : \ (SHARP) ? sharp_blink : blink4 # A flash won't match blocks 1 or 2 frames away. sub_flash = mt_logic(fmask_2, bmask_2, mode="and") flash = mt_logic(blink, sub_flash, mode="and") # A shake changes in one frame and changes back in the next. # This isn't detected by the motion vectors because the blocks exist in # both frames, they are just shifting around. same = ng_same(clp.SelectEvery(1,-1), clp.SelectEvery(1,1)) shake = mt_logic(same, diff_2, mode="and") (TEST) ? stackhorizontal(clp, mergeRGB(blink5, flash, shake)) \ : blink5.GreyScale() } function ng_diff(clip A, clip B, int "thr"){ thr=default(thr,0) TAD=ng_TAD(A,B) return mt_binarize(TAD, threshold=thr) } function ng_same(clip A, clip B, int "thr"){ thr=default(thr,0) TAD=ng_TAD(A,B) return mt_binarize(TAD, threshold=thr, upper=true) } function ng_TAD(clip A, clip B){ R=ng_AD(A .showRed("YV12"),B .showRed("YV12")) G=ng_AD(A.showGreen("YV12"),B.showGreen("YV12")) B=ng_AD(A .showBlue("YV12"),B .showBlue("YV12")) return ng_plus(R, ng_plus(G, B)) } function ng_AD(clip A, clip B){ return mt_lutxy(A,B,"x y - abs") } function ng_plus(clip A, clip B){ return mt_lutxy(A,B,"x y +") }
Its ok? I'm also sending a video sample to know which filters to use. SAMPLE.AVI Thank you Claudio
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Joined: 11/29/2010
Posts: 8
Aktan wrote:
I'm sorry, but I don't do HD encoding (much). If I do HD encoding, it be an emulator that outputs resolutions that high, like N64. There is an example script in the HD encoding guide you can follow at:
Once again, many tks Aktan. I will try HD script from link. But for 3D emulators I use a FRAPS with Highest settings from EPSXE or Project64. Claudio
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Hello Aktan What is your setup for .avs HD videos? Could you please post? Tks Claudio
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Aktan wrote:
Since the plugin is already in the Avisynth's plugin directory, this would work:
Thank you very much, work like a charm.
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Aktan wrote:
I'm not sure of what you are asking. Could you rephrase the question?
I like to see a complete .AVS using pointsize plugin.
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Joined: 11/29/2010
Posts: 8
Hello everybody, I tried using the plugin pointsize but I can not work. Could someone post an AVS settings completing the following example:
AVISource ("C: \ ssf2t.avi", audio = true) ConvertToRGB32 () loadplugin ("C: \ Program Files (x86) \ AviSynth 2.5 \ plugins \ pointsize.dll)
Tks for all