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It should be noted that my .m64 is incomplete, it stops just before the 1t robot is reached. The score isn't improved any (I hadn't reached any score improving sections yet) but it's more technically precise, and is faster, because I entered Corneria optimally and I boosted more. Besides that, not much is different besides how I go about doing things.
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Certainly. You can make more enemies appear by going off the beaten path and doing something, like go through an archway, or slip around a building, etc. There are a few of these "sweet spawn spots" that score runners go to to make more enemies. Archways, holes, buildings, obstacles, which of your teammates are dead; these can all trigger more enemies to appear on the screen. You just have to go out, find them, and know to do a certain something/go a certain someplace, and kill the ships that appear.
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Ohhhhhh, the Clancer will answer it if I wait too long? Ah, that does save time, I was going to just test every single answer, but that seems much easier. Thanks! What will be a drag is knowing the first possible frame to grab the balls. Also, if altering what frame I enter will affect the questions asked, to try and manipulate as many one digit answers as possible. (is that even doable?)
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Plugin problem. gln64 does not seem to do some of the things that it should; the boulder in 4-01 is still invisible, and the stage is graphically worse now, because the middle of the screen is a dark circle and the rest is brighter, creating the opposite affect of how the stage should be. However, the other things that it was supposed to fix works wonderfully; this is especially noticeable in world 2, where indoors everything is so much closer to what it should look like. There's more color to lots of the platforms. Also, the Math Fun questions are not rendering; I don't know if this was supposed to be fixed with this plugin (based on Nitsuja's wordings, it seemed like they would be.) When I eventually get there it'll be tedious using rerecords to figure out the answer to each question, but on an audience viewpoint it'll just look like I'm grabbing randomly at numbered balls (the entertainment of that event is reduced from not being able to see the answers. It adds impressiveness that the TASer gets the right answer, but still.) Is there anyone willing to take a look at the plugin and modify it to be even better? (just needs 4-01 fixed and mathfun to show questions.) (Source). Having the unnatural lag in some stages like 2-03, 2-08, dash events, etc. removed would be nice, but I suspect that to be more of a ROM problem than the plugin. Plugin wise, I am continuing to record using Jabo's 1.6, especially since I encode each stage I complete individually. I have experienced problems encoding with the gnl64 (as I mentioned before) but I did more tests getting worse results. I still stand that submitting it with the .m64 having Jabo's, but recommending using the 4.1.1 to watch/encode. 4.1.1 is FULLY synch compatible with Jabo's, so no one should get any desynchs whatsoever; I even had Halamantariel hex to swap the .m64 header to have 4.1.1, and the movie played to the end. Progress wise, I am starting 2-07 Tight Rope Ride, and the trend of improving every stage so far (except 1-10) is still going strong. I have a hunch this trend might start getting harder to hold in world 3, but we shall see. If all goes well, the deadline of "submit before 2008 comes" will be met. I just know that something or other will cause it to take longer, but fingers crossed and hope for the best.
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Wow, these are cool. Are you going to do a full TAS of all courses in stunt mode and submit?
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Nice improvement there, yes vote
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This game uses the ExP Pak so it might desynch frequently... however it would require testing. Definitely a game I played in arcades a lot when I was younger.... I should get the ROM and check it out, I don't think I experimented with it during the days of "N64 Wishlist" so I'd have to see what plugins work best, if the game is runnable/suitable, etc. The N64 version supports up to 4 players in simultaneous mode... would extra players speed things up with shortcuts, ala Mario Kart 64?
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Well, Xenos said it wasn't, but I hope it becomes one. Adelikat did another version for his Glover run, using increased precision, new techniques, fixing mistakes, and memory watching; the run turned out so much better and received much better praise. I'd recommend doing the same thing and submitting a faster, better, more entertaining version 2; it will have a much better reception. Getting memory addresses shouldn't be too hard with L-Spiro's MHS (I'd recommend speed, x/y/z pixel positions, etc.)
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That looked noticeably faster; the plane section, as well as the race itself. I highly encourage you to fully work on a v2.
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For the rupees, no matter where/when you are, the "rupee set" (i.e. what you will get) is determined by frame number. frame 11234 you'll get 3 rupees, 11234 1 rupee, 11236 nothing, 11237 1 rupee, etc. (for example.) So stand near the bush, and vary what frame you press B. Also, if you redo and use gln64, you know, I'll be able to watch your .m64's.
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Excellent job. But I suspect that you can save a few frames somewhere; I'd keep hunting until you find them, since I'm almost certain that there's still room for improvement to be found.
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A bot probably cannot think outside the box to create some intriguing solutions to a problem; you give it specific parameters, and it finds the best solution from that. A human can probably let his/her mind wander and think of something completely different. I don't think a bot can make entertainment during waiting periods. There's 2 examples where this is not the case: Gradius, and Pulseman (I think?) where a bot was used to create pseudo-random input during entertainment segments; but in general I think a human can understand better of what an audience wants to see and would be entertained by, and personally know the game, what it's limits are, and how to push those limits in an entertaining fashion. Bots can theoretically test routes better, but that takes massive amounts of time and processing power, which humans can do easier with some paper, pencil, free time,whatever it is they use (sometimes even in their head.) When finding glitches, a human can look at something and say "hey, I wonder if this will work/can I use this method to do this, which I'm ordinarily not supposed to do/Hey, that wasn't supposed to happen." I don't think bots can dance to the music.
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You made many, many major mistakes. I'm sorry, but it's not even close to being comparable to meepers' finished Corneria, nor hers/my .m64. To get a sense of why this is, you need to have watched her movie. She gets a score of 337 on Corneria, you didn't even get half that. The reaosn is that you need to use Charged Up Shots to hit an enemy or group of enemies with the blast radius of the CUS, nit a direct hit. This nets +2 points per hit, unlike the +1 per hit you were getting. She was also making better ship spawns, and milking points out of the robots. You also missed many, many enemy ships. 363 rerecords isn't even enough for 30 seconds of gameplay. My .m64 has 3,000 once it reaches the first robot; meepers' redid Corneria so many times that the number of rerecords probably exceeded over 10k. So it's a good attempt, but nowhere close to the quality that this site is looking for/used to. You can certainly keep trying. Download the two .m64's of Corneria (mine and meepers') watch what we do, and see if you can match that.
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I'm all for the Pats, always have been. My dad read me the list of new comers this season, and the list is astonishing. I'm really bummed about the cheating scandal, especially since it's my own team that is guilty but eh these things happen in sports.
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2 pointers: Like Angerfist, I've also TASed this game briefly, albeit the FDS version. It was a nightmare, I was always a few frames behind Michael Fried and I agree it is a very difficult game to do. The published run took 1.8 years. Keep that in mind as a gauge of how much effort it would require.
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"3 days... 3 days... 3 days..." Once again, I am late to see a highly anticipated run be submitted. maybe I should disappear all the time ;-) Where to start? I have been waiting a long time to see this come to completion, and now that it's here... I am at a loss of words. It's just fantastic. I'm in complete agreement with AKA, the reasons it should get a star is well justified. Big yes vote from me. Kudos, man. Kudos.
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Let's compare frame numbers then. The very first frame of the cutscene where Link is opening the chest; you see the chest on the side like this: For me, this is frame 15979.
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This reminds me so much of Rube Goldberg inventions. One of those vertical scrolling ones in the Boo house was just insane with the planning needed to go into it.
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Noticeable improvements, yes vote.
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Paused wrote:
You should have seen comicalflops first TAS. Sure it was great in the end, but he restarted the game from mid way through (ish) about 9 times. His TAS skills are due more to dedication, than pure talent. Thats the point, TAS take gaming skills out of the equation. (Not sure if it sounds like I am but just in case... This is not a Bash against comicalflop in anyway.)
You've hit the nail on the head, couldn't have said it better. (you are not bashing me, it was very well put, accurate, and not demeaning in any way.) And DKC2 102% needs a redo anyways, because Arne's any% brings new standards that my first run didn't match. You improve with time; I wasn't fully confident in myself with optimization until Feb when I started MK64, 7 months after I joined.
ZeXr0 wrote:
It's pretty hard to compare your run with comicalflop, that's the TASer that takes the more time to improve things. You shouldn't care too much, sure comicalflop will be faster when it's finished, but I won't be this year.
Old news, I'm not working on OoT anymore. (I'll be helping out where I can though.) My work up to where I stopped is still going to be in Guano's version however.
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Here's there be scary WIPs I'm pretty sure it is still linked a few pages back. Microstorage has this habit of not disappearing, unlike other upload hosting sites.
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Just a reminder to everyone, I hate this game's guts now. Discontinued. There's maps, there's WR vids to follow, and I posted many discoveries of how to save time... meaning anyone can pick this up with little trouble. Feel free to talk with me if you want to or need info.
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What I did was keep backwalking until the first frame where I could backflip onto the hill, which wasted a few frames I think. What I recommend, which might save time, is as soon as you collect the rupee, roll to your diagonal left (i.e. if Link is facing away from the hill, the analog should be down and left.) Roll as close to the hill at a spot where you can get onto the hill in one backflip. That might save a few frames. (I was a major fan of "sidehop-sidehop" and mostly figured that rolling is useless. It isn't, but it's difficult to describe how I innately know places where it can be handy.)
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You can backwalk in it though, but it's very unreliable and it's very hard to put the analog to make Link run at 100% speed backwards. I tested over a hundred different angles and approaches in brushing past the table and rolling out, and what I had was the fastest possible. Will watch the WIP later. Edit: bkDJ is absolutely right, there's no need to go so far into the corner. Once you've sidehopped up the hill, and turned the corner (which by the way, you took too long in readjusting your angle and start backwalking, it should only take 3-4 frames), you can backwalk in a straight line towards the rupees, then keep backwalking into the hill and backflip up onto it.
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I do not think so. From what I remember, Arne described pushing through walls when running vertically up walls as Baby Mario. This movie is done with Yoshi, and banks on being pulled against the wall and tapping left frantically.
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