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laughing_gas wrote:
GuanoBowl wrote:
Thats no biggie.
Well, if it keeps desynching, the encoders will never get it published, you know?
no, that would only happen if the desynchs went unchecked. if it desynchs, someone points it out, you go back, you fix it.
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Post subject: because I know this OoT game so damn well.....
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it desynched in Hyrule Field, just before you did the second super slide. the bomb exploded into the shield, and you were left crouching, shield at the ready.
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laughing_gas wrote:
I'm not sure if the tas can beat the elite's records, since many of them spend hours every day playing and a lot of the levels are extremely luck-based (the hostages in frigate, for example)
I don't want to sound nit picky, but that description tells me a TAS will beat the elite's records. 1) It doesn't matter how many hours they plug in; RT still has rerecording and savestates. He has frame precision that they don't; by default he should beat their times by overcoming human skill and reflex. 2) TASes manipulate luck.
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standing on top of the ball and walking backwards is not as fast as turbo bouncing it, and is much harder to control.
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Finally took me forever to watch through the whole thing in order to see Deku Palace to the end of the last WIP. Even though my settings are screwed up from trying to get Yoshi Story to work (Thanks Raiscan! ^^) I was able to watch from beginning to end. I look forward to the WIP (which be especially nice since now I have a working savestate.)
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Senthryl wrote:
[*]100% Completion [*]Defeat final boss [*]Take no damage [/list]
I just remembered; in some cases it is faster to take damage. For instance in one level where you are king Dee Dee, and you use the fire enemy's breath to boost you upwards.
Tragedy wrote:
I'd either love to see this run made, or I'd like to do this run ^_^ I'm horrible with N64 TASing (I did a few test runs with Quest 64... not good), but since it's sidescrolling, it'd be a lot easier for me. Plus it's not an RPG so I can actively show things off! If need be, of course. I don't want to be swamped with projects (especially if people want to see KDVG done), so I'll wait on this.
This game is very forgiving; like Mischief Makers, it uses only the D-Pad. This game unfortunately doesn't have much room to show off; most of the time you have to move right as fast as possible. There are some areas, like bosses and single rooms with enemy's to kill/objectives to accomplish, where you can show off, but for the most part it's run right, jump, and use Fire+Fire.
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No, different categories can exist for numerous games. and be sure to always check that you don't contradict yourself in your own post.
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I do not believe there to be an as of yet functioning start from SRAM option, only start from savestate which is not allowed. the other ideas you mentioned sound appealing. picking away at this list one ROM at a time. there's been a few new updates, as always be sure to edit in (or inform us) of ones you test.
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SaxxonPike wrote:
So is this a level-by-level process to discover the best shortcuts and techniques? And has anyone started from square 1 as of yet?
yes, to some extent. Individual levels are being run to 1)provide us entertainment and 2) find the TAS benchmark for the run to beat. Rising Tempest is working on the actual run slowly but surely.
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I'd like to be the first to welcome you to! I myself always enjoyed the game and its nice music and familiar Kirby elements. the slow speed did turn me off from running it though. I hope you've downloaded my WIP, as there's a few things in there (some techniques, solutions that are faster, etc.) that you could study from. Things like sliding before each room transition (the room transition cancels the slide pause, as does sliding off edges) and other time saving things, like getting the bomb+fire combo better, and getting the crystal in the water. This is a good first test run, especially for your first TAS attempt. (my first attempts were craptacular.) Good luck with this, I'll be sure to help out as much as I can/you need.
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every 1000th post is meaningful, no matter the content. welcome to the 1000+ club. apparently you can also cartwheel. I'll fiddle around with and see if it's a good move.
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haha. see? our wishlist project IS good for something! make a test run or some other initial progress and I'll post it on the site. gln64 worked fine with 1080. Jabo's should also as well. this probably comes from playing too much SSX tricky and such, but is there some sort of score run possible with this game?
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Excite Bike 64, Top Gear Hyper Bike and 1080 snowboarding do not live up to the hype I read about just from me never playing them before and not looking deeply into it. however, all 3 are very runnable with no glitches/problems (Top gear games are Exp Pak though) so these are potentially runnable if you're into racing/stunt games of this type. My bet is that Wave Racer 64 would have the most TAS potential of the non-car racing games.
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Last I heard, I found faster ways to climb the ropes, and this motivated Nibelung to start working on it again.
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Tragedy wrote:
Believe it or not, I have actually found a picture of Funguy!
You sir, have just made my day.
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you breezed through this game, not stopping or slowing down for anything, much like MMX1. You also kept it incredibly fast paced and exciting. of course you have my YES vote.
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adelikat wrote:
I intend this to be an "any%" run. This game has great potential for shortcuts, but getting all those items would negate most of them.
Fair enough. That's a good reason on its own.
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I am not joking: just tonight I made a test run for Quake 2. yours is probably better. However, my run desynched, and this was with only 1 rerecord. that, plus major transparency issues makes me believe this might not be as good as it potentially could've been.
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I did some testing. fastest form of movement is having turbo B and bouncing the ball basketball style. 2nd fastest is holding the ball in your hand normally and rolling it on the ground, and slightly slower than that is jumping on top and running on it backwards. Is this going to collect all question mark cards or just enough to proceed to next level? Edit: did more testing, reversed the fastest forms of movement
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jaysmad wrote:
People i would like to see:
    Kitsune JXQ Maximus Saturn Funguy10 :P
Come on you guys, don't be shy!
Saturn has a pic of him in his personal webpage. it has a slight resemblance to Bisqwit actually. (not completely, but same hair, facial figure, physique, etc.) JXQ did post his pic way back, but took it off.
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Bisqwit wrote:
erokky wrote:
Don't be deceived by appearances. The main attraction of this photo is the poster in the background (no offence)!
Not the turtle? Aww.
the turtle was scalvaged, and taped back to it's former glory.
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2 years ago, grand canyon: me rescuing poor baby CVS trash bags from trees: Me unshaven and a hottie: edit: pic replaced to be easier on the eyes.
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AngerFist wrote:
but I have already seen and slept with Baxter, spezzafer
o_O? dare I ask?
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You forgot nitsuja, Genisto, Baxter, spezzafer. There's a few other greats I'm curious to see a picture of.
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The Super Mario Kart Physics page has in game data, taken from memory values, listing the top speed values, both on-road and off, of all characters.
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