Posts for CoolKirby

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That kind of run would be a "tool-assisted superplay", which still shortens to TAS.
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sudgy wrote:
I personally think that you shouldn't vote on a game you haven't played, especially this one.
I haven't played this game, but I voted Yes. In fact, I vote Yes to many submissions of games I haven't played. Why shouldn't members like me be able to vote Yes and share a positive comment on a run of a game we haven't played before?
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This was an interesting run. There is definitely a lot more time spent watching cutscenes than blasting through each level. I haven't played the game before but I still enjoyed watching this and didn't find it repetitive because the solutions varied for each stage. I also liked all the cursor movements when the goo balls weren't moving. Also, it's wii game! Yes vote.
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SSBM is just a game that seems to be prone to desyncs no matter how desync-proof other games are in newer Dolphin revisions. Just check your work often for desyncs (from the beginning) so you'll have less of your run to redo when you run into a desync.
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I agree with Derakon and Rolanmen1. Leave the HUD on, but turn the helmet and hints off.
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To TAS with Dolphin, you will want to use 3.0-678 or later, as those are the most sync-stable with GameCube controller input. I would not recommend the old 3.0 release. Also, it is possible to use a real GameCube controller through an adapter in Dolphin. Just map the buttons in the GCPad menu.
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NitroGenesis wrote:
feos wrote:
He's saying that he thinks the run is "totally boring, totally boring, totally boring".
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Voting Meh. The run looks unoptimized, but you can improve it if you try. In the meantime, this is good enough to be published.
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But the Wii U will have HD, won't it? 1080p HD? Well, I know I'm going to buy the Wii U anyway, because I will want to play Pikmin 3 and my siblings will want to play New Super Mario Bros. U with me, and I'm also a pretty big Nintendo fan. None of Nintendo's other systems have let me down; I don't think this one will either.
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I agree with feos that the stopping after a jump hurts the pace of the run. Did you test constantly jumping and make sure it's not faster?
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Unoptimized, no vote. Also, 1616 rerecords is too low. You need to take your time and optimize a run like this before submitting it. I would be interested in an optimized run of this category, or even better, a warpless run.
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A little boring since you couldn't switch weapons or move around much during downtime without the game lagging, but still a good run. I'm glad you decided not to take damage too; it looks more impressive in this game. Yes vote.
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
(..)You're telling me that 50 million screaming fans are never wrong
When did I ever say that? I just asked why you hated the battle system, since I don't see anything wrong with it.
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What's wrong with the battle system? It's simple yet it tells you everything you need to know. Mother 1's is definitely dated with the black background, but 2 and 3 have really nice colorful backgrounds that set the mood for the opponent you're fighting. It's a classic, visually pleasing design and I really like it. I haven't played any modern RPGs though, so I don't know what a "modern" battle system would look like.
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The Mario with Famtasia wrote:
I know about the legal issues. But if a compilation or a rerelease got released (I know it won't), I know it would sell well. *sigh* Oh well...
Oh yes, lots of people would love to buy a Wii/3DS compilation. It's too bad they don't seem to realize that.
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Derakon wrote:
It'd only be a scam if they were trying to trick you into thinking that their site was the real site.
That's what I was thinking. I thought someone was trying to pass it off as the real site but was charging money for making an account, downloading the movie files, etc., but got caught and had to sell it. I think your explanation is more likely though.
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The Mario with Famtasia wrote:
It'd be nice if there'd be a compilation of the Mother series for the Wii, Wii U, or/and 3DS. I'm a huge fan of the Mother/EarthBound series.
It would be great, but it's not very likely. Nintendo of America can't re-release EarthBound because there are several references to copyrighted material in the game, and they would face lawsuits if they released the game now. But they don't want to bother with the Mother series anyway because they don't think it will sell well.
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The Mario with Famtasia wrote:
I play EarthBound on an emulator. Pretty soon I may get the cart, and I have a SNES.
I play it on an SNES emulator for the Wii with a GameCube controller. Savestates don't seem to work, so it's like playing it on a real console. I almost got an SNES and the game, but all the EarthBound carts on eBay are really expensive.
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EarthBound's currently my favorite, but I haven't played Chrono Trigger yet.
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Hegyak's right; they all look like that now. But I wonder why that domain name even exists. Did someone buy it to use it for a scam?
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Nice improvement. I like the new Burnside Portland levels. Yes vote.
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
Wow, that looks better than mine. Good job.
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The file was submitted as a ".bkm" but the publication page says "BizHawk movie file (.tas)". Shouldn't that link be updated with the new, better extension?
Post subject: Re: no sync
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sack_bot wrote:
lt wont sync
Did you use the GB (U) ROM with VBA24? It synced fine for me.