Posts for DK64_MASTER

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I do notice the slightest amount of lag (most noticeable to me right after mario opens the basement door). But i doesn't bother me. I wouldn't have noticed it if you hadn't told me. In fact, I very well could be imagining it since you told me it exists. FYI, I'm using VLC on a fairly modern machine (1.8GHz Pentium M).
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What about a tetris block on any "death mode" game type?
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Post subject: Re: Fastest videogame character?
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Randil wrote:
EDIT: It should be pointed out that zipping through walls does not count as "top speed" here, since that is not a "programmed" top speed. But we could have a small tournament there too, if there's any interest in it. :P (though Mega Man 1 will most likely win that fight.)
What about mario from super mario world using yoshi to jump through walls with a spring... Or what about Mario's vertical velocity on a spring in general? Or mario in a slanted pipe?
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laughing_gas wrote:
My SMB2 tas could be ~41 frames faster depending on how the frame rule works...
Improvable by only 40 frames, my ass! Good job!!
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<Burns> I pickled the figs myself.
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So what game(s) should be on the list of candidates? I assume, all wips, whether significant or not should be posted on the forums, as IRC chat cannot really be preserved for others... Obviously [some of] the really popular games have quite optimal TASes, butI can't really think of any game that I'd like to participate in at the moment...
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Post subject: Re: #1717: skamastaG, Fabian, jimsfriend, JXQ's SNES Super Demo World in 19:07.55
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NesVideoAgent wrote:
Now tell me is the movement that mario does in this movie not unlike MC Hammer's Hammer Slide? Fastforward to 1:43 in this video.
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You told this to Tompa, right? This question was raised 2 nights ago...
<DK64_MASTER> jxq <DK64_MASTER> tompala is on crack? <DK64_MASTER> <Tompala> I think the regular Yoshi appears faster if you make an invis one appear as well, is that correct? <DK64_MASTER> msw time saver? <JXQ> DK I have no idea what tompa is talking about <JXQ> would be easy to test though. my guess is that it's slower if anything
It was mentioned, but I think we glossed over this detail. If it is actually faster, then I guess we have 1 glaring error. I haven't tested this myself.
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Super Demo World 15 exit now has a run that matches the quality and entertainment of the Super Mario World run 11 exit. I applaud everyone's extraordinary work put in to this run. I saw the run develop from the very beginning, and I was impressed every step of the way. I think this run will stand for a long while, unless we find a way to glitch Yoshi through pipes, and/or get him through Bowser Star World. Favorite moments: Crystal Star World Yoshi damage, Disappearing p-switches in Misty Star World, (and the 1 fish), and the Bowser fight with the mushroom juggling. I can't believe you guys improved mrz's run so much! He improved the previous run by a small amount of time (1.5 seconds), and you shattered this by an amazing 23+ second improvement!! That's 16 times the improvement! Oh yeah... STOP! HAMMERTIME!
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Post subject: Re: Me and my ocarina
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Warp wrote:
Wow, that was pretty awesome. I'm impressed :). I think was able to make out each of the songs within a few seconds of listening to the music. I'm 99% confident in my answers, but they'll be posted here. Highlight to see. 1) Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring introduction 2) The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. 3) Yankee Doodle Dandy 4) Celine Dion's "My Heart will Go on"
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Bisqwit wrote:
Also, rewriting other people's words is an offense towards those whom you misquote; it is badmouthing them.
It was just a joke, I didn't think it was offensive. I thought it was a humorous way to imply that using Windows 98 is very uncommon.
moozooh wrote:
DK64_MASTER wrote:
If it still complains, I kill explorer.exe, go to task manager, say file new task "run," and then cd to the file I want to delete. That has never failed me.
That closes all explorer-related windows and a half of otherwise uninvokable tray applications. This is, from what I remember, the worst way to deal with that problem aside from rebooting.
Well, if you can't delete something you are going to reboot anyways. There is the problem of losing Explorer related Windows, but as soon as you re-invoke explorer.exe your startup tray icons should come back. I don't know about you, but I don't have any icons in the tray that I run after windows boots, so it doesn't present a problem to me. So in my case, the worst case scenario is you losing an explorer window. The notepad thing is a good idea, but then you lose avi if your initial plan is just to move it to a new directory. If you want to move the avi to a new directory, I guess you could copy it, and then delete it. This method is superior to mine. Thanks for the tip. I find installing an application (unlocker) that I only use once in a blue moon annoying, and after you uninstall it, you still have to reboot to get rid of the explorer extension (not sure if you have an option to not install that thing to begin with).
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RT-55J wrote:
I've had problems I use Windows 98.
Fixed. I didn't know that anyone still used such an old OS to watch AVIs, among other things. To make this post have substance... I also used to use unlocker. Now I just use the command prompt. If it still complains, I kill explorer.exe, go to task manager, say file new task "run," and then cd to the file I want to delete. That has never failed me.
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Fabian, Oh Wise one, If TASvideos were to form its own country and government, and you were chosen as leader, what positions would you appoint other members to? Feel free to take this in a humorous or serious fashion.
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I liked the improvement to the glitched run, the input was cool too, but nothing spectacular ;). Voting yes.
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That Homer Simpson one really is awesome :).
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Awesome wip (at least, I hope it's a wip) :)
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Ash Williams wrote:
How reasonable would it be to set a TAS bot to work on arkanoid?
I think that this is very reasonable. Given you know the position, speed, and trajectory of the ball at a given time -- which I believe would be some memory addresses in RAM, along with the layout of the remaining blocks -- more addresses, you could calculate where the ball is going to be at any time in the future. That actually would be very interesting to see. I made a bot a long time ago with the concept of it being a user created state machine. A bot of this type wouldn't quite be universal because it would require human logic to program it's goals (i.e. should we mash buttons randomly, or move is a certain direction?), but it could be close. I believe that most games we play can be broken down into a series of yes/no conditions. If we know what the goals are, we could write a decision tree large enough to get to that goal, as well as handle any obstacles in our way.
Is this relevant to this discussion? Alden made a bot that "survives" the first 100 frames of arkanoid in real time. This topic has kind of lost its steam, though.
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Thanks for the youtube video, it wasn't too bad quality (for being youtube). I was disappointed that the movie was so choppy, meaning, it didn't flow well. This was not just because of the competition rounds, but just the overall feel of the run. Yes, I understand that the choppiness was necessary due to you getting the highest speed I really believe this movie is better suited to a concept demo, getting high scores, doing a lot of the secret bonuses (blue things), etc. But then again, score attack videos are available on you tube. It would have to be some balance of tricks/style, with speed not as the primary objective. I just believe the game is not that suitable for TASing. I vote no, but am impressed with how fast the movie is.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Maybe Chamale's saying that those blocks aren't in the original Super Mario World. But they're based on the ones from Super Mario Bros. 3, so I give them a pass. I mean, they've got a quarter note on them, and they're bouncy. I didn't associate quarter notes with bounciness before, but I do now! and raccoons with flying
Bouncy blocks are present in SMW. Look at Forest of Illusion 1, for example. I think Chamale was refering to the "zipper" blocks that make mario accelerate in speed.
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If you can fully recover each individual salt and sugar crystal to what it was before the bag was mixed, I say go ahead and dissolve to your heart's content. (If you didn't get the hint, the answer is no).
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I have a bag of salt, and a bag of sugar. They are of arbitrary size (the sizes of the bags do not matter). I mix the two bags vigorously. What is the best way re-isolate the salt and sugar without changing the state of either (i.e. you can't use melting points to your advantage)? Is this possible without analyzing each grain of salt/sugar?
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Having seen up through Pinnacle Rock, I can clearly say I vote a resounding yes. My favorite part (from what I've seen) is overall route. I hear you're planning a version 2? If so, I'll be curious to see how much time can be saved from optimizations alone (unless there's a route change). Hopefully you can skip the skull kid log cutscene with fewer bombs/chus next time :).
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I thought the 3ball powerup got a bit repetitive after a while, and would have liked to seeen the lazer on some of the silver/gold levels. But as a whole, I was entertained. Voting yes.
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Why do we have to deal with "what is essential" when discussing linearity and nonlinearity? Surely we shouldn't restrict ourselves to such a paridigm.
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Yeah, the average gamer will be coaxed into doing some of the sidequests (for example, everyone always wants to upgrade their sword in Majora's Mask). Majora's Masks' sidequests were unique as almost every sidequest (and there were a lot of them) served a true purpose. Each mask would help advance the main plot story, and make the whole moon crashing into Termina scenario seem more dire. For example, you learn that the Butler's sun had died, you hear the sorrows of Anju and Kafei, and how the whole town revolves around the union of these couples. Sure you could just play all 4 temples, beat Majora, but I'm quite certain that the average gamer would want to explore. Techincally the side quests weren't part of the main adventure, but they surely made the game. In that respect, I don't think you can apply your definition of linearity to games that expect you to be involved in a deep sidequest. Just my opinion. From a purely theoretical point you are completely correct, but I think taking view from the "average" gamer point of view would be more relevant to this discussion.
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