| wiringPi | GPIO | Phys | Name | Mode | To/From |
| 0 | 17 | 11 | GPIO 0 | IN | N/C |
| 1 | 18 | 12 | GPIO 1 | IN | Read serial (Phys 8) |
| 2 | 21 | 13 | GPIO 2 | IN | N/C |
| 3 | 22 | 15 | GPIO 3 | OUT | N/C |
| 4 | 23 | 16 | GPIO 4 | IN | N/C |
| 5 | 24 | 18 | GPIO 5 | IN | NES latch, ~? kHz |
| 6 | 25 | 22 | GPIO 6 | OUT | Out to Phys 7 |
| 7 | 4 | 7 | GPIO 7 | In | In from Phys 22 |
| 8 | 0 | 3 | SDA | IN | N/C |
| 9 | 1 | 5 | SCL | IN | N/C |
| 10 | 8 | 24 | CE0 | IN | N/C |
| 11 | 7 | 26 | CE1 | IN | N/C |
| 12 | 10 | 19 | MOSI | IN | N/C |
| 13 | 9 | 21 | MISO | IN | N/C |
| 14 | 11 | 23 | SCLK | IN | N/C |
| 15 | 14 | 8 | TxD | ALT0 | Serial to NES and Phys 12 |
| 16 | 15 | 10 | RxD | ALT0 | NES clock, ~117 kHz |
In this state it's possible to send random garbage down the serial line toward the NES and occasionally get the A button to be triggered (as observed by viewing the Game Genie screen) but not much else works. Yet. This is where the research phase starts. It might be that I need to order parts to create a buffer between the NES and the Pi or try various software methods to reduce latency and jitter. I'm not sure yet. There have been a lot of ideas thrown around in this thread already, but I'm going to set the Pi aside for a day or two and see if I can get the loaned Arduino up and running using micro500's original design, as I believe I have everything I need to at least test the original NESBot with my copy of Tetris. I might even try Dragon Warrior and see if I can Console Verify a new game. :)
Thanks for all of the support and ideas from everyone both here in this thread and on IRC in #TASVideos,
(I'm agill in IRC) You know that clock/latch data scheme is quite amenable to the SPI standard (or I2C with post processing). Is it at all possible to use the SPI interface (MISO/CS/SCLK) to reliably latch the data? Or will the SPI interface still be choked by other kernel activity? CS might be a bit tricky - maybe you can fiddle it by doing burst transfers and keeping CS low for long periods of time?
Edit: Does the Pi even support slave mode? I saw your IO port list, and they all said input... It probably requires some research on if a driver is available.
The first thing I thought of (and I'm surprised NONE of you remembered this) was this:
I shouldn't bring up the topic of that famous "blind" guy (Jordan) who used audio and tactile cues to beat OOT. I can't remember if it was a hoax or not, but it did generate controversy. Apologies in advance if it wasn't a hoax, and I come off as insensitive.
I don't think there's anything wrong with people with disabilities wanting to TAS Ocarina of Time. But one thing you shouldn't let yourself do is get obsessed with TASing. Don't spend hours and hours of your life and strain your eyes and get carpal tunnel syndrome (like most of us here). Do it as a release of stress, do it as a hobby, or do it as a way to challenge/reward yourself, but don't let it take over your life. I know people here will make jokes about all they do is TAS, but I'm willing to bet that if someone with aspergers/autism starts TASing, it's not the healthiest of hobbies to get involved in, and their quality of life will suffer.
We almost certainly will not use the same definition as ZSR does. We've even had one of the people who helped define the current rules that console runners use say that it would not be appropriate to do so.
Certainly we can build off of what they have come up with, but it wouldn't really make much sense to use their rules as is.
Fine by me. I used to follow all of the OOT and MM threads in SDA forums, but then everyone moved to ZSR (or so I've been told)... I haven't even visited the site before. My point still stands: It's nice to have a baseline/comparison if something has done been done (or agreed upon) in the past. If SDA is the poster child for modeling a run, so be it :).
To expand on my point as well as cafde_'s...
Let's play devil's advocate and pretend we define 100% as something drastically different than what has been agreed upon as 100% by SDA or Zelda Speed Runs or #zeruda (I wonder if anyone would get that reference). Now you might start a debate at one of those sites... And we all know what happens when the proverbial shithits the fan.
Just find out what they did at SDA. At least we have a predetermined baseline and less bickering. I know for a fact that they've had this argument a few times already. And hey, it's always nice to have a consistent run comparison between sites.
Stupid question: Was it not possible to do the Yoshi Wings trick with the Dragon Coin in Butter Bridge 1?
I figure it either it takes too long to get a Yoshi there, or it doesn't really save enough time?
There isn't any block near enough to a dragon coin to make the bug feasible. We tried, though.
Wow, looks really close in this scenario :(. If only we could change the speed at which the level scrolls, or if you could use L or R to scroll the screen ;).
Mitjitsu a.k.a. AKA aka see here wrote:
I approve.
JXQ wrote:
Well, there is no reason whatsoever to vote no, nor is meh a good enough option. I really do think a best out of ten system would be better, as I would of given it an 8 and in terms of percent I would have given it 92% (yes, confusing I know I'll explain why shortly). That might sound confusing but an eight is to signify that its not a high 9. Since I can't rate I'll simply have to vote yes.
The timing of these two posts is impeccable. Now you are making me wish I quoted my "YES LIKE A PORNSTAR" quote.
Nice job guys! This was a long time coming, and watching all the WIPs (and restarts), you guys did an amazing job, and even if Fabian found it boring/meh, I'm sure he is happy that such a polished project is obsoleting his work.
Stupid question: Was it not possible to do the Yoshi Wings trick with the Dragon Coin in Butter Bridge 1?
I figure it either it takes too long to get a Yoshi there, or it doesn't really save enough time?
I've come out of the woodwark to vote yes! Really nice job, and entertaining TAS. Just a few of my favorites include Big Boo's Balcony, 100 coins in Tiny Huge Island, and the complete demolishing of Tick Tock Clock that you guys achieved.
I'd like to see a comparison of the applicable stars and current world records. I know a lot of the stars are not comparable, since you collect 2 stars at once, but it would be interesting to know how many frames are lost (or gained!?) compared to individual current world record stars.
Great job guys!
Prejudice? I don't think that word means what you think it means.
The word you're looking for is preference. He does not enjoy watching oot tases. That is his preference. And given how much he apparently hates the game, it's silly for him to watch and rate tases of it.
No, clearly celeary moozooh meant "prejudice" in terms of not being objective. Cardboard wants to try to keep an open mind and thus wants to be free of prejudice when watching a new OOT TAS.
I think it's fairly silly of you to try to have a serious discussion in an IRC channel... Unless you were just expecting air-headed responses to get a reaction. The thing is, that scenario doesn't help this discussion at all. All it does is satisfy your own itch for jaded responses. Or maybe there's some naivety involved as well.
There's a reason we have this topic: http://tasvideos.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9624
And before you flip out on me, just remember: it's a freakin' IRC channel.
TASVideos is, like many places on the internet, an extremely misogynistic place.
[6:44pm] You were kicked from the chat room by agill. (sorry I'm on my period)
A tentative list of actual misogynists is Swordless, rog, Johannes` and agill.
<agill> dada__, sorry that was meant as a joke
<agill> no hard feeling
<agill> s
I'm just sad at people actually finding this funny. I don't think Child porn isn't anything to joke about, even if it is on a somewhat esoteric viewing device. Doesn't the DS have a camera as well? You put 2 and 2 together.
I think most of us have understood the fact that brute forcing is not feasible within our lifetime... But I wondering about smart pruning.
Let's stop thinking about input. Let's switch our usage paradigm - look at the ROM disassembly itself.
I wonder if there's a way to intelligently analyze the ROM contents (both the state transitioning of the ROM as well as the memory contents) to pre-determine if a certain sequence will lead to an bad-route (without actually running the emulator)?
Would it be possible to generate all sets of the "state of the game" with a indicator of if the route will be good, undetermined, or bad? Of course this should be on a game-by-game basis. I know this sounds impossible in our lifespan as well, but I can't wrap my head on if this would be more computationally complex than simple brute force?
For this particular game, you shouldn't be watching the TAS if you haven't played the game.
Why!? Because you are assuming the person who watches this run will not be entertained because they aren't familiar with how the game was intended to be played? That's just bass-ackwards.
I have never seen an episode of YuGiOh, but I loved the YuGiOh Abridged series, which was an entertaining parody of the show.
Likewise, I've never played any Pokemon game in my life, but I loved the most recent glitched run. I have no idea what the order of the gym leaders should be, I was wondering when Pikachu was supposed to show up, etc.
Another example. One of my all time favorite runs: http://tasvideos.org/759M.html
Never played the game in my life. May not be the best example, because there's hardly any story, but my point still stands.
Can you elaborate why someone shouldn't vote on a movie relatively incoherent movie that they haven't played? Clearly, one can still be entertained by such a video.
I think there should be new rules and regulations for members that register just to vote on a submissions and piss on anyone who disagrees with their opinion. Attacking someone because they voted no is not acceptable in my opinion, especially if the no-voter substantiated their point.
Please take a step back and think about why there is a voting system in place. And then apply some simple math to it. There will always be outliers for people who vote yes and no for their esoteric and often unpopular reasons. I guarantee that there are members who voted yes just because the run is OOT, and they didn't bother even to watch the run. At least a lot of the no-voters are posting the reasons why they voted no. Kind of makes me want to resurrect my points about posting a reason behind your vote being mandatory... but that's a whole new can of worms.
You shouldn't stigmatize someone for disagreeing with your opinion. I'm all for coherent and constructive criticism for one's point, but saying someone's votes are "stupid" (and the like) should be grounds for moderation. I urge the moderators to do a better job. Jesus-fuckin-Christ, it a vote, not a matter of life or death.
I haven't seen the run yet, nor do I plan on doing so. I'm more of a Majora's Mask fan, and every single run that I've seen of that game trumps any OOT Run imaginable in terms of entertainment and route-planning. I could very well watch it and perhaps vote, but more likely than not I would vote negatively (meh or no). And if I were to vote negatively for that reason and someone were to get on my nuts for voting negatively... said person would instantly lose any credibility he or she once had.
You can't tell if he modded his controller from that.
Then how would you prove it? SkamastaG created that video to prove a point... even andrewg has done L+R on console... ask him. Are you saying he's a cheater too? Funny, how the most prolific mario speedrunner is also a cheat, then.
Edit: This video has spawned numerous debates on whether l+r should be allowed in non-tas speedruns. Note, I am not advocating that it should be allowed (although I think it should), but rather that it's merely possible for it to be done on console with unmodified hardware. AndrewG can back me up on that point.
mlw7, if you want to be taken seriously, you need to choose better games. This game is an abomination. Creepypasta simulators are not much better.
You also need to put in more effort to make a TAS look good, and choosing a garbage game just for the sake of it is not a good way to go.
I kind of find it poetic that such a shitty game get such a shitty TAS. Yes to publish this piece of shit propaganda as an EXAMPLE of what not to pick and how not to TAS.
Actually, believe it or not I was entertained.
After seeing the majority of the improvements in the SMW thread, I thought I was not going to be surprised... but OH BOY, you sure surprised me!
Love the new goal sphere glitches, but the thing that put it over the top for me was the new Bowser fight strategy. Very shocking and impressive! That, honestly, was the best part of the run for me! And everything else was amazing as usual!
Yes vote.
Edit: Maybe we should notify andrewg and other SMW tasers if the Bowser fight improvements can be done on Console, or is it a very very strict frame rule?