Posts for DK64_MASTER

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Oh, I knew about the warp... I was refering to the jump to the top of the highest platform, where you slide down a boundary edge. That was unexpected, and it looked cool. Test run is 2 hours 10 minutes! Better watch out FODA, the new speedrun is clocked at 2 minutes 13 seconds ;).
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It seems you found a way to groundpound without getting hurt in the 100 coin star in HMC. Would this be repeatable on the red coin star in HMC, when you are pounding those blocks? It would probably not warrant much of an improvement, though. It's the only potential improvement I noticed. I don't know jack about WDW, but that trick to get to the top of "shocking arrow lifts" was awesome!
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GuanoBowl wrote:
I'm having trouble with the superslide on the PeaHat in Hyrule Field. Any suggestions?
The deku stick "faster" balkwalking isn't working, is it? :(
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VANDAL wrote:
I have proof that it is possible to press Left+Right on an SNES controller, you can either remove the little ball in the middle of the D-Pad (on the inside of the controller) or use a 3rd party controller called Myiicco (probably others too) which has a faulty D-Pad center (not a ball but an outlet/tiny hole that sticks out; also on the inside). I have been able to, on Super Mario World, fly faster as helium Mario because of it.
Those are both considered hardware modification.
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nfq wrote:
DK64_MASTER wrote:
Edit: If someone brings up left+right here, I'll slap them with a large trout.
Some people think that left+right is a harware modification (you can't physically press left+right on the SNES controller without damaging it). Others disagree. It's a fragile subject. I say if you press left and right fast enough, it will register as left+right, due to the fact that the game only samples input at a certain rate, but that's beside the point. CC is not allowed, because not only does it require hardware modification, the CC ROM dump isn't exactly a replica of what happens in real life.
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Mukki wrote:
TASing in itself is to exploit ALL errors made by programmers and console programmers alike in attempt to get the fastest possible time.
Correction: TASing should exploit all bugs/glitches on UNMODIFIED hardware. To put it bluntly, fucking up the contacts of your cartridge is considered "modifying hardware". Edit: If someone brings up left+right here, I'll slap them with a large trout.
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I have no idea what is wrong with BOMFs connections. But would port-forwarding help?
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mr_roberts_z wrote:
...the key to get to TTC and RR? You don't need a key for that door, you need stars... And FODA already did that in the preliminary 120-star run.
Whoops, I guess stars then... Sorry, I was half asleep. And if FODA already did that, I guess that's where I got the idea from. ;)
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mr_roberts_z wrote:
Anyway, what exactly does come next? WDW? And something to ponder on... What's more efficient? Getting the 100 coins with the Secrets, the Top of the Town, or the Red Coins?
What would be interesting is if after you get the key to TTC and RR, you don't use it. You just use the stair+longjump door glitch to get through the door. It *might* be faster, as you skip the whole door animation. If it is indeed faster, you could do it on the infinite staircase too :).
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Twisted Eye wrote:
I did the same thing you did and let them open a star world for me so I could get to a secret house and the sweet sweet Yoshi inside, but when I attempted to explore the doom hole, I discovered two things: 1) Can't reach the cloud by jumping off of Yoshi, 2) the death would come before you even get there.
Can't you fly with Yoshi, using the flying glitch?
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Twisted Eye wrote:
SMAdvance2 IS SMW, but, then again, maybe it's a teaser for a Super Demo-fied Mario Allstars 2 ;) Meh, probably not. That sure is an interesting debug area, I mean, it was definitely PUT there... --Gah!! When I died in the Forest of Illusion stage, it said 'Time up!' for the death, sure, but now when I try to go back into Big Boo Secret, I just come to an empty room and fall to my death (Time Up! again as well...). The other levels work fine though, but going back to the Secret again still makes me doooooomeed. --Completing any of the areas correctly lets you go back to the stage like normal, though. Maybe it just has to do with the fact that I hit the midstage tape and then died, so, going back to the stage, the game doesn't know where to put me? I saw that if you hit one tape, all of the tapes act like they were hit. Which makes sense. Oh, and entering any pipe in the levels takes you to the same next location, so yeah I do think it stops in the Forest for sure.
Hitting that dynamic powerup block warps you back to a messed up FI1, what happens if you hit the same block (in CI5)? I mean, yoshi can eat the powerup, but you do anything with that? Also one should check if there is anything past the goal lines. We could also bring items with us to help, bring along the speaker block (probably get the big boo messages)? Too bad there's no pipe block. @OZ, whenever you die, it says "times up"
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Ozmodiar wrote: A small movie at the beginning of Big Boo's secret. My first contribution ever!
Thanks! I did the glitch! In YI1, there's a secret moon randomly in the level. This could mean that these levels are indeed different, and maybe debug/beta. SMA2 stands for Super Mario Allstars 2? Super Mario Advance 2?
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skamastaG wrote:
I couldn't get my computer to save a movie file. I recorded but then couldnt find the file. Recording works fine on smw but I guess the ROM I have for sdw doesn't work with recording or something. The farthest I could go was FoI1. YI1>DP1>CI5> SGS>FoI1 That's it. Getting the key exit in DP1 or FoI1 connects Boo world 5 and 6. Also hitting that rotating item block thing after the halfway point in FoI1 sends you back to the beginning of FoI1 but with the floor messed up a bit. Well it was fun while it lasted. Too bad FoI1 doesn't have a pipe.
Can you at least share a save-state?
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~20.6 here
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Sami wrote:
How to hell you can get those in a one dance? :D
ROFL. Maybe damage boosting from Conga's orange?
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Bisqwit wrote:
It really depends on the make of the keyboard. Most keyboards usually only allow 2-3 keys at the same time. If you're lucky, you can find one that allows 4-5 keys in some cases and 2-4 keys in others.
That's true, from what I've experienced. However, some keys, like ctrl, alt, shift, esc can be pressed in addition to those 3 keys, according to a small discussion we had (involving shoft, cantril, and cops lick).
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atro city wrote:
He was so young too... The guy was 44 years old, and that's pretty old for a death-defying croc-wrangler.
There is a 73 year old Kenyan man that ripped out a leopard's tongue. Although, I don't think he does that for a living.
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hopper wrote:
This is horrible news. A man who stared death in the face so many times should have lived forever. I'm sorry to see that it finally caught up with him.
The thing is, a stingray shouldn't EVER be called "death in the face"...
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Yeah, the "Croc Hunter" dying, really isn't like any other celebrity death. This one leaves a particular bad taste in my mouth. I hate to see a guy with such charisma, guts, and drama go not go out with a bang. He was so young too... This is in fact the worst thing ever. :(
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A stingray? A stingray? Man, what irony. Poor guy. RIP "Croc Hunter" :(
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FODA wrote:
71 stars WIP total time: 1 hour 03 minutes slot 8 savestate from exiting Lethal Lava Land (rapidshare)
You sir, define "better late than never". And I thought Fabian was bad ;) I am downloading it right now.
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Very nice AKA, for your first TAS. I remember watching your first WIP, and I said to myself, this guy should stick to Zelda. Boy was I wrong. Great run of a classic game. A definite yes vote!
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Dacicus wrote:
Would the floor and ceiling functions be what you call bounded operators? If not, you could just set one of them to a fractional value, and it would be false by definition.
Heh, I really have no idea, but I assume they ARE bounded operators, as the domain is all reals, and the range is integers... But I'm no math major, just an EE major.
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JXQ wrote:
Zurreco: I wasn't aiming for generic, but I do prefer short titles. It's tougher to be non-generic with one or two words. DK64: Thanks! There are video game references in a few of the songs. And I'm not interested in getting signed, I just like working on music. I talk about that more on the "Learn the history" page on the site.
I'm listened to a few more, and while I really thought 1 track sounded amateur-ish with the background music (the last track, Goodbye) in some places, the album as a whole was generally very good. Although I don't listen to too much rap (well, I used to, and prefer some of the older rap songs), you are on par, if not better than quite a few of the mainstream artists. Not quite "King Koopa" status, but you're getting there. I'll be calling you JXQillionare soo. You rap almost to the level which you tool-assist ;).
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Ramzi wrote:
It wasn't pro-Nazi. It was anti-Bisqwit.
Heh, for all we know, Bisqwit could be pro-Aryan Brotherhood. ;)
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