Posts for DK64_MASTER

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But does my save-state work for anyone else? It could be user-specific. Quick off topic question... Is the correct term desync, or desynch? Actually, the full word should be desynchronous (or desynchronize), right? Which doesn't make any sense. It should be asynchronous (like an IO interrupt)... Should we call them asynchs or async? Who knows, maybe the "a" prefix changes to a "de" prefix when changing the adjective to a noun.
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Eh, there's this one But it's probably to close to the end to be of any use...
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I find it funny that this topic has the same number of pages as a similar topic in SDA :). @update, yea, using the save-state it desynchs, but using one of my custom save states, it works fine. I have not yet tried watching it from the beginning.
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Ah yes, I've heard about that 30 bombchus trick. Quite random to say the least.
mwl wrote:
7 & 8. Remove boulders on DM Trail
This is to visit the Great Fairy, right? How do we get inside her chamber? Are there bomb-flowers around? Or Did Arcyte ever show us how to glitch into her place? Holy Posting Batman!
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Hyena wrote:
the original spelling before America changed it and demanded the world do the same.
Demanded? HAH! I doubt that anyone even cares... The British forced the original spelling upon the "world" through imperialism... Anyways, I'm British, well, born in England... Back on topic. MWL, we don't want to go to Zora's Domain through the River route because it require a bombchu to denotate the boulders near the magic bean dude, right? What about going to Kakiro well now? Will we still not have enough bombchus? Forgive me if this has been discussed already...
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AKA wrote:
YES YES IT DIDN'T DESYNC. 1. I think Kokiri Forest strat could be improved 2. Very good movement in Hyrule 3. I think you can advance further right in Lake Hylia to avoid swimming swimming a longer distance 4. I couldn't be certain but you're not press B very ofter while smimming 5. Fishing game I think was better than last time 6. Very good dive to the bottle 7. Hyrule castle seam is probally my favourite after the bombchu boost in Jabu 8. That last set of guards doesn't look right at all, you diagonally back walk for a lengthy period, I'm not so sure you choose the best side. I'm not sure if you entered the court right at all 9. LOL thats a carbon copy of what I do when I talk to Zelda 10. That was a scary speed to play the lullaby.
Yep, didn't desynch from the start :). I even made a save-state, and it plays from there (but don't start re-recording from the save state, as that might cause desynchs. I'm at work now, so I can't upload it... till nighttime (10 hours from now), and I probably wont even upload it. heh. The stuff that AKA mentioned is quiet minor (maybe not the guard stuff, but it looked ok to me), so it should be noted for a future run, unless you want to go back and redo all of it ;). Off topic, AKA are you European (looks at spelling of favourite)?
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Tub wrote:
DK64_MASTER wrote:
Frankly, I've never seen it being done in any video.
Problably because none of the existing videos was tool-assisted. mwl said it's too risky on a console-run, because you lose lots of time if you don't get it right.
Then how does he know it saves time?
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mwl wrote:
No desynch here. * Looks like you're going to want to do the sword/stick alternating trick to gain every second you can.
GB didn't use it when he travelled across Hyrule Field to lake hylia... Frankly, I've never seen it being done in any video. Are you sure it saves time? Hopefully 15 seconds of a buffer...
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AdmiralJonB wrote:
On mine, you get to the lake but get stuck against the wall when trying to backwalk to the fishing hut. Not too much to go back and rerecord though (hopefully).
Yeah, you start jump slashing the wall, and it ends shortly afterwards. No big deal, I hope. Well, I started playback from a savestate (my own, which was created right when you hop the gerudo fence), so that could be a source of a problem. I don't have time to play it from the beginning, so can someone else confrim? I gotta go to work now.
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AKA wrote:
Sorry Acryte made a vid of it some time ago, but it expired on MegaUpload. Its best to use slow down, but you take out the sword and quickly cancel with a deku stick. It fractionally saves time of approximatley 1-3 seconds during a long backwalk, equipping a stick seems to give some kind of mini boost, this should be perhaps used in the next run, and a later reccomendation is to save the last stick with a miss jumpslash Dondongo.
Could this have solved the hyrule castle seamwalk problem?
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Zurreco wrote:
Everyone else... eh. Dhalsim was played by the guy who played Ghandi in another movie, and T. Hawk was a shrimpy white guy with a fake accent.
Oh god, Ben Kingsley is in Street Fighter?! Now I definitely won't see it, as I refuse to make a mockery out of one of the better actors in Hollywood.
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Hyena wrote:
Omniscient = Omni + Scient. Science is knowledge. Omniscient means all knowing. Arguably, I'd say that Omniscient is closer to all-seeing.
Agreed. It depends on how you define "see". Does the word soley apply to sight, or could it be interpreted in terms of the word "seer", or someone who knows everything... But different strokes for different folks, right?
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
This is old for veterans. And... if you're omnipotent, CAN you make something so heavy you COULDN'T lift?
[mandatory Simpsons quote] Could God microwave a burrito so hot that even he couldn't eat it?[/mandatory Simpsons quote] Actually I always thought omnipotent meant "all-seeing" instead of "all powerful". It was probably your avatar that threw me off. I'm probably getting mixed up with the word "omniscient ".
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mwl wrote:
Also, BAD NEWS -- the movie desynchs after you enter the crawlspace leading to the first locked door. I ran the movie twice to confirm this.
Confirmed... Hopefully you didn't lose too much time... I think it might have to do with the the placement of ths skulltulla... If it gives you too much trouble, just take the long way around the skulltulla, so it works no matter where the skulltulla is. Edit. you also get hit by the green bubble. Was this intentional? Or could it have been the cause of the desynch?
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mwl wrote:
Yes, that would be the problem. You're not supposed to press B before crouch-stabbing. What's up with the second-long delay at the door before entering the room with the Anubis?
Manipulating luck, most likely.
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jimsfriend wrote:
Is it possible to beat all 4 levels of the maze before the scream?
After going through 4 pacemakers in 1 day, I can safely say NO.
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Dacicus wrote:
But aren't the published movies supposed to be as near-perfect as possible (depending on the individual goals, of course).
Tetrisphere was mind-blowingly insane, and an improvement was discussed a few weeks after it was published... It could have been perfect in his eyes when he published it, but it almost seemed like a rushed submission. It was impressive nonetheless, and Bisqwit eagerly published it. I'm quite sure that the run in it's current state is definitely publishable (IMO), if the quality is retained. Why is GB going back and redoing minor time saving things if it's "Just a testrun". He's going for quality material here. Frankly, I don't care if he doesn't play some parts of the game (or all parts of the game) with frame advance. In this case, you are sacrificing a small amount of speed for convience, author sanity (a big issue), and time! It's definitely worth it. You say "but aren't the published movies supposed to be as near-perfect as possible" I say that because there are so many new variables to N64 movies (movement, button presses, desynch issues), the "near-perfect" paradigm should be changed slightly to complement "user-sanity". Who defines this new pardigm? I really don't think it's definable (is that a word?). It's quite and almost completely subjective. I'll go by majority rules for now (barring Bisqwit's intervention). Unless I've been interpreting the past 200+ posts incorrectly, I think the majority loves GB's movie, and deems it publishable material. Therefore, this movie has a great change of being published, despite it being a "test-run". (Note, this is not a discussion involving speed vs entertainment, if it turns into one, someone shoot me in the face. Twice. With a double barreled shotgun). I'm too lazy to edit this post for slight grammar errors, as it is getting late, but I hope I got my point across clearly, and succinctly.
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nitsuja wrote:
I don't understand what the problem is. Can't you just record it in segments, since you're not intending to submit it?
Hasn't anyone got the hint yet?
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You do know that my real time run (actual speedrun) (recorded on an emulator in real time w/out savestates and rerecords) got 29 seconds on PBS... I would post the SMV, but it's pointless... because the current run does it in 24 seconds! There has been 3 runs for this movie, all of them published. See here:
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AdmiralJonB wrote:
It didn't desync here either, you're good to go. Just a suggestion, if you don't already, do a savestate after every few rooms and replay the movie file just to make sure you don't desync, although it could be annoying.
That's what he has been doing. He's been resuming his run from save states, and it's been desynching. At least until now. It doesn't make senes, I don't understand how something done in the future would affect the past. That's not causal!
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Fabian wrote:
UPDATE!!!! I have now watched Leon. I thought it was great, I especially liked Jean Reno in it. Tomorrow I will watch Sin City unless I find another movie I'd prefer, I'll try to find some others. feitclub, thanks, I was unaware of that. I thought he directed something like one third of the movie. Oh well. And for my avatar fans: I'll try resizing it tomorrow, if that's the problem.
Leon FTW! I love that move. Reno is a great actor (see him in Ronin and DaVinci Code). I didn't like Sin City too much. And it wasn't the excessive gore that put me off (<-- is a small Tarantino fan).
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
dtm wrote:
ha ha you said anal
So did you ;).
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Boco wrote:
FODA wrote:
actually, pirated copies are easily distinguisheable from original ones at first glance...
Gameplay is usually identical, so if all the maintainer has is a submitted video it's near impossible. But yes if you can see the physical game it's incredibly easy to identify it as pirated.
Nay, it's not "quite" simple. It's a bit difficult, but not too hard. Since SDA accepts videos recorded from a VCR, capture card, or DVD recroder, the color/frames are going to be different. I tried looking for MetalSmasher86's TAS submission that got him in troube (he submitted it as a legit SDA run). Strangeness posted a comparisons of a real and TAS run, and the differences were pretty obvious.
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Post subject: Variable avatars
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Bisqwit, your avatar is changing colors… What happened to good old bluey? (Crude Simpson's reference) Actually I like the grey one too.
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Halamantariel wrote:
I'm therefore 100% Québécois (don't know how to say it in English)
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