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A THREE-PLAYER version?? Wow. That would rock so much.
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I'm torrenting it now. Can't wait. :)
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That's nice, I was afraid you'd bail after hearing that. :p Also, you should run if you have Mini, should be possible with luck manipulation. The only time you need to become a toad is when you can change yourself back to normal right after using it. So they're not that big a deal.
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julianch, a word of advice: Bisqwit does not accept runs made with fan translations of games. So your run, even if it were completed and perfect, would never appear on the site unless you do the run with the Japanese FF3.
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Those Ninja Techniques will prove useful in the four crystal fight. But that's moving ahead on schedule. :p
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Why don't you post what you have so far? Then we can tell you to redo some certain part in order to get a certain item which will help you.
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Speedruns and (as I like to call them) superplays are two entirely different things. They come from different concepts, one being the desire to record one's skills in a game, like a sport, and another being the solving of a game. This cannot be achieved unless absolute perfection is attained. If we can compare the two with books, then the former would be a great and inspiring novel, and the latter would be a thick, informative book resting in the library of Alexandria. Just as science theories can be revised, rewritten, and improved upon, superplays can. But it takes a Charles Dickens to write a better book than that inspiring novel I just talked about. Afterall, science cannot figure out an algorithm that will determine what good stories are. There's a difference between the two ways of thinking, the two ways of working, and therefore there are two different results. But in the end, Charles Dickens won't ever be jealous of a science theory, no matter how useful it might be to mankind. I think this is a pretty accurate analogy, actually. There's always been a fight between creationists and evolutionists, too. Heh.
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I am totally unfamiliar with some of the technique names you just gave. :( Anyway, it still seems like there's plenty of work to do for now. Which is nice. :)
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Yeah, definitely, especially since it's Japanese.
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I'm not sure myself. Maybe it's because of Goblin Punch, of which the damage is calculated by comparing the user's level to the level of the monster the technique is used on.
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So, is anybody gonna try finding out about manipulating pseudo-randomness? It would be very cool if every battle in the game would be a pre-emptive attack, and that sort of stuff. :)
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I'm not sure where you could cram in subtitles (or FF5-styled windows, would look nicer that way) that explain the story. Displaying them along with dialogue boxes wouldn't look nice, anyway. We'll think about that later, though, since the trial version's not even done. I'll render a battle of the trial run to AVI and see if I can magically get some explanations to appear in there. Omega requires X-Fight and Magic Sword, so that would require you to master either one of those classes. That just takes too much time, I guess. By the way, this is vague since I've not played FF5 for a long time, but isn't it so that if you use Scan on Omega, the box will show that he's at Lv. 119? Freaky.
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I just watched the latest vid and noticed you missed a very important shortcut in the Wind Shrine. In the room before the Crystal room, you take the long road, while there's actually a hidden passage through the wall at the beginning. I'm talking about the room containing the first boss. You can save yourself a lot of walking time and a full encounter that way. Also, this movie should definitely have some extra explaining text boxes. It's hard to follow, as it's Japanese, but my main concern is the fact that all sorts of cool strategies are being executed without me knowing what the hell's going on. Like that Ice 3 thing with which you beat Medusa. How did you pull that off? I'm willing to provide graphics if the information idea is liked. EDIT: Are you planning on beating Omega? It would be fun to see, even though it might take time to gain the required skills, unless you're already gonna get them for something else. And what about Shinryuu and Necron?
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so sexy. keep it up, man.
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There's no randomness in these old games, only pseudo-randomness. A good example is the amount of frames the character stands still before a battle deciding if that next battle will be a pre-emptive strike or not in FF6. It can't generate random numbers so it just grabs some data from somewhere. This can be anything from player-generated numbers, or internal heat, memory load, I don't know exactly which data the old systems use, but it's very possible to manipulate these things.
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Mlandry wrote:
i was just wondering, when you fight the 3 bats in the cave, you kill 1 with bart, 1 with lena/garuf but then you attack the last 1 with lena then kill it with bart. Wouldn't it be faster to have bart kill it in 1 hit so to save the time lena takes to attack?
We've already confirmed that, yes.
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Doesn't occur until 32 seconds into battle, am I correct? Anyway, if we're gonna do commentary, we should make sure it's clean and short language. For example, I personally think that "Meet Locke" sounds less good than "Locke's introduction". The former just sounds a bit too engrish for my tastes. If the only thing we're gonna do is explanations of techniques, then you might want to JUST display the text, without FF6-styled box, and add a 50% transparent black background to it. I can make an example of this if you want.
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Bladegash wrote:
Someone has created a font similar to the one used in FF6. It merely lacks the shading.
Shading is easy to add in Photoshop with a layer effect, but is this the dialogue font we're talking about or the name selecting font? They're slightly different. Also, is it exactly the same? Since it would be nice to have them be 100% consistent. I also don't think we should explain all too much, since we expect that the viewer of the movie will have at least some keen sense; for example the bio blaster explanation is unnecessary since one could easily see that the two attacks are slightly different. Also, that last one is too large to put in conventional FF6-styled graphics, unless I make the box really large.
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Also, Bisqwit, this is very easy to do with standard video editors such as Adobe Premiere Pro or Ulead Mediastudio Pro. I'll do the graphics if you want me to (painstaking letter copying and pasting in Photoshop from normal dialogue windows). :)
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The movie should end at a time where no controller action could change the outcome. So if you're supposed to finish a game with a large jump, for example, and then fall on a floor button which will trigger the end sequence, you're not supposed to end the movie until the very frame on which you touch that floor button, because BEFORE that you could always press left or right in-flight and miss the button.
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I was thinking about something like this:
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Bisqwit wrote:
I would like to have extra subtitles with this movie. When I was creating the heavily blurred AVI, I was thinking something along the lines of "Locke's introduction", "Edgar's introduction" (scene labels) and some technique explanations ("Vicks and Vedge escape the battle quicker than the girl because they're in the front line. This way, the girl gets all the experience.")
I'll make the graphics for that; entirely in FF6 box style. You wouldn't be able to tell the difference between an in-game box and the one I'd give you. That is, if you want it and want to go ahead with that plan.
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I think this is a good thing, since I believe it's a good rule to end a movie at the EXACT FRAME that you no longer need to press ANY button to finish the game. It should be done for either every movie or no movie at all, though, for consistency.
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He's just jealous, guys. He probably always got game over as a kid in any game he tried playing. He still holds a grudge towards all the other kids who could at least get past the first level. :(
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Hey kid, maybe you would have some credibility if you knew how to spell correctly. :D