I have a question that has been bothering me a bit, i hope this is the right place for it.
I have a gaming blog DeadPark.com (Shameless plug) and when i write the articles i write them in Word because i like it better than my website's built in editor. My problem is that when i take screenshots on my desktop their dpi is different than when i take screenshots on my laptop. so pictures i put into word show as 2.5" wide for desktop pictures, but only 2" wide for laptop pictures.
Once they're on the website it doesn't really matter, the website goes off the pixel count, and they both have the same pixel count. But it's just an odd little thing that's distracting when i'm writing the article and i've been curious if anyone had an explaination why it would do this.
If it matters, i have Bizhawk installed on a flash drive. so i'm using the same emulator and settings on both computers. Also screenshots taken on the laptop still insert as smaller when added to Word on the desktop. so it doesn't seem to be a Word setting either. It really seems like the default DPI is different for them between laptop and desktop. i just can't figure out why.
i tried it again, and it worked today.
I'm not sure what i did differently today compared to yesterday. but it works now.
thank you for your help everyone, and I'm sorry to have bothered you with my ignorance.
I just tried it, and it worked fine for me...
If you leave cheats on when you play/record a movie, they have an effect. I'm painfully aware of this fact as I don't know how many times I've left them on by accident when recording a TAS and had to redo :(
The behavior here is not specific to BizHawk, all rerecording emulators with cheats behave this way.
It should be noted, that BizHawk does not record cheat data into movies and never ever will do this. And no movie format should ever allow this. Movies should only ever include valid input.
Maybe it was just bad luck with this one game. the cheat did kind of act up on me when i entered it.
the game was adventures in the magic kingdom (NES)
when i entered the game genie cheat (SXKYUOVK), it converted it to hex (F9C3:AD:06), but it did the conversion wrong and it didn't work. the last two digits were wrong. using another emulator, i found the right conversion and put that in (F9C3:AD:CE). now it worked.
but every time i opened the game again, it still had that wrong last two digits, and i had to fix it.
then when i did my playback. i changed the last two digits as soon as the playback started, but it didn't take effect.
so i tried it before i started the playback. after i hit play, those last two digits changed back to the wrong numbers. i fixed them, and still no effect.
The movie file (bk2) only consists of input data.
If you wan't to use cheats in a movie playback, you need to load them as well in the cheat dialog.
Also why the heck do you need an infinite lives cheat?
didn't see your small text the first time
i'm not recording videos to make a perfect run. i just want to beat the game, and make a review article for my website. but i am a terrible player, and i actually use my death count as kind of a self mocking while reviewing. so i need the infinite lives to make it to the end, and the video so i can get still shots after.
The movie file (bk2) only consists of input data.
If you wan't to use cheats in a movie playback, you need to load them as well in the cheat dialog.
Also why the heck do you need an infinite lives cheat?
when i tried to load the cheat after the playback already started, it seems to ignore it. i still ended up getting a game over.
I recorded a movie using bizhawk, and i gave myself an infinite lives cheat. but when i played the video back, the cheat wasn't active anymore. After a few deaths it went back to the start screen like it normally would, and my inputs were meaningless. it kind of defeated the purpose of recording it.
any advice on how to get the playback to use the cheat code?