Posts for Discera

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Joined: 8/19/2014
Posts: 6
+1 for the 100% This cartridge was a favorite of mine.
Experienced Forum User
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Posts: 6
Arc: No disrespect meant for my inquiry. You're contributions are very appreciated (Ghosts and Goblins are my favorite). I obviously should have tried myself to see if there are enough XP in Parapas to level-up wirhout sacrificing overall time. There's certainly enough zero XP monsters around :P To repeat, great submission :)
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/19/2014
Posts: 6
^^ Parapa Palace 3x... Great submission. Could re-visting be enhanced? I ask this because I can not figure if the tradeoff will affect overall speed (i.e. leveling up Attack/Magic early in the run)?
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/19/2014
Posts: 6
@ViGadeomes The hardest difficulty is what the arcade was set to where I frequented. Medium isn't as difficult. On that note, good to see this submission. So many home systems tried yet didn't get close to the real thing.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/19/2014
Posts: 6
jlun2 read my mind. :) VS SMB might have less 1-UP on the X-1 levels but the version has less redundant / dumbed-down versions of so many levels. I could stretch a quarter ($0.25 USD) for 45 minutes in the arcade for by hording all the items and I was of the opinion I knew where they all were. :)
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 8/19/2014
Posts: 6
Very nice. I am a long time lurker and I had to say to see a thorough run is great. Not to say anything against squashing the program into flatlining in a few seconds is not impressive, but it is nice to see the artwork, scenery and plot. Maybe I'm just nostalgic but I would like to see more 100p runs on NES. Thank you and if I could vote I would say yes. Great job, McBobX! :)