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I really respect the comments and philosophical questions raised by ais523. I also appreciate that he/she is willing to share his/her perspective. If this submission serves no purpose but to have drawn out these questions/comments/concerns about the deeper philosophical positions on TASing games, then I feel that it was a worthwhile submission regardless of the ultimate decision on the video. That said, I have a minor issue with your suggestion that TAS videos have to somehow exhibit or exploit things about a game that the developers didn't want or didn't expect. Some of us newer (and likely some older) players aren't as experienced with computers and/or programming as others in the community may be; yet we still have an interest in this hobby. As an example, I'm in healthcare and haven't deeply studied software and computers. I just enjoy video games and enjoy the challenge of TASing. It's essentially a puzzle to me. For those of us who don't understand the various intricacies of the technology or aren't versed in coding, simply completing a game as absolutely fast as we find possible using TAS techniques is exciting enough of an accomplishment even if nothing was attained outside of the developers' intents. Even if/when my TAS attempts are rejected by the community, I still feel a sense of accomplishment in something I approach as a hobby, because I've still done something I would never have been able to achieve while playing a game normally. I'm simply suggesting that, as a community, we guard against potentially alienating current or future members by requiring that submissions perform something beyond developers intent. Again I appreciate that ais523 shared his/her thoughts. It's communication than strengthens what we do. Just look at how many submissions have resulted from collaboration for proof.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
"All Battle Animations" sounds like a reference video on Youtube for anyone who's curious, not a category for a speedrun.
I can't disagree with that comment... I wasn't sure how to annotate it.
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Link_7777 I've added you for edit privileges. I'll let you switch the video file. I like your RNG for archery too, and the idea about letting arrows fall with poor wind direction.
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Before someone brings up the idea that Olympic Mode without the exhibition events is too incomplete to be considered for publication, I understand that perspective. However, this run is primarily a vault tier attempt as no videos from this game have been published. (To my knowledge, the only video even submitted for this game was my previous one; which I withdrew due to poor optimization. This video is over 1.5 minutes shorter than that one.) Others players may be considering a more entertaining run which would include those events omitted from this submission. I'll let those individuals claim it if they like. Discussion regarding this can be seen here...
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Complete and Submitted. Thank you all for your help and advice. Discussion
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Kung Knut, I think I've come to the conclusion that I'm going to be as entertaining as possible while still aiming strictly for vault on my current work. So it won't have the exhibition events after all. I'm just going to get to the end-game cut-scene ASAP. I've already spent quite a bit of time on this game, and I'm not sure if I want to trudge through it yet again. If you or Link_7777 are interested in completing a TAS in attempt for Moon tier, feel free to use any of my inputs that would benefit you. You could even mix and match your work with your favorite chunks of my earlier and current videos (once I submit it), tweaking where necessary to make it more entertaining. As it stands, my current work is slightly more entertaining than my previous just due to subtle RNG variations.
Post subject: (hHopefully) Halfway there.
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Ok, So I've thus far re-completed the preliminary days. As I'm only going to qualify during the finals, they will hopefully only require minor tweaks to input. I looked at Link_777's wip after I had finished canoeing and my new attempt was already ahead by clay pigeon shooting. Here are my observations so far: Fencing Delaying game start at the title screen by 2 frames yielded a Chinese opponent that attacks. Triple Jump First Attempt: Qualify with minimal flight distance for first 2 jumps and 45 degree last jump Last two attempts: Foul for speed Swimming Freestyle and breaststroke mode are purely cosmetic resulting in the finish on the same frame. High Dive I couldn't get a perfect 10.0 from all four judges (RNG?) but still scored 10.0 per dive. Time isn't affected. Clay Pigeon Shooting Manipulating the launch of each clay by delaying 1-4 frames before the button press to launch resulted in most clays leaving from near the center. This allowed for less necessary movement of the targeting reticle as well as yielding less background movement necessary to re-center. This allowed for a quicker launch of the next clay after a given hit. Hitting all clays saves time over missing extra ones beyond a qualifying score. Hammer Throw Attempt one: A glitched throw is faster and farther than normal max throw. Other Attempts: A foul is faster than the glitch. Taekwondo Beneficial RNG (Finally!) causes the opponent to stand immediately after the first knockdown. The second comes in quick succession Pole Vault Attained minimal qualifying height, Then fouled asap on the following attempts. Canoeing First run - The fastest course (that qualifies for prelims) skips gates 4 , 7, and 15 and is about thirteen seconds faster than a max score run. Gate 4 is a backtrack; gates 7 and 15 are the loops. Second run - As straight through as possible to save time. Archery Achieved minimum score, then let arrows fall to save time. Hurdles Normal jumps as close to the beam as possible (to clear the water) and hops off the top of the beam are frame equal at the finish. Horizontal Bar I also believe the max score is 9.9. I finish as soon as possible given that the even is timed up to offering the "finish" option I have not yet added the exhibition events, and I have some questions. While eliminating them would get to the end credits faster, does the 'incompleteness' of the run disqualify it for publishing? If I do include the events for completeness (even considering this as a vault attempt), I could get the highest score possible without adding time to the gun shooting (which I believe is 39 points). As for hang gliding, I could either land as soon as available, or try for 255 points which I'm guessing would only be couple seconds difference. As a note, my current wip is 1144 frames faster than my original (crappy) submission just by the end of Day 1. Thoughts?
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link_777 I basically restarted my run using my original as a baseline. Ill check your WIP when I get a chance. Just with what little I've reworked my own, it seems that the subtle changes have long lasting impacts on desyncs even using the same button combinations for a given event. I think this may be due to how the game polls for input. (for example: multiple frames of "up" presses are necessary to move the bar just one notch in pole vault). I've also decided that I'm only going to get the minimum necessary to qualify during the finals to save time, so not getting all gold medals if attaining one takes more time. I will also be adding in the exhibition events for completeness, as it has been suggested that the video would be incomplete without them.
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I've found some new optimizations already and have withdrawn this submission. (I feel like an idiot having to do so this quickly.) I will take into consideration the comments in the video discussion for my updated submission. Major changes will include adding the exhibition events as some feel the TAS of Olympic mode is incomplete without them.
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I've found some new optimizations already and have withdrawn this submission. (I feel like an idiot having to do so.) I will take into consideration the above comments in the new video.
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I just completed a TAS for this game right before I was directed to this forum topic by Samsara. I don't know why I didn't find it when searching before I started the TAS. I'll be submitting soon. It's a complete run of the 8-Day Olympic Mode attempting to finish as quickly as possible to reach the end-game cut scene. As this was the goal, I do not attempt the Exhibition Events. There are only subtle differences between days 1-4 and days 5-8 On days 1-4, I either attempted to just barely qualify or max score based on whichever will be faster. (i.e. Fouling to save time on jumps/throws and hitting all clay pigeons to save time on skeet.) On Days 5-8 I try to maintain a very fast speed but max the results to attain gold (with the exception of Pole Vault where I don't try to surpass 6m0 height as that is the max initial starting height and satisfactory for a gold medal). My apologies to Kung Knut. As mentioned earlier, I didn't find this topic until after I had completed my TAS. If you are still considering this game or in the process of working on it, perhaps your's could be more of an attempt for entertainment if you include the exhibition events. (Of course you are also welcome to try and best my time.) I'll reply here with a link to the submission once I get it submitted.
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So, I haven't had the opportunity to check this in a couple days. I feel like I missed some discussion that is no longer displayed. Can someone fill me in (even if it's by private message)? EDIT: Nevermind, I realized that the initial post was edited.
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So I braved 3D mode without glasses for about 15 minutes....yea...a video isn't happening unless someone else does it. Too much desync occurred as positions of both common enemies and moving stars changed. Jump positions and the first 3 boss battles seem to be intact though, suggesting that perhaps the other boss battles would be intact as well. While I still believe a comparable length video in 3D is possible with only changes in horizontal movement to avoid enemies and get stars, I have no desire to basically redo this entire game again.
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Ugh...I hadn't watched it all the way through in 3D mode (because I don't have the glasses and didn't want the resulting seizure). Kudos to you for suffering through even long enough to discover this. That being the case, I will strikeout that part of the description. Perhaps if I get ambitious I can tweak the input to work in 3D as well. I believe it could be possible without changing the total number of frames.
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Samsara: Thanks for the naming tips. I tend to err on the side of too much information than too little, so I apologize in advance if it happens again. I'll get more efficient as I learn and do more. Spikestuff: Thanks for the compliment as well as the earlier criticism, its a good learning tool. It's unlikely I'll ever do a hand input based video; using TASeditor input and frame advance just makes more sense to my brain when it comes to optimization.
Post subject: A mild defense & some general thoughts on optimal runs.
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Other than the speed trade-off to demonstrate the Nile glitch in Baby Moses, this is as optimal as I can get with my understanding of the game. But I don't claim to be the worlds greatest TASer either. As mentioned in the description, someone may be able to figure out luck manipulation during Noah's Ark and better my time. But isn't that's the point of this website and TASing in general? To continually try to improve on what others have already accomplished? Given that there are no other submissions containing either Noah's Ark or David & Goliath, let alone all three stories in succession; I would argue that this is the most optimal run currently known (again, aside from the Nile thing which is explained in the description). Could it be faster if I had just run right on Baby Moses? Sure, but that would not increase its entertainment value any more than doing the glitch as a demonstration lessens the entertainment value. I welcome others to try and best this time and/or figure out the luck manipulation. I have minimal programming background and couldn't follow the debugger code well enough to deduce the RNG; nor could I discover it by trial and error. I'd be open to collaboration on this aspect if that interests anyone. In my opinion (and this applies to any game, not just the one I did), if no other submission exists, the first video submitted is by default the most optimal run known. When that first submission is bested, then it is no longer the most optimal known. I, for one, would welcome improvements on any of my game times. I would feel a sense of accomplishment just knowing that my own work had at least some part in producing the fastest record (even if that's just as a starting point or as a challenge for others raise the bar).