The multiple-scrolling of the desert in the 3rd was also removed.
Music was changed (boss music was recycled from episode 1 level,) tile wipes between areas, etc. Graphics not improved much and so on...Really disappointing by SNES standards.
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
Nice if only 3d Realms would get their asses in gear on the sequel...
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
Also I'd prefer to see Gradius 2, since I think Morimotos Gradius 1 movie already is very good.
Agree on that. People have started on Gradius II but never really got any traction.
You have to do this almost perfectly because auto-scroll shooters usually do not make for good timeattacks.
"Vulcan Venture" is an excellent game and it's too bad it's fairly obscure for a major Konami franchise...the graphics and sound are top-of-the-line for an NES game (especially an '88 one.) They lost a lot less than you'd expect porting it from the arcades (although I wish they had the old Crystal World music.)
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
I realize this may not be the right place to ask, but can someone PM me the .zmv or .smv of the 47:04 or 45 minute 100%s? Both posters' websites were down last I checked.
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
I haven't seen anyone on this thread catch it (it's been four months since his run was updated and I only just saw it,) but the guy who played it on a real SNES improved his time to 5:26. If this project isn't dead I'd recommend using his changes as a guide.
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
Would it be worthwhile to manipulate the Pink Puffs to quickly get five tails? Even if you plan on manipulating everything, there's still the Behemoths with their powerful attacks that you can't escape from; you've going to need good protection, especially at such a low level...
Even if you have pretty low levels, it's a waste of time because you have to trek all the way out and all the way back in to get anything from it. It's pretty much an "extra" if you want to take 1 damage for pretty much everything, along with other stuff like the Glass Helmet. You could probably raise more than enough levels with the amount of time it would take.
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
it was a little boring to watch imho, maybe because i woke up now =.-
Yeah, auto scrollers are simple to do but you need to be creative to keep them from being boring. Certainly the mode 7 gives it more potential to be fun than a lot of plain 2d shooters. I did try to make it fun, by moving the ship around a lot and trying to "just miss" a few enemies. There were some times that I let the ship just sit there going into an enemy field to look like I was "tempting death" too. I tried using pacifist-play to make it fun too, of course; I swear 100% kills can't be done, but if someone can figure out how to, more power to you.
daniayaw wrote:
anyways gj^^
Thanks...I worked pretty hard on it even though it's probably unsubmittable without some improvement. It's good to just have some feedback--I get the feeling that a lot of people never even heard of the SNES Macross.
daniayaw wrote:
the 3rd boss u couldnt do it faster?
Like I said, the bosses were least the first try on the "Super Famicom control pad" I thought I went close to as fast as I could, considering you have to hit the side buttons at just the right times and your ship doesn't have very fast lateral movement. I need to work on the later bosses more--I probably didn't time the charging as much as I could and I probably went slower on some in the final level than the first try.
From a style standpoint (and from a time standpoint, since you have a limited number of shots on screen at once,) the flat-out missed shots were probably worse than missed opportunities where I didn't shoot.
I'm also going to have to try the one area in level 7 where I have to take damage again; I get the feeling that if you stay on the energy panels at the right times that you'll never drop below 300 mph.
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
Well, I'd taken a long break from Macross after bumping into some desyncs and I'd better get back to it soon, but I can't believe no one's done Hyperzone yet to the best of my knowledge. I love the music and the pretty clever Mode 7.
It's an auto-scroller, so I know I have to be I decided to go pacifist and take 0 damage. For once, zero damage and fastest time go hand-in-hand, since your ship slows down on contact. I go 448 mph (or whatever the units are) the entire recording except at the start of levels, and try to weave around enemies creatively
Bosses are where you have to be quick; I tried to get it as close as I could reasonably on the first try, and try to follow the patterns and make all my shots connect.
My time is 6:30 a good ways into the 3rd do I look?
Edit: 11:46 early in Level, staying in line with the bosses is hard. I didn't accidently drive off the edge for a frame or two at any point, did I?
Edit: Dang, now I remember I'm going to have to settle for "no ENEMY damage..." unless there's some way to jump between the energy panels in Level 7 that I don't know about. Am I using the charge-up laser to beat the bosses as well as I could? Time is 18:46 midway through lev.7.
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
No, I haven't heard of it, but I might have to give it a download.
And besides of course SMB2J (if you don't count AllStars) and Earthbound Zero, I'm pretty sure the early Fire Emblem games also didn't make it to the USA. I had no idea that Nintendo was still making SNES games in 1999 (FE5: Thracia 776.)
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
I knew this game had desyncs written all over it, with the 3d scenes being what they were.
Speaking of those scenes, though, one thing as long as you might have to keep redoing things: Doesn't dying inside a 3d area still save everything you did inside it? You could die on purpose to throw yourself outside and save a LOT of time (especially since the 3d areas, while really pushing the SNES, are P-A-I-N-F-U-L to watch because they're so choppy.)
I want to see a run of this...I finally beat it on an emu last game to rent but the absence of saves or passwords was obscene.
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
That's a very interesting glitch... I've seen one pretty close to it, but I heard that it was an emulator-only glitch, like the emulator handles overflow conditions differently.
Anyway, it requires the Spaz-Plas glitch (equip both Spazar and Plasma at the same time, but unequip Wave or it'll cause instant crash. Look it up on GameFAQs, I guess). Once you have that, then go to the ship and go to the door on your left, the first door on Brinstar you have to open. Open the door, then charge the beam, look to your right, and fire. The game should be all wierd and laggy, but Samus should still be able to move. Once you enter the door, then it should look like Zebes is blowing up. Exit through the same door, go to the ship, and get into it, and it'll do the whole ending thing.
Strange, but it's worked for me on ZSNES. Can someone figure it out?
I've tried it out a bit now that you mentioned would be interesting to skip Tourian and possibly have a sub-13% completion (don't know about the latter, as I haven't memorized the game structure forwards and backwards.)
As for how it works from a coding standpoint, I suspect it might be related to how the Hyper Beam effectively flags all the other lasers, and since that corridor is part of the escape sequence, the laser flags go with the escape.
Interestingly, the glitch only seems to work in the Japan/USA version, not the Europe version. The PAL version did come out 4 months after the NTSC version ( ) so they probably worked out a few kinks in the meantime. There are other glitches that accumulate if you do that, however.
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
For those who've never heard of this, it's more likely you've heard of the SNES/Playstation Front Mission games; GH is a quasi-sequel, and is a side-scroller where you build stats and weapons RPG-style, rather than a strategy game like the others. (on a side note, for all of these random games I'm suggesting you won't see me suggest a strategy game, LOL...they all have too long fight and plot sequences--the only one I've really gotten into is Bahamut Lagoon and I can't see any way it could be beaten <10 hours.)
Very nice visuals and audio (speaking of the audio, there's a hidden sample in which some Squaresoft staff member makes some ugly curses, but I don't think it can be obtained in the game,) and although there's a load of Japanese dialogue the game is straightforward enough to not have to "practice" on an English hack before you submit a final Japanese run. There are lots of levels, most fairly short, that you proceed through nonlinearly...
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
Anyone else actually beat this game? I finally got around to doing so, and it seems to be shorter than its "cousin" Tales of Phantasia or other super-long SNES RPGs like FF6. I tried to get basically everything and got lost mid-game for several hours but hit the last savepoint at 17:22, whereas Tales of Phantasia took me well over 30 hours and I've taken 20+ hours on virtually all of the times I've played FF6. (I know I'm slow and not trying for speed, LOL...there are also times where I fast-forward too much, haha.)
I think 4 hours or less is a reasonable goal; you can skip a lot of early parts of the game until you get inside Parj Temple. I'd really rather not do something this complicated yet--I want to get back to removing the desyncs and finishing my Macross run before I do anything more complicated than a simple shooter--but it's a good game.
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
While mapping diagonals is unnecessary, you might sometimes find it helpful to map the same key onto two buttons simultaneously if the game requires it at some point and it's hard to hit the buttons at the same split-second/frame. (i.e. to use the spazer+plasma glitch in Super Metroid, I temporarily map left and A as the same key, and to play Tales of Phantasia on hard mode I mapped all four buttons onto one key.)
BTW LAOS, good to see another OCRemix guy on here. :) (I also have the same name on both boards.) You'll like making videos; I finally decided to do one myself and almost finished but am getting nasty desyncs.
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
Macross Scrambled Valkyrie desyncs in the middle of the first level...I hope that it could easily be fixed by recording without sound or something else simple...
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
Dang, Gallant!! 45:08 for 100% is insane!!
I'm trying to find the ZSNES version you listed in that text file, or anything that doesn't crash and plays movies, so I haven't seen the movie yet.
Is that actual movie time, or "game time?" (i.e. game time doesn't include many parts and tends to be lower) If it's movie time it has to translate to 40 minutes or less of game time...just insane, as I thought the limit for 100% had to be close to 50 minutes game time based on Red Scarlet's runs. The only way I could possibly see someone break 50 minutes for 100% is the Tourian-skipping glitch mentioned near the end of the "Super Metroid in 3 minutes" thread.
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
Ok, now I'm around 26 minutes part of the way through level 6. Click the same v2 link (I overwrote it.) I meant to say check not just WIP and volume envelope but also sync samples.
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
Ok, I decided to pick this up after leaving it idle for a while. I improved the first level (namely, the first boss and the "miniboss" ship) considerably by capturing assistant robots and by powering up smarter. Still have taken no damage and have tried to kill as little as possible (in capturing robots they'll naturally kill enemies along the way, but you need them to beat bosses quickly. And I just couldn't "morph through" some of the lasers in level 3.) Also, I used Max instead of Hiraku (or Millia) this time; his weapons are better for beating necessary enemies quickly, especially in Gerwalk form. Level 3 was really hard! both in beating the bosses quickly and avoiding all the enemies. But Level 4 was both pretty easy and short (fast-scrolling.) My time early in level 5 is just over 20 minutes; I'm hoping to get 33 or so by the time everything is done.
Check all the same boxes as last time.
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
I managed to finish it, but some levels had graphical glitches in the emulator I used. And there is a street level, but you don't swivel the camera in it. :)
What's funny is that there's an official port of the game for Game Boy.
I also found a strange ROM for Game Boy that I think is called Super Mario Land 4. It's a Mario game, but the gameplay is a bit different from the standard. You start out as big Mario, and the big Mario form doesn't seem to combine with other forms. You also can't run, and you get power-ups directly by touching boxes rather than knocking things out of them. I haven't played very far, though.
Hmm...I might have to check that out as well.
Yeah, I figured they *could* do a street level as long as they didn't rotate. I'll have to try to get through Level 3 again...true about the graphics glitches, as the thing you ride on keeps turning into the number "01234."
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
Well, I have a ROM of it on my other computer (and I have the game too so I don't consider it piracy :) ) so I may consider it, although your reminding me of it is another reason I want to get back to the Shooting Macross run I started a while back. I like auto-scrolling shooter runs...simple, don't require much planning, but require some good boss strategy.
I'm going to have to respectfully disagree on the Gradius 3 vs. Super R-Type comparison...Gradius 3 was so far ahead of its time as a '90 release and a little 4-mega cart...although my favorite overall SNES shooters are R-Type 3 and Shooting Macross.
And yes, the old Sega Master System R-type was pretty darn impressive for its time.
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
Did I tell everyone about that pirate NES port of Contra 3?
I decided to search for it after I saw your post,'s...interesting, although it seems to "not move on" halfway through what was originally level 4 from the SNES game (it's really level 3 here, since the NES couldn't handle mode 7 and thus level 2 was removed. Interestingly, the music test still has the level 2 music intact.)
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
Don't. In a movie like this which will likely end up being over an hour (what's your estimate, anyway?), it's better to put 30 frames on having a something resembling real unique names for the characters.
I haven't really thought thoroughly about the time it will take. I need to do some levelling early on so I can face Galura at level 15 (and possibly Hyde at level 10), and then I'll probably do the rest of my levelling once I reach the catacombs at the end, as by then, I'll have the wand that petrifies enemies (manipulate luck outside of battle to be able to kill them in one blow). All other battles are either not fought (this is 90%) as I can use potions or Cure magic to avoid them altogether. The remaining battles are used as quick level-ups or plain simply ran from at the first move.
I've only played this game normally without trying to use special tactics, but I'll tell you now that I would be really surprised if this run ended up being less than two hours.
I'll agree with you on the length-keep in mind that the FF1 run was 1 1/2 hours long and was half the size in megabits, and roughly in length.
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
Why was this game made? I would like to see a time attack on this game.
Well, I do find it interesting that there's also a Donkey Kong Country pirate and a "Somari" game (Sonic+Mario Brothers) which has the Sonic 1 levels but Mario as the character.
As long as we're on the "hacked and homebrewed = forbidden" train of thought, I've also heard that >20 levels are available if you hack the rom, I think. You'd think that since the rom is bigger than the SNES rom, and SNES data takes more space, it should have more (although it compresses much lighter.)
I always thought the game was interesting, even though the physics are bad...the graphics are really not that much worse than the SNES version. The music is pretty bad, although our own Dragon Warrior time-attacker Acmlm has a home-brewed SMW .nsf that sounds almost as good as the original if I'm not mistaken.
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams
Completely forgot about the desperation attacks, can't wait to see how these can be used effectively. Very nice :)
Yeah, I seriously thought the end of the movie where Edgar and Locke attacked Terra was a desync finally occurring, since the checksum didn't match, but then I saw the Riot Blade...nice.
Great first 31 minutes of the game many times as I've played it, it hasn't gotten too old to watch and was nicely done so far.
Ignorant question (although I used the search feature and looked back several pages manually,) but why are you using the *slowest* battle speed, though?
"If all you did this year was sit in your cubicle and masturbate...say you're a self-starter who proactively reengineered your personal inventory with Total Quality, conforming to all EEO/OSHA/ISO9000 requirements."-Scott Adams