This is going to be my first time publishing this script in a few months, so please be kind to it!
Short update, not that anyone cares:
My main dev machine is still not up and running, so a c# port of the ai is still a long ways off. (VS 2010 is the latest version I have installed on this laptop, and VS 2013, which is on my new machine, is sooo nice...)
I've briefly been looking into multi-threading in LUA. Thing is, there's a lot of functions even with in the script itself, which could easily be set to a multi-threaded state, but my knowledge on what it takes to thread in LUA is very limited. I may just wait it out- for the time being, anyway.
At any rate, I've finally made a change I've meant to do for a very long time, and that's add a config file setup, so that you don't have to open the script file in order to make minor changes. All you need to do is stop the script, hit refresh, and restart it again.
With a config system, I can have it run 24/7, log all the data, move it to a run #, and then archive it for later usage. I can also do things like modify the max number of nodes, the mutation rates, et cetera.
Since the ai takes a lot of variables to get started, I figure this will be the most effective way of moving with my plans. I'm also going to add a "no-ai" mode, where a player can evaluate themselves against the ai.
Please note a few things with this:
Please, do not report to me a single bug from a modification you made. I do not have the time nor the desire to fix your problems. Secondly, On the first run, the script will generate a config file. The config setup still hasn't been worked out 100% yet, so I'm leaving it barebones, as-is.
Many of the variables even a .01 change can make a large difference, so be careful! (300 is the # of individuals per generation, 255000 is the max number of nodes You can probably change this without too much difference in your AI's fitness, however, you may end up killing your performance and ram if you increase it by a lot. Remember that the number of nodes in each pool is a function of the number of individuals per round - this means you could hit Lua's 32bit memory limit quite easily (i've done it, hence the 255000, not 1 million))
I've been running this ai 24/7 for the past 2 months. It will actually beat Yoshi's Island 3 faster than YI 1, due to level differences.
Also, please note that Staleness is broken, and I haven't had time to fix it. If anyone finds out what's wrong, let me know.
Here's the script file:
Here's the required "smw-bizhawk.lua" file:
Once I get a few more features up and ready, I'll make public the lua file!