I have no idea what to answer because I did not start another thread. If the administration decides to delete advertisings I will accept that but I just thought because the relation of tool-assistance is there and there is no competition so it might be okay to post our site.
If you say you're a TFP going for awesome completion in a short amount of time wouldn't you notice the minor bits that need to be faster?
This would end up in a video like Goldeneye where you see the player looking on the floor most of the time. I do not want to discuss if this is more or less entertaining but speed is the ultimate goal of a TAS but not for our videos.
In case of Goldeneye we would not care about lags when watching straight ahead or strafing the whole time because it is faster. That was what I wanted to say by 'playing the game as it was meant to be.'
Yes, I know longplays, but these videos are different in many ways. For a longplay the rerecording feature is used only to prevent dying not to prevent missing shots or getting hit or even use frame advance.
Though we do not aim for fastest time we know that wasting time is not entertaining. But in a longplay there is a lot of time wasted. Probably it can be said that a longplay demonstrates how a game looks like when you play it in realtime and a TFP shows how a game looks like if you could play it flawless.
Perhaps you might take a look at our movies to see the differences to a longplay. You can compare our Zelda SNES video with an actual longplay for an example. Not to say our movie is better but it demonstrates the gap between a longplay and a TFP.
Is that some CSS framework?
The site is based on Joomla CMS with a Warp Framework template.
we made a new site which might be interesting for some here because we make tool-assisted movies but no speedruns. We thought about possibilities to make gameplay interesting in a different way and with a different goal than speed only.
So we decided that our goals are entertainment and playing the game as it was meant to be played. In some cases bug using is impressive but sometimes this might be too much to follow the gameplay itself.
You find us on http://EnterPlayment.net and our YouTube channel on http://youtube.com/EnterPlaymentNet
Maybe one or another already found us on YouTube or our page itself and for those who did not yet I wanted to give a chance to do so. I want to make clear that I do not want to misuse this forum for advertising but I thought that due to the tool-assisted related topic this could be interesting.
We already got several videos of games like the following examples:
Klonoa 100%
Link to video
Brave Fencer Musashi 100%
Link to video
Thank you