Posts for Fatality

Experienced Forum User
Joined: 2/14/2013
Posts: 4
Ok well thanks for those answers, i won't do it. I might work on a more "usual" type of game. Again, thanks for your time ;)
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 2/14/2013
Posts: 4
The inputs would be recorded via macro softwares, dunno yet which one, i used several when macroted on diablo and they worked well. I didn't know that the tools had to be "accepted", i thought any tool helpfull would be accepted as long as u mention it :s
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 2/14/2013
Posts: 4
If i record a part of the inputs like i planned to do (especially in the menus, to buy the items, to make the early moves), isn't it considered as tool assisted? Or the entire run should be done with tools?
Post subject: Do you think HoN is interesting?
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 2/14/2013
Posts: 4
Hi. I watch speed runs and tas for several years now but i'm new to this forum. Recently the game Heroes of Newerth was updated to version 3, which introduced a new solo mode. Before this versio, HoN only proposed versus games, 3v3 or 5v5. This new mode is the 5v5 mode but playable with bots. HoN is a MOBA, or DotA-like, and for those who never heard of it, it's a strategy game with an rts camera (third person). U control a single hero in a team, u have a base and towers to defend and u have to destroy the opponent's base to win. A "kind of" speedrun is available on youtube of a 5 player team versus a 5 player team and the base is destroyed in 7 minutes, i think i can do it in 6 minutes on my own, and 3 to 4 minutes if we play 5 players versus 5 bots. I was wondering if a speedrun or a tool assisted speedrun of a solo game (me+4 bots in a team vs a bot team) would be interesting enough to be submitted to this site. Thanks for your interest in my question ;)