Posts for ForgoneMoose

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I was requested to make a 3rd WIP post once I got to a good milestone, so here you go: Link to video Massive route change what with leaving the entrance/caverns circuit halfway through. This is the only route that allows me to do the half blood after leap stone, saving two laps all the way around the keep, and getting leap stone sooner is nice because it allows me to move on foot without a shield without wasting major time and because it makes downward movement look awesome as shit.
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Warp wrote:
ForgoneMoose wrote:
Warp wrote:
ForgoneMoose wrote:
Your entertainment is not the goal here.
So what is? And why would anyone want to see it?
How many times do I have to write it? The goal is to deliver justice directly unto the hands of the sinners of the speedrunning world. This was made clear several times in the first post.
I don't understand. If it's not done for entertainment, it's callous. So what's the reason to do it?
What's callous is to allow the fools and sinners of the great speedgaming society to run around unchecked, blissfully unaware of their impertinence and foolishness. It is our duty to bring them in line through whatever means necessary, and I am simply the only one man enough to use the force needed to do so.
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Warp wrote:
ForgoneMoose wrote:
Your entertainment is not the goal here.
So what is? And why would anyone want to see it?
How many times do I have to write it? The goal is to deliver justice directly unto the hands of the sinners of the speedrunning world. This was made clear several times in the first post.
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Samsara wrote:
Shit, I did come off harsh earlier. My bad. I do like the idea, but I still feel like the commentary was a bit lacking. Maybe it's just because I've played a hell of a lot of Aria of Sorrow and I saw a lot of mistakes that weren't mentioned. Who the hell knows. Either way, a co-commentator with a lot of knowledge on the game would probably help out quite a bit if your goal is really to point out as many flaws as possible.
That was something I was considering, definitely. This first part was just something that happened on a whim, I plan to actually do research about the game in advance in the future. Feels kind of silly taking something like this so seriously when it isn't really a remotely serious thing, but whatever makes the video better is fine with me. Any later parts would probably have some degree of scripting too. Guests would be nice, but I have the feeling that that would be harder to make happen than it really should be for some reason.
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Samsara wrote:
Y'know, I always thought Retsupurae would be a thousand times funnier if they just blandly pointed out all the faults in the videos, never made any jokes, and kept saying "I don't know this game" and "I've never seen this room" every 3 minutes. Thanks for confirming that thought.
Did you even read the FAQ? Your entertainment is not the goal here.
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LiterallyMooseDad wrote:
i approve of this content and im not just saying that i mean its really really great that people are taking their time to do something like this i mean im almost in tears im so happy that the community is so wonderful that they can do something like this. Jk u suk Arukado 4 lyfe
arukado's dead nerd
Post subject: Gruefood Theatre
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Link to video Join me and WR holder for every console speedrun in existence Emp_Put_Waifu_In_Mugen on an epic journey to casually saunter through various games, sometimes with tool assistance, sometimes without! The point of this is most certainly NOT good-natured ribbing and is absolutely to make the author of the topic run feel bad for his/her sin. Speedgaming is incredibly serious business, and the two of us have to serve as steadfast enforcers of justice and what is right in this corrupt speedrunning world. As this is something that certainly has never been done before, I have prepared a list of questions that I believe might arise: ---- Q1. What is the point of even doing this? Yeah, it's a bad run, but there's no point in just picking on someone for something that's years old! A1. It's not about picking on people. Speedgaming has strict laws, and we will lay down the hand of justice upon thee with great force should you break them. Time will not save you. If someone should happen to be entertained by the result, that's obviously just a positive side-effect of the justice-serving. Q2. I am outraged by your behavior and would like to know where I can complain to have this removed posthaste! I can't believe an upstanding member of the TASVideos community would take part in such barbarianism! A2. We take your questions and concerns very seriously, and would be glad to respond to any such comments you would like to be voiced to us. Please feel free to use the following link to contact us with any such comments: Q3. Uh, guys, he didn't use the Mana Prism to bat more because he got it after he didnt need to bat anymore, duh. Also, he didn't bother with double hitting Chaos because he had no overhead attack and he couldn't do OoB with Manticore because that glitch hadn't even been found yet. Also, 100 yen is not a lot of money A3. you FUCKIN NERD Q4. When will the next episode be out? What run/TAS will it be about? A4. We don't know when/if there will be a next episode, and that is always going to be a true statement. We do at the time of this writing have desire to make at least a couple more of these at some point in the future, but there is not and never will be a set schedule or any sort of real organization. Q5. Your A/V quality is shit. A5. The quality of the child your mother gave birth to on your birthday is shit. Ooh, sick burn Q6. Why is it called Gruefood Theatre when you clearly planned to have episodes based on runs not in Gruefood from the beginning anyways? A6. Why don't you just shut your mouth ya little BITCH Q7. Can I be on your show Moose-senpai? A7. Why would you want to be? Well, it would be nice if we could start getting relevant guests for some episodes at some point, but the keyword there is relevant. Sorry kid.
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Glitcher wrote:
andypanther wrote:
Samsara wrote:
arandomgameTASer wrote:
Pointless category.
Excuse you, there are at least 1000000 points in this category.
Thanks for pointing that out.
I think he gets the point.
i dont see the CURVE in stretching this joke out so far! goddamn im funny
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this is a very pointful TAS and my erection from watching it is at least twice as long as the input file. 10/10
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boct1584 wrote:
That "0 bosses" TAS was a really good watch. You should submit it, seeing how the Moon tier is friendly to esoteric goals. There's definitely enough unique content to set it apart from the other runs of SOTN, and defeating Dracula to give the run a definite endpoint is the same in my mind as the Zelda "Swordless Challenge" collecting the Wooden Sword so it can defeat Ganon and beat the game.
It's more interesting than most arbitrary categories for this game, but I don't think it's worth submitting personally. You have to really understand the mechanics of the game to even understand why any of what it does is impressive, and it eliminates all of the combat. It also seems just like an any% run that gets bat, only it makes a brief detour in the first castle. Not to mention,, which has similar goals and themes to 0 bosses makes me wary about submitting it. These runs are mostly just demonstrations to say, "yep, you sure can do this!". I'd have to see multiple people who agree with you to convince me that it's entertaining to casual viewers, basically. Unrelated, but reading that thread again it's really entertaining watching some random guy trying to explain to arukAdo how to do a glitch that arukAdo found
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I changed the resource page for SotN to be less awful. And by that, I mean a made a resource page for SotN. Lots of important stuff that could still be added, but I tried to cover everything that you couldn't learn from regular speedrunning tutorials first. Also, I realized that I can just do fairy's gift and get the toadstool at the same time, so that solves that mystery I guess.
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Having to go through library and outer wall without a shield equipped turned out to waste more time than I thought after I compared it, costing almost 3 seconds. Since fairy is slow and completely useless for actually trying to do anything she's supposed to be doing to help you, and after testing it takes a very long big toss for a big toss to be faster than IWS, I think it's worth it to just skip out on fairy's gift entirely. I'll have to scrap all of the progress I've made since the WIP I posted in the WIP section for the fourth time to get another potion so fairy can heal me before i pick up bat. Hell, it would probably even still save time over going shieldless to just do fairys gift then pause a second time and equip a shield over the high potion. I feel as though I have been damned to optimize bat through marble gallery for all eternity
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Worked up to the first teleport back to Olrox's. Getting a feel for using the bat; movement is awkward in outer wall because I have a healing item on both hands at the time. I'll continue to do testing as to whether fairy's gift can possibly be worth it, otherwise I'll continue work on a different take that gets elixir instead of high potion. Link to video
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Got Mino/Wolf fight that I think is as good as I can get it today. Went with simultaneous kill with summon spirit, as the slash dual kill turned out to be slower than killing them normally with crits involved. I was able to get 3 and 3 slashes respectively to kill each of them in my take to test killing them normally, but I had to settle for 4 and 3 in the dual kill; I guess I just got the god RNG the first time around. I'm also happy that I was able to avoid map buffering for the first set of crits, as doing so while the two of them are still being summoned causes this really irritating flickering effect as long as the game is paused. 2 slashes on werewolf might be possible, but manipulating crits is impractical for the first one you attack as the animation of them appearing generates tons of randomness, along with the flickering I mentioned. Combine that with the fact that both slashes would have to be very powerful crits and it just isn't at all practical to go for, especially since you'd still need good RNG for minotaur immediately after as well. 3 slashes on Minotaur probably isn't worth even trying for in the dual kill; this would allow me to use summon spirit after my second to last hit on werewolf instead of after the last, meaning werewolf dies sooner, but this would require not only getting all of the hits on mino to be crits, but very powerful crits. The time it would take to manipulate this can't be worth it in my mind. Anyways, at Library now. Jump > mist > jump kick to the faerie card is the fastest book jump up to Faerie Card that I am aware of, I'm mostly just deciding whether it's better to get the Faerie Scroll in the same go or to get it on the way out. If I get it on the way out, I have to take the long way all around the library, whereas otherwise I'd just get bat, library card, then zip to the bottom of the level and wing smash straight out. A really cool strat involving a strange upward zip to the room above the Librarian was something I tested as well earlier, but it turned out to be impractical as the glitch disables menu access, the nearest method of restoring it being the save point, costing way too much time. I might make a video of what that would have looked like some time.
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After doing some testing, skipping shield rod entirely is perfectly reasonable. I've been looking into strats for second castle bosses, and it seems like I'm going to need mablung sword for at least a couple of the bosses, though. I've been looking into possible ways to outmatch the alucard shield's damage on galamoth, but youd need things like dual rings of varda and/or STR potion and whatnot as well as a slow ass sword like gurthang or masamune to even break 200 damage per hit, whereas alucard shield does almost 200 damage per hit without ATT boosts, and hits faster. I was considering doing a glitch where you can kill richter and the shaft orb at the same time, but that just gives you the same result as killing just the shaft orb except richters dieing in the background during shaft's one line before the FMV.
Fortranm wrote:
A less glitchy run actually sounds promising. However, might it be better to make a "all bosses and relics" run on the Saturn version? There are two more bosses(and you can fight Richter/Shaft as well since you are gonna meet Maria at the center of the first castle anyway) and three more relics in the Saturn version.
I actually initially started this on the Saturn version. I decided to switch to PSX due to the fact that, one, this version looks and runs better and is in English, and two and more importantly, when I tried a test TAS of the Saturn version, it was a miserable experience. I couldn't even get past a quick run of the prologue; multiple desyncs, and bizhawk crashed multiple times when i tried to play it back, before even getting to the intro text scroll - this isn't even mentioning that I capped at about 19 FPS on the fastest settings I could find, which isn't acceptable to me. Yabause was better, but it still had a number of problems and I don't think I'd want to make a bigger project like this on it either.
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I was thinking for a while about what sort of new category could fill the "100% completion" role for SotN since it lacks a major sidequest like DoS's soul collection, and I decided that all bosses and relics is the best way to go. I was initially opposed to all bosses, as I didn't think that the bosses were challenging enough to warrant the killing of them being an arbitrary objective, but after talking about it with a number of viewers unfamiliar with SotN speedrunning they said that they felt that a lot of the existing TASes lacked interesting combat. While my initial concern is still obviously a good point, I'm going to do pretty much everything I can to add variety to as many of the bosses as possible, so it's at least interesting to see exactly which way you can lay waste to these things the fastest. Hopefully, skipping the shield rod entirely for the first castle will be viable and I can show off a bunch of different strange weapons. I'm willing to sacrifice time to show off more, within reason. I also made this decision based on the fact that I literally could not think of any good reason to visit some of the areas using just all relics alone. That would mean skipping out on the catacombs, the necromancy laboratory, etc. - I want to show off as much of the game as possible here. Despite the fact that the previous TAS had map completion as a goal, I still believe that I can see about as much of the game, and in less time. I chose against repeating the same goal of map completion for a number of reasons. One, the main glitch that makes it bearable, save corruption, is now in a very grey area what with how it can now be used for ACE, making the whole arbitrary condition thing pointless. Map collection was already a slog that really brought the old TAS down, and without that it would probably be unbearable. Second, even with corruption, like I said, it's boring. Despite all the fun glitches arukAdo did to try and keep it interesting, there was still a lot of backtracking and still a lot of entering rooms for no reason besides getting map, which is never good in my opinion. Overall, it will end up being a somewhat less glitchy run, unfortunately, but it will be much faster paced and have more variety and action, so it balances out in my book. Link to video
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Everything about this is awful. No thought was put in whatsoever to making the experience not be boring as hell, no effort was put into optimization whatsoever, and slowdown is apparently no object here. The TAS was fine though, yes vote.
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Got bored, made this thing: Link to video Pretty cool for an arbitrary category actually. Uses lots of really precise and obscure tricks there's otherwise no use for, and the wolf charge actually sees the light of day for more than 5 seconds for once. Also marks the first use of screen pause deletion in a serious setting. For reference, the WR, as far as I know, is over 45 minutes long, as seen here:
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arandomgameTASer wrote:
-The Japanese version is used because the text is slightly faster. There are no other differences.
good luck
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Nach wrote:
Patashu wrote:
no one would be impressed by a super metroid ACE TAS that gets 100% by editing all the items in!
Actually, we just published that. It's a very impressive movie.
Pardon me, but that TAS gets 999%, not 100%. Therefore, this TAS is only ~1/90 times as good as the Super Metroid TAS and this should be grounds for instant rejection. The logic is foolproof.
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Guga wrote:
Who are you
I am the Dude, so that's what you call me.
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brb making sotn TAS that library cards to all the relics
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Nach wrote:
adelikat and I aren't getting any younger, and we have children to feed.
Just noticed this. Nach X adelikat OTP
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I am, for one, completely outraged. Not only is this nonsense a complete travesty that goes against the entire purpose of TASvideos (entertainment for the casual viewer), but I seem to have not gotten a membership pass that I very much believe I am entitled to for my hard work! Step your game up Bisqwit, or I'm afraid I'll be spending my money on Enterplayment instead. An example of my hard work: Also, one of your pro TASes is very obviously cheated. You can't beat Mario 64 in 5 minutes, that's absurd!
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PJ wrote:
I tried playing it back and Richter killed Maria. Plz help.
This happens if you try and play it back using the Japanese BIOS. try using SCPH1001.bin