Posts for FractalFusion

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Oh, didn't know my userfile was going to be used to replace the original submission, lol. Btw, in case anyone is wondering, I was not able to improve "early input end". Strategies similar to those used in #1166: FractalFusion's NES Monopoly in 00:27.08, which initially were potentially faster depending on RNG, turned out not to be faster because the RNG did not work out.
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jlun2 wrote:
The category name confused me. I never played Sonic 3 & Knuckles, so I have 0 idea about the game's mechanics, but from reading "minimum left/right inputs" I thought it meant holding both left and right at the same time. Holding both opposite directions can have unexpected effects in games, so I did not expect it to mean "no pressing left button, and no pressing right button." instead.
Oh, good point. To be fair, I don't know any console game where pressing left and right simultaneously is a meaningful design feature in any way; obviously to minimize it, all you have to do is choose not to do it. Anyway, the Youtube video clearly uses the category name "no left or right", which hopefully is a better explanation for what this category really is. I wonder why this submission has a different category name in the first place.
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Submission title wrote:
"minimum left/right inputs"
That's a funny way of saying "no left or right inputs". I remember being aware in the past that it was possible to beat Sonic games with very few (if any) left or right inputs by using Knuckles (not my own idea; I saw it from a different video somewhere). Nice that you made a TAS of S3&K that encapsulates this idea, and also to show that it is possible to beat S3&K without any left or right inputs at all. Incidentally, I had earlier tried to see (in a TAS setting) if it was possible to go through S3&K as Knuckles without pressing down in addition to not pressing left or right, but I only made it to the first set of fans in Hydrocity 2 before I lost interest in trying. Do you know whether it is possible to make it all the way through S3&K without pressing down in addition to not pressing left or right? Edit: Edited my post in response to jlun2's post.
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I'll have to do some research before I can figure out whether the sequence of 7 rolls after input is possible. It didn't look too good the last time I tried it.
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I made a TAS based on your strategy. It is a bit slower due to extra CPU rolls (each CPU rolls 4 times):
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Oops, forgot that Virginia Ave has a hotel rent of $900, not $800. Thanks for the information, TDrop. As expected, I wasn't able to find an ending to improve "fastest input" (imagine trying to manipulate rolls of 3 over and over after the end of input) but I found a way to improve the "fastest completion" using the newest light purple strategy (it is more reasonable now that the strategy only requires one CPU player to round the board): (fastest completion with the last CPU bankruptcy on frame 9620, faster than this submission's last CPU bankruptcy on frame 10150). Fastest completion can be improved, but I don't feel like doing it right now. Maybe next year.
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Actually this looks pretty cool. Though I was a bit off my estimate (I initially thought the TAS would be more like 18:xx).
Hetfield90 wrote:
There was a run of mmx3 any% psx glitched(Submission #5175S) submitted a number of years ago, but was rejected on the grounds that the password intentionally triggers Bit/Byte/Vile's death flags before failing to unflag them after rejecting the password as a whole, so it's essentially just (partially) using a password.
The link is #5175: paosidufygth's PSX Rockman X3 in 13:36.56, and yes it abused a password glitch to set Bit/Byte/Vile status flags before starting the game. By manipulating the flags, it is even possible to skip fighting any boss in Doppler 1 all together, because the game tracks separate status flags for "defeated" and "dead" for those three, and there is a particular arrangement of status flags (not possible in normal gameplay) which causes an empty boss room.
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I liked this hack (and this TAS) more than I initially thought I would, with the fast movement and Super Arrow usage. It also has fast weapon switching, something I don't get tired of. It probably helps that it's a Rockman 5 hack rather than one of the many Rockman 2 hacks already in existence.
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Hm, I didn't even know Chrome had a hidden minigame in its browser. It's kind of funny seeing the video continuously saying "No Internet", while I'm watching the video on my internet.
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Cool that this game still has new things to discover. Looking forward to the 0-key TAS next. :)
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ViGadeomes wrote:
Hello FractalFusion, Clean new strat that you used here! Out of curiosity, Approximatively how much time would this strategy save if we were going for the fastest completion time ?
Sorry, I fell asleep. Here is the fastest completion time TAS in 1738 frames (bankruptcy at frame 1976), with the new strats. It is 37 frames faster than adelikat's TAS.
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Comparison encode with previous (1080p60 HD when ready): Link to video
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I'm going to take a guess as to what OmnipotentEntity sees as the "easy method". I'm 90% sure it is this: Let y and z be as shown in the image above based on the subdivisions of the bottom edge. Then: (2x)2+y2=145 (A) (5x)2+(y+z)2=689 (B) (4x)2+(z+3)2=377 (C) Now let's declare that x,y,z are natural numbers. (Just do this. Don't think about it.) Equation (A) says that 145 = 29*5 is a sum of two squares. Checking shows that 145 = 82+92 = 122+12 (you can also use 29 = 32+22 and 5 = 22+12, and the Brahmagupta-Fibonacci identity to get the above sums of two squares). The first gives x=4, y=9, and then in (C) z=8, and (B) checks out. The second gives x=6, but then (C) has no solution for z, so reject that. Therefore x=4. ---- If you are unsatisfied with the above argument, specifically the declaration that x,y,z are natural numbers, note that no other argument I've found is interesting. You are free to solve it in real numbers by squaring equation(s) a few times to get rid of radicals. WolframAlpha will happily tell you that the only solutions are x=±4.
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I enjoyed the run. It's cool to see how the mechanics work for these puzzle levels. The World 4 glitch is really weird though. (That's probably what Captain_Forehead meant with the "few loud noises".)
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I'm glad Yoshimitsu exists. Without Yoshimitsu, Tekken TASes wouldn't be interesting in the slightest.
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I wish the middle was a little more interesting, but the final 6 or 7 minutes is funny, so I'll let that go.
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I had a look at this TAS, and enjoyed it along with the comments from the submission. I actually watched it without knowing at the time there was a TAS on the N64 version which is a little more like "game end glitch". Anyway that one is very different from this one, so it's interesting to see the strategies used.
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In my (non-expert) opinion, the Windows crash seems to be caused by a vulnerability in one of the Mupen64plus N64 plugins that BizHawk uses. More evidence that plugins are bad, I guess. Fortunately most cores don't have to resort to plugins, so I think the other cores are safe. Just Mupen64plus + plugins that's the problem here.
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I forgot Game Genie was an actual cartridge. And FCEUX treats like a BIOS? That's interesting.
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From my research, it seems possible that a variant strategy of the former TAS (using a different card) may possibly be faster (in terms of ending input sooner) than this submission; it would be very close and would depend on RNG. I'll need to do more research on that, but I'm a bit busy at the moment so it might take a week or longer.
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This is pretty impressive. Last year, I had planned to make a script to find miracle frames (more like, find the click location that minimizes coloring time), but never got around to it. It probably wouldn't have helped, considering that click location is not the only factor determining the coloring time.
warmCabin wrote:
I foresee a judging problem here. I now consider regions 18 and 20 to be adjacent, but I didn't last time. Does that invalidate the old run...? Luckily, this is the favorable arrangement of regions 20 and 21, so even under the old interpretation, this coloring is still optimal.
The pixels in question: There might be a problem in considering the yellow and gray regions adjacent, considering the purple and pink regions at the same "corner" are equally as close! (The regions to which the four-color theorem apply shouldn't be considered touching at "corners".)
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Wait, the TAS actually crashes the (Windows) system? The BSOD wasn't fake like I first thought? That must raise a lot of questions...
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One other thing I noticed is that the submission says the frame rate is 61fps, but in the submission text, Hetfield90 is giving a number that seems more consistent with 60fps. If it is supposed to be 60fps, the time would be more like 26:38.17. Also, the previous publication appears to use 60fps.
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Semi-comparison encode with previous publication: (Note: Based on nrg_zam's encode, it appears to be the most recent userfile with the 35f save. Also, assuming that it is actually supposed to be 60fps, the final time should say 26:38.17) Link to video Note that the previous publication does Freudia first and then Grolla, but these two are reversed in this submission. ---- Anyway, I didn't expect Rosenkreuzstilette to have zipping glitches in it. Looks cool. (I also watched the Mega Man X2 TAS as well. Well done on the improvements.)
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merrp wrote:
  • It's possible switching to Fast speed text could be faster:
    • Upsides: Still investigating it, but I've heard that Mid speed text loses 1 frame per textbox. As to how many frames I actually lose over this run, I'm not sure.
    • Downside: Complex battle manips are more difficult and costly. In this run there's a bunch of places I want to manip the enemy's move and my own separately by slowing down or speeding up text; I can't do that with Fast text. Help menu costs about 18 frames to open and close for that, so I'm not sure which is faster overall
I remember that mkdasher for the current TAS used Fast speed text, with the downside not being bad enough to stay with Normal. One of the explanations is that, once faster RNG advances are accessed by entering a Pokecenter, moving the cursor around the move select screen in battle manipulates the RNG advance. Of course, in the current TAS, the opponent's move hardly ever comes into play due to how often everything is OHKO, so I'm not sure regarding your current plan.