Posts for GabrielRavier

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Joined: 6/15/2017
Posts: 5
Location: Steinbach (Taunus), Germany
My computer has 2Gb of memory. I'm afraid that's NOT enough for VM.
Post subject: Windows 10 (Cave Story)
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 6/15/2017
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Location: Steinbach (Taunus), Germany
I've tried disabling multi-threading, hardware acceleration, compatibility mode for windows XP (SP3), and all of those at once, but I still can't get friggin' CAVE STORY (the game for which this "Emulator" was CREATED) to launch. It just says : CRASH!! The game has crashed.. PS : I used the original Cave Story with the original version r81 of the old Hourglass. PPS : I tried all of those solutions with Hourglass resolution. It didn't work (a empty icon showed in the Taskbar, and then Hourglass said (when I tried running the resulting movie) : This movie file doesn't contain any frames, playback is not possible)
Post subject: Triple post (DÉSOLÉ)
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 6/15/2017
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Location: Steinbach (Taunus), Germany
Ce que je veux savoir c est surtout ou est ce que j ai fait une erreur.
Post subject: Double post désolé
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 6/15/2017
Posts: 5
Location: Steinbach (Taunus), Germany
J ai mal fait le lien pour l AVI, il faut enlever [/movie] a la fin du lien
Post subject: HELP comment faire la wrong warp (smb3)
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 6/15/2017
Posts: 5
Location: Steinbach (Taunus), Germany
J ai essayé la wrong warp, après avoir vu cette vidéo ( en anglais. J ai donc fait un TAS (pas super mega optimisé) pour le tenter. Mais meme en utilisant le RAM Watch pour etre sur que les coordonees des ennemis etaient les bonnes, je me suis retrouve bloque apres avoir entre le tuyau (j ai bien attendu 30 secondes comme demande). Ci joint sont les liens pour telecharger : Le fichier fm2 : Le fichier AVI (compresse en 7z):[/movie]