Posts for Generic_PC

Post subject: Games on the TAS forums?
Joined: 6/4/2009
Posts: 1
I'm new. I know that. I signed up like 10 minutes ago. I have a couple friends who frequent this forum, and I've been joking about it with them. Would putting a forum games sub-forum be worth it in a community like TASvideos? I've seen these sub-forums on most forums i frequent, and it's usually a good place to sit on the forums while waiting for replies, for instance. Introducing one might be slow at first, but I've found that lots of people end up posting there at least once. Yes, i know I'm new and haven't ever touched a tool for making speed runs, although i do know how to use some emulators. Is my radical change good for consideration though? I'm sure we could port over a couple games to start with, and a couple would spring up naturally from these forums.