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Is this Vampire's kiss? I don't have the game, so I can't watch the movie, but it's the same game, right?
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Bisqwit wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Graveworm wrote:
It can be gotten at
There are a few other hacks on that page as well. Have you compared the other hacks? How Legacy compares to them?
No answers to this question? Because I'm trying to make a decision whether we could accept Legacy as an allowed hack.
Graveworm wrote:
I tried the one on left of that one too, Metroid Limit, but it was impossible for me to complete without savestates and slowdown. It's not really a good modification, new games is always fun to play, but there was to many ways to die and make a wrong turn and not being able to get back.
I doubt anyone would want to do a TAS of this game, so don't even bother.
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Aphex Twin is the strangest shit I've ever heard, it's actually quite cool, everyone should at least have heard it.
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I actually edited the period away. <-- Grammatik. (På engelska?) I had to try the crystal flash glitch, and if anyone wanted to see it, it's here. Though I'm not killing the boss but rather get caught, which leaves me with the goo still on me after he's released me, for some reason.
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I'll just recommend a two or three of bands I listen to, you wont check 100 bands out anyway. Aborted Bloodride. Not sure if you'll find anything though, since they're a local band. Bloodbath And well, my current band hasn't recorded anything yet, so I can't give you a sample, but I might as well do that as soon as we record a demo or something like that. And I buy all my records, so I don't have 200 GB's of music on my computer, but rather 3 or 4 GB's of metal.
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Too bad I deleted the message because I didn't really think it was necessary. ;D
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XtraX wrote:
I really liked how you escaped the room after the first missile pack in your Legacy movie,Graveworm. I would love to see a complete TAS for Legacy,even if it wouldn't go on this site and would like to help with route planning and stuff,because I know quite much about the hack.
If you know any sequence breaks or tricks that'll help me complete the game faster, I might play all the way to the end, and if it's cool enough, I might do a serious playthrough of this game, even though it wouldn't be submitted, people could still find it here on the discussion forums. Send me a private message if you've found any cool stuff, and I'll need some help with route planning too, I've completed this game twice, so I have a little bit of route planned, but not for the whole game, and it could certainly be faster. :) I've done a little more on the video, the reason I didn't one round spore spawn is because that would require planning with drops, and I wasn't in the mood for that at that time, and I wouldn't have one rounded it if I did the battle now either, but if I make a serious movie, I promise to do it.
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Well, I'm not very good at video games. Especially when it comes to playing with a keyboard, since I don't have any kind of gamepad to play with.
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I havn't thought about that, but can't you play a game with bad checksum anyway?
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Maybe this one first, then a NES, and after that a SNES, and a Gameboy after that or something. ;D
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I tried the one on left of that one too, Metroid Limit, but it was impossible for me to complete without savestates and slowdown. It's not really a good modification, new games is always fun to play, but there was to many ways to die and make a wrong turn and not being able to get back.
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Kinda off topic, yes. I just have to share this with everyone. But has anyone ever heard of Metroid Legacy? It's a really cool modificated version Super Metroid, like Super Demo World but for Super Metroid. ;P It can be gotten at And it's the upper right picture, the one of Norfair. The thing is, that Super Metroid can get tired sometimes, and you might want to try something new, and this game is actually quite good (not even close to the original though.) If you don't feel like playing the game yourself, you can download this .smv of me playing up to after bombs, it shows a small part of the game. You'll have to patch the game yourself, that can be done with Lunar IPS, which can be found at (I just hope I'm allowed to link to this site though.) I'm sorry if everyone already knew that, but someone might not. ;D I'm sorry if I'm not allowed to "advertise" this, which I'm not doing but reading through this post makes me feel like it could seem like I do. And if everyone already knew about this and thinks this is a dumb post, someone could always delete it. :)
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I sing, play (electric) guitar, play piano and work out, that's about everything I do.
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He needs to be able to get away from the battle. I havn't seen the video, but if there's any other way of doing this earlier, try it, and if it's possible, yay, you've found an improvement.
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I have no idea of what the ninja title means, but since everyone seems to want nitsuja to have it, I believe I do too.
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Maybe there should be a pure speed topic, a 100% topic and a "RBO" topic. People are getting confused.
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Who? Why are you talking about "RBO" and yes, it has an energy tank. This particular discussion is about fastest possible playthrough.
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What are you talking about? And no, it's not possible to get before you have killed Kraid.
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moozooh wrote:
Well yeah, except for those places where you can't save your momentum to fly through the next room because of its geometry, but still can carry your charge to another area. What am I thinking about is a possible advantage of combining short charge with a diagonal superjump, with its ability to "slide" through some edges and vertical walls.
I still don't get it, where do you mean?
moozooh wrote:
Well if it's possible to derive almost a quarter of a minute from the first ~8 minutes of the gameplay, and then there are about 15 minutes of pure non-stop running, I think it is utterly possible.
This time was not saved entirely from running faster, I believe that maybe half of that time was saved from running, though I really don't have any idea of how much was saved.
moozooh wrote:
Oh, didn't know that. So there is absolutely no possibility to kill them faster than that? And what about the other "steel door" monster sets (like those of Brinstar in a small Energy tank room)?
Michael Flatley does it faster, it can be seen in his video. I don't know if that energy tank should be picked up in a tool-assisted demo though.
moozooh wrote:
Agree with you on Phantoon, but still, doesn't it just help you to actually land your hits faster in any boss/miniboss battle? This is another serious frame shaveoff, as I see it.
I'm not sure, but I don't think so. The only mini-boss you kill is the dragon worm, and that boss is killed with only 6 missiles and 4 super missiles. 2 charged spazer/wave should deal more damage than 5 missiles do, and takes a shorter time to deal with, than the missiles pickup, since there's not only 4-6 seconds of pause, but you also have to get detour to get them, maybe losing all your speed, or going in a different direction than you were supposed to.
moozooh wrote:
One frame here, one frame there — they all sum up pretty well, you know. There are enough microscopic mistakes (on a frame level; maybe not even mistakes but just unwise moves) in Terima's run to squeeze another couple of seconds while cleaning them up.
Maybe you didn't read careful enough, but I did agree with you on that one.
moozooh wrote:
Oh, didn't know that. So there is absolutely no possibility to kill them faster than that?
moozooh wrote:
Ah, I see. I never bothered to use them on the bosses back on my SNES, anyway.
Don't get caught uneducated, you might confuse people and lead them to a wrong decision.
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Yes, in Zero mission also bombable blocks respawn during the pause when picking up an item. Also, the in-game timer doesn't stop when picking up an item.
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The rerecord count has nothing to do with the quality of the movie. If you read through this topic you will see that nitsuja has written that most rerecords were used for testing, and if he would redo the movie, most certainly not more than 20k rerecords would have been used.
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moozooh wrote:
Well, if MF was 13.5 seconds ahead of Terima at super missile/mockball room, and Saturn was 0.3 seconds ahead of MF at Ceres, I expect three to five minutes overall improvement, based on the: • faster moving while arm pumping constantly (a sure minute only for that);
Not sure about than one.
moozooh wrote:
• frame perfect jumping (especially walljumping and climbing small heights);
Of course you can add up a couple of frames here, maybe even a couple of seconds, but nothing major.
moozooh wrote:
• frame perfect falling (also using the advantages of G-force to fall faster through the exploding blocks and vertical doors);
The one published used this at most places possible.
moozooh wrote:
• creative and frame perfect mockballing (ideally, it should be used every time Samus is obliged to travel a distance in ball form, just like in the end of Saturn's second video);
Not more than a couple of frames, at a couple of places in the game where it isn't used in the published video.
moozooh wrote:
• more creative use of superjumps and short charge boosts when possible (and it looks pretty cool, also);
The super jump has a 1-2 second delay of no movement after being used, and drains 1 hp per frame, it's used at the most convenient places in the published video. Using speed boosted space jump is faster since you can shoot doors earlier, and keep the momentum through the door. I don't think there's one place where the super jump isn't used, where it could've saved much time.
moozooh wrote:
• using doppler effect on every boss possible to shoot faster;
Yes. This can be used at 2 bosses in the game, Kraid, which saves a couple of frames, and Phantoon to make it one round shorter, since getting missiles enough for one round Phantoon in an any% will only make it slower in the end.
moozooh wrote:
• exploiting the possibility of hitting an enemy (I'm talking mainly about Ridley, if it's possible at all) twice with a single charged plasma shot;
The plasma beam doesn't penetrate Ridley, and it's used everywhere else. The Ridley battle in the published video is very well planned and executed. I don't think it can be improved much, if anything at all.
moozooh wrote:
• manipulating unavoidable enemies (such as ninja pirates) such a way which allows you to kill them simultaneously or without any serious slowdowns;
They have a set pattern of movements, there's nowhere in the room you stand to make both of them vulnerable, since standing between them will make them jump towards you, and when they're standing to close to each other, no one will do the jump kick.
moozooh wrote:
• just more accurate playing (eg. setting a power bomb off just before a boss becomes vulnerable to inflict additional damage without wasting any time, manipulating luck to get all the powerups you need along your way, etc.).
The power bomb makes the boss invulnerable for 2-4 seconds, in which it cannot be hit with any weapons. And power bombs can only damage Ridley. Power bombs are set the first possible frame, or a couple of frames after in most places of the published video. Luck is manipulated in many places of the published video.
moozooh wrote:
I think even a 5 minute improvement to Terima's run is possible this way.
No, this is not possible.
creothceann wrote:
The blocks that vanish (when you walk over them) re-appear during the pause, IIRC. This is probably the only exception though.
No, this is not true.
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moozooh wrote:
Anyway, Terima's current any% is a bit outdated: with all these new tricks and glitches uncovered it can (and should) be redone much quicklier.
Not too much time can be cut, most certainly only a minute or two.
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There's a "murder beam", and a "no murder beam" version of that demo, right?
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About underwater walljumping, wobbling is never cool. ;D I honestly hate the underwater wall jump (hold d-pad 2 frames against the wall, do a wall jump, repeat.) as much as I hate the arm wobbling.
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