I have a question about the BSNES v115+ core in BizHawk. I read once that the core itself was somewhat experimental in Bizhawk. I wanted to use it but what I would like to know if it safe to use?
I am new to TAStudio but how do you stop TAStudio from freeze when you are recording a movie?
Disable autosave (or better yet switch it autosaving to a bk2).
Edit: I will try out your advice to see if it works. I do not want it to freeze on me and ruin my run.
Edit 2: How do you turn off the command when it asks if you want to overwrite the file?
Since this is pretty much Anime, I would personally suggest some kind of neural network to resize.
What neural network and setting do you suggest? I normally use Virtualdub or some other program but not for anime cutscenes outside of stream copying.
Edit: I am trying to look for more efficient method of cutting, upscaling and editing video clips. I used Virtualdub where I used "Nearest Neighbor" with "Lanzcos" method for use however I also have AVSPMod, MeGUI, etc as well. I know I ask this a lot but what is good method that I can use tot do these tasks?
Link to video
I know not every game have these cutscenes but some of the methods that are used here take these account?
Can anyone help find a better method to make my videos 720p or 1080p? The method that was suggested to me included a "Nearest Neighbor" resize where I do a "Same as Source" aspect ratio option with another resize filter with "Lanzcos3", "Compute Height from Ratio" and the "Y Value" being 100%. I had been looking other methods of upscaling my gaming videos and I am starting to think this method might be outdated and it may not be good for me in the long run. I also would like to cut and trim out some part of the videos I record from. Someone also suggested that I use a neural network as opposed to to those methods.
What are some alternative methods that I can use to this? Or is this method fine for most games?
Which version of the BSNES core is good? I am mostly using the BSNES vanilla version but I heard that the v115+ was also good.
Edit: This is also apples to the NES emulator as well.
What is a good AVISynth/FFMPEG Command for Lanzcos resizing Sega Saturn footage?
This question is too broad. The Saturn has many resolutions and has a different pixel clock for low-res and hi-res mode. Borders will vary by emulator and mode. The best I can do is provide you with basic PAR correcting settings for any of the low-res resolutions, that wont' deal with borders in any way.
Pixel clock: 7.16MHz means PAR of 6:7.
ffmpeg -i saturn.avi -vf scale=iw*4:ih*4:flags=neighbor,scale=iw*4*6/7:ih*4:flags=lanczos,setsar=0 -c:v libx264 -crf 20 -c:a libvorbis -q:a 10 output.mkv
This will scale footage 4x and correct for PAR. Change the 4s to something else if you want and use whatever codec settings you want.
I guess I wanted to avoid artifacts and to make it as accurate to the original source from Bizhawk (or otherwise) as possible. There are a variety of 3D and 2D game son the console and I wanted to avoid it looking bad. Also that FFMPEG code nearly froze my computer. My computer isn't that powerful but it useful for other things at least.
Edit: My build was terrible so I tried another one.
Edit 2: Can anyone help find a better method to make my videos 720p or 1080p? The method that was suggested to me included a "Nearest Neighbor" resize where I do a "Same as Source" aspect ratio option with another resize filter with "Lanzcos3", "Compute Height from Ratio" and the "Y Value" being 100%. I had been looking other methods of upscaling my gaming videos and I am starting to think this method might be outdated and it may not be good for me in the long run. I also would like to cut and trim out some part of the videos I record from. Someone also suggested that I use a neural network as opposed to to those methods.
Edit 3: My FFMPEG build might be up to snuff to execute that script. There might be something wrong with it
Can Bizhawk run 32X games accurately and easily? I heard that the other emulators such as Gens and Fusion while they are good may not be up to snuff.
Some games still have issues, on all available emulation cores. BC Racers for example is not able to play certain sound effects produced by the 32X sound output. Tested it on Picodrive in Bizhawk and Retroarch and also on KegaFusion
Is that so? That is disheartening to hear. From what I heard, 32X emulation is still in limbo and that accuracy is still up in the air. Looks like I will have to stick with Fusion for now.
I learned that FFMPEG will default to YUV 4:2:0 as opposed to the newer 4:4:4 but how do you change it so that FFMPEG will use 4:2:0?
Edit: Should use x264vfw/x264 8 Bit-10 Bit for final encodes?
Double Post:
There is an option under "Configure AVI" where you can write your own FFMPEG command. What is a good example of an FFMPEG script on BizHawk?
Can anyone help me with the Blue Spheres Special stages? The eighth one is really making me mad.
Edit: I was able to beat it but it is hard to Sonic 3.