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Can someone explain to me what sound suffering is? And how it works in emulators like SNES9x rr 1.5.1?
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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Also is Gens SVN and Gens Rerecording 11 good versions of emulators to use for recording Sega CD videos?
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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So is it okay to use it?
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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Spikestuff wrote:
No. You do that in post.
So leave Simple 2x Resize (Hi res) checked off? >Start WAV Recording >Start AVI Recording >Simple 2x Resize (Hi res)
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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Should I turn on the Simple 2x (Hi Res) under AVI recording in Snes9x 1.51 rerecording v7.1?
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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Does x264 have options that I can use so that good quality but low disk space?
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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Guernsey Adams Pierre
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Alright. Thanks for the advice.
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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Is that the ideal sound settings for something like SNES9x 1.51? Also can the codecs and computer you use affect the sound of your final product?
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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What are some good sound settings from SNES9x 1.51 to 1.54 to make sure the sound is accurate upon recording?
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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Can anyone explain to me the finer points of the Springboard physics in this game and its "sequel" Lost Levels? I am really struggling near the end of Lost Levels D-2 where I pull back to early or jump too far.
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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Alright. Thanks.
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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Spikestuff wrote:
Yes (and no, I think one of them scale evenly, can't recall which).
Which ones can scale? I mostly use Virtualdub.
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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I asked a similar question a long time ago but what is way to encode GBC,GBA,SMS and Neo Geo as HD for Youtube? It is the same as the SNES setup as the SNES where I have to resize it twice?
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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What do you do about the aspect ratio of the Special Stages in Sonic 2? It is very different from the rest of the game where it is 4:3 and it still has the black bars on the sides.
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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Does anyone know how to do batch resizes in Virtualdub2? I think I might be missing something as I was doing batch resizes for my videos. I had already setup the resize settings for one video but it never seems to apply for my queued videos.
Guernsey Adams Pierre
Post subject: Super Mario All Stars
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Can anyone help me with Lost Levels 4-3? It is really making me mad.
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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The footage for Genesis is a 320 x 224, I guess it applies then. I wonder if the two resizes still work for Genesis videos?
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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TheCoreyBurton wrote:
Guernsey wrote:
In Virtualdub do you change the aspect ratio after you setup the resize filter settings for the video you made?
If you're processing in Virtualdub alone, then you can do this at any stage but for the best quality output it's best to do it last. I'd resize each dimension to something larger (it doesn't have to be way over, just slightly bigger) than the 4:3 resolution you want using nearest neighbor, then I'd resize back down to the destination using Lanczos. You'll get even better clarity if you can avoid resizing either the width or height in this final step. I'll do my best to explain via some examples: Assuming you have Genesis footage which is 320x224. You can point resize this by 300% to 960x672. From here, you can do a number of resizes to make it 4:3. You can Lanczos resize it to 960x720, which will expand the height or you can Lanczos resize it to 896x672, which will shrink the width. In both cases, one dimension remains untouched and will remain perfectly clear from the point resize. The other option you have (in terms of hard resizing and maintain pixel sizes) is resizing by some larger number for both dimensions, such as 500%. That'll push it to 1600x1120, then you can Lanczos resize this down to 1440x1080 for a 1080p clip. If you're going encode MKV, I'd probably just avoid AR correction altogether and just upscale via a percentage in nearest neighbor, then use mkvmerge to set the display dimensions to 4:3. Then it'll be stretched on playback to the AR. It's worth noting that selecting the aspect ratio by right clicking the preview window is for the preview only and doesn't affect the output clip.
Guernsey wrote:
Asol, is the aspect ratio different for Genesis consoles or is it just the same?
Genesis uses 4:3. A good way to remind yourself is that if the console was intended for display on a CRT television, then it was intended for 4:3 display.
So this what I have to do in order to get the right size for my Genesis footage? I just need to make sure that get this thing right. I can resize the the footage using Nearest Neighbor and resize again in Lanzcos using the dimensions that you had suggested. Am I close?[/list]
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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Are the resize settings different for every console you use?
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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In Virtualdub do you change the aspect ratio after you setup the resize filter settings for the video you made? Asol, is the aspect ratio different for Genesis consoles or is it just the same?
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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Darth Marios wrote:
Guernsey wrote:
Does the easy HD encode trick work for something like Genesis or GBA?
What is the easy HD trick? --- Anyway, how to get the ram watch with pictures like this? I guess is lua script, but how? There is the link to the thread.
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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Spikestuff wrote:
For the Consoles use the second part. For the Handhelds ignore the second part.
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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I am referring to the aspect ratio for the consoles but I am using Virtualdub2.
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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Does the easy HD encode trick work for something like Genesis or GBA?
Guernsey Adams Pierre
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