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Cpadolf wrote:
Yeah that should definitely be faster, probably about 60-90 frames. I'll try to tend to that in the future and get the submission updated. It should be manageable to hex as long as I can get the same drops from the pirates.
Oh, it's really that fast?! Nice :D But I'm sorry not to test this out earlier, that idea came to me when I was watching you run :3 I hope you can hex it so you won't have to escape again :D:D:D
Eye Of The Beholder wrote:
Hoandjzj is TASing 100%. Iirc there was left 30 itens for him to finish the run, but it seems he got stuck in a door he was expecting to be blue, but for some reason he didn't find yet, it is grey.
Yeah, I was stuck there, maybe because I went different way, so it didn't turn blue :P then it took time to kill all the enemy!
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JXQ wrote:
Opening that room in smile, and right-clicking on the gray door on the left side, the value of the door is 0Ch, which according to the accompanying text, requires "enemies dead matches enemies needed". Have you tried killing all the enemies in this room? Each of the enemies has a flag that says "Enemies to clear room" is 0Dh, and there are 13 enemies in this room, so it seems to fit.
Oh, I knew it :P but maybe it's related with the Yellow-door behind Plasma beam! In my test run, I opened the Yellow-door, and when MB's death, that Grey-door turns to Blue (in other run it does also! But in my current TAS, I go different way) That's what I wonder! If you watched other 100% run, you will see it :)
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JXQ wrote:
Which room do you mean? Could you post a screenshot or give the room ID in SMILE? Also, I figured out how to access the inaccessible rooms (though it will take some time to find all the correct addresses and add them). Post at m2k2 I plan to add all the rooms as time allows; I can post the new mdb.txt file once I'm finished for others to use.
It's room 7DEDE, I saw the other run and find it will turn to blue after Mother Brain's death, but mine is not :( Really, we can access those rooms?! Awesome :D I'm waiting for your mdb.txt :3
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I'm sorry, but is this faster?!
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What the heck o.O?! Why the Grey-door in big room in Tourian still stays grey after MB's death?! I watched the other run and see it's blue?! Did I misjudge something?! T_T
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Bad new: 30 items left :|
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JXQ wrote:
Hoandjzj, I also did notice the ones in Draygon's room. I think they also have item pointer of 80h. Did you say you can get into the morph ball room? Because I couldn't via door entering or map edit entering. Door entering gave me the invalid room ID error, and the map said notion was found for that map square. For the Tourian missile you're about to get, is there any other way to get across that one part besides horizontal bomb jumping?
Ah, I can't access to it as well :P there are several rooms that I can't view with SMILE T_T I haven't figured out how to get the Missile in Tourian yet, I just watch the other run! I want to get it before Mother Brain, but it seems slower, since there's a big room that requires to kill all the enemy =.= (but the grey door turn to blue automatically after killing Mother Brain!) View the map again...
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Awesome work Cpadolf :D:D:D I hope this will be published!
Post subject: Re: SMILE does not make me smile
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Awesome work, Cpadolf :D:D:D you totally destroyed the hack, 11 min O_O awesome!!!
lxx4xNx6xxl wrote:
Hoandjzj, hows the 100% coming along?
Heheh, I'm about to get an extreme difficult Missile pack in Tourian b-(
JXQ wrote:
Looking into many of the rooms of this game in SMILE, I noticed a room which has a lot of missile items in it that seem to be used as reappearing shooting blocks where you already got the missile before. This room. The purple blocks with an X on them are all missiles. But, clearly, they don't become missiles when you shoot them while playing through. This is because they all have the same item pointer (80h) and so when you get one, they all disappear. But not any show up, so I'm guessing another item that you must get also has this item "ID" or whatever. I tried a few missiles that seemed essential but none matched. I tried the morph ball, but I can't get into the room in SMILE. All the doorways say "invalid room ID" because the room ID with the morph ball is less than 79000h. SO, anyway, here is why I posted: 1) Depending on where these missiles are linked, if you can skip the item they're linked to, then you could get three missiles here (all in one vertical row at the same time before they all disappeared, which I tested) and skip a couple of the other more troublesome missiles and still register 100%, though it's clearly different than actually going and getting all the intended items. 2) Does anyone know a place I could ask questions about SMILE like "why aren't these rooms accessible", etc.? I feel like I'm borderline spamming here. I'm attempting to map out this game and while SMILE has been a useful tool, it's got some large shortcomings that are frustrating and make me wish it was open source.
You can't go to that room by normally enter a door with SMILE, but you can when you change to Map editor, and choose that room! I saw that room too, and first, I surprised that it had too many Missile packs, and by doing the test, I found out the thing you mentioned above. But do you know, in Draygon's room, there are 2 Missile packs too, and none of them appear later (even in any% run, with less item acquired!) Does it has a link?! Or the author use it for something?! Those blocks are different than the others, they're not disappear immediatly when you shot, but some frames later!
JXQ wrote:
Hoandjzj: No, I'm not going to be TASing this game :P
Why?! Oh come on, do it boy ;) Then I'm trying to finish my 100% soon to be your document :D
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Cpadolf wrote:
Wow, okay so due to some very odd glitch, it seems you can't shinespark after getting out of that morphball tunnel with the lasers, if you do so you immediately get the crash animation, even though you didn't hit anything. It does look like it might have been faster to do it the old way anyway though.
Yeah, if your energy tank is less than 30, you can't shinespark then :P
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Eye Of The Beholder wrote:
Edit: After the Second wall, can you use the morphball trick to keep the echoes and jump higher enogh to hit the third wall? So you wouldn't have to go down to charge the shinespark only for that wall.
Yeah, that's what I mean :D with new speed trick, Samus can bounce to the 2nd wall, then do the trick to break the 3rt wall, I tried it but forgot to turn into movie :P
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Eye Of The Beholder wrote:
Can you boostball in the red pirate right before Hoandjzj morph Samus to go through a small passage in a way that it makes Samus fly higher enough to break the next two walls? If she only breakes the first wall, you could use the morphball trick to keep the echoes, so you jump and break the other wall?[/img]
Yeah, I tried, the speed is enough for the ball to bounce to the 2nd wall, then you have to un-morph right before the Pirate and do the trick to keep the echoes :) so that you'll charge less by 1!
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Cpadolf wrote:
It doesn't look like it's possible to get through that morphball passage with all the lasers in just 3 hits. At least I can't seem to find a way.
Yes, just 3 hits, I did it in my 1st run of this hack (at 00:31:00) In my 2nd run, I didn't know Speed Booster speed up so I have to charge Shinespark many times! But with this new speed, it will less by 1 :)
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lxx4xNx6xxl wrote:
Oh, OK! That's just some crazy glitchy stuff then. I know in the real game if you exit fast enough before the music ends in Botwoon's Lair and go back in the room he will still be in the room. I guess glitchy shit just seems to happen with Botwoon.
Yeah, that's crazy XD I met in real-time too!
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lxx4xNx6xxl wrote:
Also I saw your Botwoon kill and escape. Holy shit that's glitchy. What the hell did you do exactly? Was it because of the Power Bomb you laid after?
No, it requires Power Bomb to go down! The screen only can scroll after Botwoon is totally death, but that time I land on the 2nd floor, so it looks like I'm moving through screen :D
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lxx4xNx6xxl wrote:
Is there still a need for the Power Bombs in that area with the X-Ray Scope or is that area skipped entirely? Also is there even a need for Power Bombs in the run now?
Cpadolf skipped it all XD he's really amazing!
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Eye Of The Beholder wrote:
When i was watching the nicovideo any% run, iirc, i saw the same trick without using X-ray, so i thought why you picked it up in your run... i thought it could be due to differences of the hack, as if it was updated and you couldn't use the same trick.
Hahah, I didn't know it :P Then Cpadolf will finish it with less than 12 min, awesome :D Here is a way I will manage to do if I have enough Energy, just Shinespark straight, then go to small path (sacrifice 90 energy then) Sorry I'm not familiar with v17 so I can't make a good video, just take some screenshots! But again, this hasn't tested out yet, I'm counting on your talent, Cpadolf :3
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Eye Of The Beholder wrote:
Oh shit! Sorry, Hoandjzj, forgot to say that i use Snes9x 1.43 v17. If you want to give it a shot, here is the link to get the emulator. The savestate will work fine if you use this version.
Thanks :D it works now! Wow Cpadolf, you don't even need X-ray in this run, it's really amazing! I wonder how can you stand on freeze enemy and jump through ceiling XD
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Eye Of The Beholder wrote:
can't you download .smv files? here it goes...
Incompatable Snes9x freeze file form at version :|
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By the way, Cpadolf, can you give me one of your savestate after you killed Draygon?! I can download lol.smv T_T and I don't have a point to start with!!!
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Bonus ;) Awesome Cpadolf, that 1 round kill is very impressive, great founder :D:D:D Yeah, I'm gonna show you another way to escape that's always boring me if I had enough energy X(
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Cpadolf wrote:
Ok, so despite this, it still shouldn't be possible to skip speedbooster, right?
Yeah, you cannot escape without it XD @lxx4xNx6xxl: nice movie on your channel :D I'm curious about the route you'll go on your SM 100% ;)
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Eye Of The Beholder wrote:
I've noticed another difference between the first movie kriole posted and the other two: the first movie was made in Snes9x 1.43 v15 (or an older version), the same emulator Cpadolf and Hoandjzj are using to TAS (or an older version), and the last two were made in Snes9x 1.43 v17, so you can't play them using the same emulator you're using to TAS. Isn't that the problem?
I always TAS with v1.43+ v13 :D I'm familiar with this version :)
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lxx4xNx6xxl wrote:
Speaking of real time. I'll probably be streaming some practice sessions for my next Segment of the real game this Saturday coming up. If you guys are interested I'll post the link to my channel on that day!!! Might even make some real time attempts depending on how I'm feeling with the 2nd Segment!!! :D
Sound interesting ;) @Cpadolf: nice going as always Cpadolf! I'm really curious about the final time when you finish your TAS :D:D:D
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@lxx4xNx6xxl: thanks :D I watched them! You did it really nice while getting Speed Booster, Kriole! That method I've never ever think of :P And with "WHUT", it normally happens in my TAS, and it even waste frame, since you have to avoid it happens (if it happens in real-time play, you have to Pause and un-equip SB)
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