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What, obsolete the RBO? NO! It's a different category! Because in RBO you will need a lot of Energy Tank to survive in Norfair, because you don't have Varia Suit, unlike this run which get Varia Suit in the 1st place!
In RBO you have to go around collecting ETs and ammunition for Ridley's fight, it's a level of difficulty which Saturn did very good!
Ah yes, my bad, there are 2 videos and I've just watched the 1st one :)
I'd love your knowledge of this game!
My vote for a TAS of the year (but it's too soon, maybe you will submit a shorter run o.O!')
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This is a revolution of Super Metroid TASing :D
Edit: but I hope you could avoid the door transition lag after you acquire Plasma beam, because it makes the screen become a mess, especially when coming to the end :/
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zoboner wrote:
Hoandjzj wrote:
Yes, because most of the game is conversations and cut-scenes, so the re-record count isn't too much!
I'm trying to explain more things :)
I started to watch yesterday, only 1 hour and this was interesting... So I continue to watch it tonight.
I'll like to know, if you had doing a research for critical damages?
I can see than, when you fight (at ~ 28 min) on the first fight (2 flames), normal damages are at 7, increase at 8 and can increase for hit at 9 and maybe more...
I know that it's a poor gain but maybe sometime you can won some fight with 1 hit less !
I had watch only the first part, so maybe that it's not a good method to won faster!
Thank to have editing you submission text.
Thanks :D
I did study about critical hit:
- It's very hard to perform a critical hit with a single character, all I did is to try every frames and find the best solution!
- Magic can critical hit as well, but it will say the spell goes haywire!
- It's easier when I fight with all 4 characters (you can see when I'm training level with Slime), by changing action of each character, I can manipulate the critical hit!
- Except the boss fights, because I can't change many actions so I can't manipulate the critical hit (the main character always goes with Egg on or Sap, X always goes with Psyche up or Double up, etc...)
@Spikestuff: thank you so much :D now I know that changing the firmware will desync the TAS >_<
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Spikestuff wrote:
Hoandjzj wrote:
sure, I am working on it right now!
To simplify things, redump your commentary with no gameplay at 30fps and in the same resolution.
Run it through subrip.
Guide it through what it wants, it should be fine on it's own.
I was going to do that, however the gameplay part screws me.
(Suggestion remove your information about the game, and who it's by. It'll make life easier for both of us)
(File > Open Hard Subbed Video Files)
Right Click and select the entire windows.
Select White in the Text option at the top.
And Run it and guide it through the text it doesn't know.
The clearer the text is to the program the easier time it'll have.
For the curious.
I can't do much when I have to be prompted everytime it spots something from the game.
Err... not quite sure how to do ;__; I'm very bad at encoding, I followed the Custom Encoding guide at this site so I will upload the AviSynth for the whole video here.
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zoboner wrote:
grassini wrote:
wow 6hours lol
Yeah and Re-record count: 27169 for a long video.
So, the problem is, watch 6 tiring hours or watch 6 entertaining hours?!
Where is your route planing?
Why you go to search a weapon, a power or a travelling companion?
I want said, if you want to make want to do watching this long video, why you don't explain more things?
Even, if your video's encode have a commentaries ( and I think it's a very good idea ), I think than I prefer read the submission commentaries to know if it's credible to watch.
For EX:
#5247: Maejin512's PSX Breath of Fire III "Any% Best Ending No Super Combo" in 7:56:57.49
This submission was rejected and before I watch it, I asked the same questions at Maejin!
It was a good idea, with a well execution at some moments and good moments to watch, but boring, due to a bad study on this game and very lot long video's time.
Yes, because most of the game is conversations and cut-scenes, so the re-record count isn't too much!
I'm trying to explain more things :)
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Warepire wrote:
If you want the final encode to contain the subtitle commentary, provide them as a subtitle file (e.g. .sub, .srt or .ass).
Our encoders are most likely not going to spend the better part of several months to watch your youtube videos, type out your commentary by hand, and then re-work all the timing values. Which is an extremely unreasonable demand to make.
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This game is awesome :D :D :D
It's great that you want to TAS this, lapogne36!
I wanted to TAS this as well, but there was weird lag frames stopped me from doing that :( some keeps lagging forever!
Maybe the game's rom doesn't suit with PSXjin and PCSX-rr...