Posts for Jaycrono

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Yeah, I had a preliminary runthrough a while back before I started on my doomed tool-assisted project. It would have been a no-Warp Barrel run, just because I realized how boring it was to watch that many Warp Barrels in a row. And no, there is not a Warp Barrel in every stage... just every stage in the first two worlds.
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He used a Warp Barrel to skip most of the stage, which resets the time to something ridiculously high (so you can't get an easy win over Brash). In reality, it was a few seconds.
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Okay; I admit that I did not get far enough in my run to time if Squitter was faster than the Kongs at that point. You still lost several seconds by scrolling through Wrinkly's dialogue at the beginning instead of just hitting left and leaving before she said one single word. (I'm not trying to insult you by saying this; it's just the sort of feedback that I never received.)
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Other thoughts: 1. You can get Squitter in the first Bazuka level (can't remember the name; it's late in Mekanos) without killing the Bazuka in front of it, though I'm not sure if that's necessarily faster (Squitter's mainly for upward mobility, though he's got some horizontal advantages too.) This would remove the need for you to jump on that TNT barrel, at any rate. 2. Krevice Kreepers: was jumping on that Sneek at the beginning really necessary? Since you have to land after doing so before moving on, wouldn't it be faster to find a way around it? 3. I questioned that last-minute switch to Kiddy until I saw your strategy against K. Rool, which very obviously showed the need for Dixie (after taking damage to get past one of Kaos's attacks, for those reading). :)
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Though I do have to give SEVERE compliments on the Arich battle. I didn't even know it was POSSIBLE to do it that quickly.
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I didn't need to watch this video two minutes before I found a flaw. I started this game a while back but didn't finish because I got no feedback and was having emulator issues. You can walk out of Wrinkly's Hut without reading a single line of text simply by pressing "left" right as you walk in.
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Sorry to double-post, but I figured this was a bit bigger than the edits in the last post. I have finished a speedrun through the end of Tidal Trouble for the US ROM.
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Sorry, everyone's new once, and as I recall, DKC ROMs are amazingly difficult to find. EDIT: I found a new ROM. The version wasn't given, but there's no German option (there's still French, but I recall that being in the American version anyway.) Will start over when I have a chance. EDIT #2: Well, this is an interesting conundrum. Stick with the PAL ROM that no one uses? Or stick with the US ROM which, despite little tweaks here and there, reaches the end of Lakeside Limbo over a thousand frames later than than the PAL AND which my emulator hates for some weird reason? EDIT #3: Ugh. I hate the US ROM. All the cool tricks I managed in the PAL ROM don't seem to work here, or at least, they don't work in the same way. By the way, my post earlier was a mistake - you CAN'T make three Kiddy water skip jumps. I thought you could for some reason, but two's the limit.
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All I know is that its title is "Donkey Kong Country 3 - Dixie Kong's Double Trouble (E) [!].smc". I forget where I downloaded it or how they referred to it. Kind of a shame I can't give you a link to that. (Yes, I know that I can't and I know why!) By the by, I was also using WIP1 timing in the newest version of SNES9x. I just tested it on an older version of SNES9x; it desynchs there only in the third level (it runs into a Knocka instead of jumping over him, RIGHT before the movie ends.) Where is it desynching for you? EDIT: Come to think of it, I may have the PAL version, since I noticed a German option that I don't think was in the American version of the game...
Post subject: Donkey Kong Country 3
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/21/2005
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I'm trying out my very first speedrun, just for the heck of it. I have the first two levels of Donkey Kong Country 3 set up, and was trying the third. Problem? The way I want to do the third level involves Kiddy's water skip (a LOT faster than swimming, especially with the current) but I have trouble getting him to make all three jumps of the skip. For reference, this is what I've got so far (it stops after two skips in the first instance where having three would actually help): And this is the save state for RIGHT BEFORE the skip is attempted: And, yes, I know the run ain't perfect (I'm a bit clumsy in dodging a bee in Doorstop Dash, and didn't realize just how bad it looked until I had already overwritten any useful save states.) Don't even tell me about the Warp barrels; I'm not using them in this run (because every level save one in the first two areas have them, and it would be boring.)