Posts for JeffC

Joined: 2/22/2023
Posts: 2
Darkman425 wrote:
Hello, and welcome to TASVideos! There's a few emulator pages for running MAME games for the purposes for TASing: .....
Really appreciate your taking the time to explain Darkman; thank you. Just the explanation around which of the current options is recommended is great. Going to dive in an try to limit the amount of hand-holding I ask for, but I'm sure I'll be back.
Joined: 2/22/2023
Posts: 2
Hi Folks - First post. I'm currently at the stage of having read these forums and guides enough to understand that what I envisioned TAS'ing to be is much more complex, but I'm thankful there is so much great info shared on these forums. Q: The Beginners Guide and 'How to make a TAS Video Guide' posted in this forum are excellent, but they seem to be very specific to NES Tas'ing. Are there any similar resources specific to the MAME platform? Given that the topics/titles for these posts are not platform specific, I initially thought that the resources might be broader and was surprised to find that FCEUX is very different than MAME-rr or other arcade TAS tools. tldr: Appreciate any suggestions on diving into MAME TAS'ing. Cheers, Jeff