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Bisqwit wrote:
GMV - Phil can't make AVI
Correction : Phil can. Gens Movie TEST9a has AVI output. Instructions included in readme file.
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You need to download this modified version:
Post subject: Movie recording with Gens+
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This guy made a Gens modification with movie recording (called .gir): This modification is based on my Gens Movie code (look at movie.cpp and movie.h). However it is heavily modified (and improved on many points). There is no support for rerecording (the author seems to be against it) so I will have to continue my project. I do plan to make a GMV to GIR converter because watching movies with Gens+ is great with hq2x.
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New fix for version 9. See first post.
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You can try reencoding it with VirtualDub However, you will lose some quality in the process
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There's also the enemy eraser exploit. On vertical scroller stages, you can use the enemy eraser repetitively to spawn mutltiple power-up boxes from a single defeated enemy. If you're lucky enough, you could get additional enemy erasers from these boxes and continue the process indefinitely (or until the screen has too many sprites). Good luck with your run, especialy with Optomons. I hate them so much.
Post subject: How about a tutorial video ?
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I mean a video explaining how timeattacks are made. It could serve as a tutorial for people who want to make their own video and additionnaly it would inform people curious about the techniques used to produce timeattacks. I could take the form of a Camtasia movie with someone talking over.
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And what is this point ? (too lazy to go check faqs)
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I don't think I can get Moogle Charm in WOB I'm getting Mog in WOB because he has around +5 level bonus when joining and because he has instant death dances. If I didn't want to use glitch, I would have tried a real speedrun on console. It's the manipulation of the sketch glitch that motivates me. I could do it without recording a movie, but between this and using a save ram editor the result would be the same.
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About stats : Hit success is a funtion of the battle timer. So if I delay an action by one frame, it could make the difference between getting hit, evading and getting a critical hit. But the characters starts with low MBlock. It's just insane to exploit rerecording here. Let's say that I have 5% chance of blocking a hit, it means that I could retry up to 20 times before the attack miss. But if there is 3 enemies attacking me ,it means that there is 5%*5%*5% chance of not getting hit at all. I plan to exploit MBlock just later in the game, as soon as I can do the sketck glicht to work. With 2 illuminas and gengi gloves , I get maybe +100 MBlock (If stats bonus stacks with gengi gloves). Speed will be an important stat too. The sooner I attack, the sooner the battle ends. Runnings shoes will be important too. I still don't know if I should make the detour to get them before Mt Kolts (not sure if the chest is accessible at this point of the game) HP is important early because of the low level. But once I get high MBlock, HP will be useless.
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While messing with adding sound to AVI dumping, I made a discovery. When you record and playback movie, you should set the sound rate to 44100. Here's why When testing with AVI dumping, I made a Sonic movie of around 4 minutes with rate of 22050. The AVI played well with sound. However, as the movie progressed, the sound seemed to be late with the video. The jumping sound wasn't in sync with the jump itself. I tested with different player and got the same result. I opened the movie with VirtuaDub to see its statistics. There was 4:47.75 of video and 4:48.14 of audio I searched throught the code to see what caused this difference. I found it. The problem is how the audio segment length is calculated. 44100 samples per second divided by 60 frames per seconds equals 735 samples processed per frame 22050 samples per second divided by 60 frames per seconds equals 367.5 samples processed per frame the problem lies in the .5 . The audio segment length is stored in an integer. So it is rounded to 368. It means that the sound engine is going 0,13 % slower with a rate of 22050 than with a rate of 44100 Guess what : 4:47.75 * 368 / 367.5 = 4:48.14 I'm not 100% that this really affects recorded movies but that could explain the desync problems with Castlevania Bloodlines EDIT: Wrong board
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For bmp00007.bmp it's my fault. I forgot to include it. Howver, what you did should have fixed it. Warnings are from original Gens code. As for the unresolved symbols, I dont know. It looks like the compiler tries to link with the original Gens compiled objects. Have you tried a clean rebuild ?
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It would be easier than you think. Since VBA already has movie support, all you have to do is to save the current movie frame to the savestate and load it when loading state. Maybe they're not implementing this feature because of principle.
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Here are detailed building information for VC .NET. I tested itmyself 1) Download Ipher's WIP of Gens 2.12 at 2) Download my modified source files at 3) Unzip Gens 4) Unzip the modified source files over existing Gens source files 5) Follow instructions included in the files Compile.txt to compile the 2 processor emulation cores. There's is two additionnal things to do within this process : -In Visual Studio, don't forget to change the active project setting to Release in the configuration manager. -Edit comp_m68.bat and comp_s68k.bat to remove the first \ in the 5th line of code (\nasm\... should be nasm\...) -Copy the Nasm folder in the Release folder of Sub68K and Main68k OR modify com_m68k.bat and comp_s68k.bat with the correct path for Nasm 6)In the gens directory, open Gens.dws 7)Change the active project setting to Release in the configuration manager 8)Select blit.asm in the solution explorer, right click and select properties 9)In command line, remove the quotation marks and the first \ (It should be : nasm\nasmw -i $(InputDir) $(InputDir)$(InputName).asm -f win32 -o $(OutDir)\$(InputName).obj) 10)Repeat the process for every .asm files (you can copy paste since it's the same line for everyone) 11)Copy the Nasm folder to the Gens folder (or change "nasm\nasmw ..." to "insert_your_path_to_nasm_here\nasmw ..." 12)Compile the project 13)If the compiler complains about zlib, download it from 14)If the compiler complains about libpng, download it from
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You need to set the active configuration to Release. If you have VS .NET, you need to modify the property window of .asm files You must remove the quotes of the command line It should then look like this:
 .\nasm\nasmw -i $(InputDir) $(InputDir)$(InputName).asm -f win32 -o $(OutDir)\$(InputName).obj
I have some screenshot of various configuration screens to help you :
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is \vc\GensCD~1\release\ your actual release directory? Have you changed project setting to Release ? (Probably yes) Do you have Nasm ? It should be included somewhere with Gens. Have you build the two seperate .obj (Main 68K and Sub 68 K) with their corresponding .bat ?
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You can get zlib.lib here: EDIT : I will provide more detailed compiling instruction when I release TEST10. I really need to clean a lot of things and make a clean patch. And I will test all the compilation steps myself. Until then, if you can't still compile it , I will have to send you my entire Gens developpement directory.
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I compiled my version using Visual Studio .NET The source files I provided are only the ones I modified. The rest of the code is Ipher's WIP of Gens 2.12. You can find it at : If the compiler complains about AVIWrite.h and AVIWrite.cpp, you will have to get them from VisualBoy Advance source code at If the compiler complains about libpng, just remove this lib from project setting. I'm no longer using it. About movie comment, I was talking about some kind of commentary displaying while the movie is played. About autofire, it will have to wait. It would require a lot of GUI change to support it. About slowdown, I don't know how to display an Inputbox to ask for speed. It's MFC stuff that I don't know much about it. So far, the only thing I'm doing is copy-pasting some existing portion of code handling menus, messages box, ... But I can add 3 % speed to the menu.
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Realtime AVI encoding for Win32 fully working ! ..but no sound. I'm trying to see if I can add it without too much trouble. Otherwise, is there an utility to add a seperate soundtrack to AVI ? Features that still remain to implement before next version : -Frame counter on screen -Option to abort read only playing -Option to resume record on load state -Slowdown, quickload and quicksave on game button while movie is playing -Option to sync AVI recording (and WAV dumping) with movie Do I forget any ? Features that won't make it next version : -Outlined font for onscreen message (it's coded in assembly) -Movie comment on screen (don't know how it sould be implemented)
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Truncated : Movie recording is already a wanted feature. And it's not true anymore that the Gens community doesn't care. They are currently helping me for AVI support. It's was actualy my fault by posting an old version wich became dead link by the time devs tried to download it. Bisqwit : I used an already modified version of Gens 212 by Ipher only for Win32 (I'll add this information to the first post) . Some files have to be renamed to their dummy counterpar to work with official 212. (Like G_main.cpp to G_main_dummy.cpp or something like that.) Your patch is giving me some hint with AVI support. At least for video. Sound is another problem.
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...and be sure to uncheck "Read Only" when playing your movie
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Truncated wrote:
Would you like some more ideas to put your programming efforts to? - On-screen frame counter. MM:SS:FF. Put it next to the red circle. I want to be able to choose which corner (games have status bars in different places). - Allow slowmode button while replaying video. - Better font for info, preferably two-color. This one is impossible to read with some backgrounds. - Autofire. Preferably autofire B can be mapped to a different button than ordinary B, so you don't have to mess with the options all the time. How's the AVI support coming?
These are good ideas. But it's been a month since I havn't touched code of Gens. There are several factors explaining it : -The official Gens community doesn't give a damn about it. (EDIT: Well, now I got some help here) I'm tired of doing it unofficial. If a new official version of Gens get out, I would have to redo everything. -I out of idea on how to add AVI support. I might try looking at Snes9x code. -I'm programming Visual Basic full time for my summer job. I'm getting tired of programming. I'm not saying that I wont work on Gens anymore. I will just do something else before returning to it.
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I'm messing around with the sketch glitch and I just got 256 Illuminas by sketching Zone Eater ! The is a problem however. In order to prevent crashing, I need to save and reset, something i think isn't allowed with movie recording unless there is a secret soft reset command. EDIT: It's scary. Some glitches cause Snes9x to glitch. EDIT: Sold a glitched item for 2 million GP!
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I'm planning to exploit the sketch glitch to get powerful items. MasterZed at Gamefaq forum made some quite interesting discoveries about this glitch. So far I've done 9 minutes of the run (70 % cutscenes) Good news : The battle timer seems to be set before the battle start. By delaying the battle a few frame, I can get Preemptive attack. Bad news : No luck with manipulation of random encounter rate yet. Before I continue, I need to know the following information : -If I skip the treasure chests in the cave of Narshe and wait for World of Ruin, I can get more powerful items. What are these items ? -Do I need to get Mog in the World of Balance in order to get him in the World of Ruin ?
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