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Dan_ wrote:
On your version 3 movie, the guy wasn't in the right spot when you stopped the movie, so he just bounced up and down even though the flag was there. You should probably fix it so that he is actually on the flag :)
I might have the answer. There is a bug where all game buttons are pressed after the last movie frame. Strangely, it doesn't happens everytime and with every movie. This bug should be corrected with version TEST9.
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A read about it in a Reader's Disgest article about Shigeru Miyamoto. Mario was originaly a carpenter. However, Shigeru thought that he looked more like a plumber, so he gave him this environment. I don't know the idea behind mushrooms and flying turtles though .
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There is another way to time a movie. When you pause with the quickpause game key, you can see the frame number. Divide it by 60 (or 50 for PAL) to get the time elapsed since reset in seconds.
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GoodGUI too
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I suggest you use the latest version because savestates prior to version 8 caused random corruption. The movie files are compatible with all versions. Just make a backup for sure. And you won't be able to use an old savestate to resume record so you will have to watch the movie and make a savestate before the movie ends. (Be sure it's before the movie ends or else you'll get corruption and "block errors".)
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1 byte = 8 bits 1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes 1 megabyte = 1024 kilobytes 1 gigabyte = 1024 megabytes (execpt for harddrives where sometimes 1 gigabyte=1000 megabytes)
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STUPID BUG ! Since when do 0x22559 + 1 = 22560 ? You can laugh at me Of course it caused random corruption in savestates. Previous ones won't work. See first post.
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Gigafrost : You are correct. You must use the same controller setting when you play and when you record. Nifboy: I'm investigating this problem.
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With what version were you trying ?
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I watched it and it's good work. Be sure to grab the latest test version of gens before going too far in your run.
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Thank you for your bug report. All these problems have been fixed. See first post.
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diabolusmagus wrote:
As far as controllers go, I'd have to say Sega has had the worst run: SMS, Genesis, SATURN... man that Saturn controller was crap. DC wasn't so bad though.
How can you forget the almighty 32X and SegaCD ? :)
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I just made a discovery. Messing with video settings ingame is prone to cause desync because the emulator skips a frame. This include : - Going in/out full screen - Resizing windows - Toggle Vsync - Ajust color setting - Stretch Changing frameskip have no effect. You can still do the previous operations before a movie is playing/recording.
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Thank you for your report. Tonight I rewrote almost completly the movie code. Should be ready tomorrow.
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I watched it entirely without desync. I'm still searching the code for pproblems.
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I'm a "Nintendokiddie" too. But SEGA is no longer the "evil one". ;)
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Here's my opinion: If the purpose of the movie is pure speed, then get hit. If the purpose of the movie is being aesthetic, then do what is less ugly. If the purpose of the movie is mastering the game, then do not get hit. It also depends of how much indcredible it is to do avoid getting hit when playing the game normaly.
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Sleepz wrote:
Yeah, awesome job Jyzero! I've been recording Sonic 2 for a while now, and I haven't run into a single problem. Keep up the good work.
Thanks, but I hope you're making a few backups. These are still new and features and desyncs are not impossible.
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BombAHead wrote:
*scowl* Finding these games is harder than I hoped. I HAD a site, but the files from it download to a temp directory and then auto-open...but the zip file is empty. No bloody clue why this happens, but it's painfully annoying. Now I get to wade through porn-laced no-name sites. ><
I might have a clue. Try the "Extract here" right-click option of WinRAR. I had the same problem with some roms that opened empty with integrated zip support of Winodws XP but not with WinRAR.
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Strider Ghostbusters
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I guess I will try to implement AVI recording but not soon. I really don't know how to do it, but I'll check other open source emulators.
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I would like this movie ! On which difficulty are you playing ?
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The movie file is composed of a 64 bytes header and then 3 bytes per frame. For NTSC: Take the sive of the movie file, substract 64 bytes, divide by 3 and then by 60. It will give the lenght of the movie in seconds. For PAL : Do the same thing but divide by 50 instead of 60.
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I got very good results by pluging the TV out of my video card to my TV recording card. As a bonus, it looks like beign recorded directly on the console... ... which may be a bad thing.
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I too would be interested to see a run for this game. However, even using warpzones, it would be long. Planning would be needed to get enough resources to buy faster spaceships and engine improvement. There also some glitches exploitable I think.
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