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Re-watchng the Thunderforce movies made, and trying to fix my Arrow Flash movie, I've caught the shooter bug again. Every so often, I'll have a craving to go out and play any shooter I can get my hands on, despite the fact that without savestates, I'm completely crap at all of them. >>; I'm trying to remember all of the great Genesis shooters, but my memory has holes. It's been awhile since the Sega Channel. Preferrably side shooters, since, for whatever reason, I dislike top-down shooters. Going off of memory... Battle Wings: I'm WANTING to say you controlled a blimp, of all things. Eliminate Down: I...don't remember much about this... Sol-Deace: The E-Wing plane. I loved that thing, even if it was a pain to use properly. Thunderforce IV: The only Genesis one that hasn't been done yet. Whip Rush: I'm wanting to say the ship in this is a squat little pod thingy... and, of course Zero Wing. Takers? I'm trying to get my E-Wing Fighter skills back to snuff. Stupid debris.
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Any plans for a Thunderforce IV run? The bosses in it seem to take forever to beat down. Maybe it's just the general lack of powerups... That or I'm just MISSING them all. Dumb vertical scroll.
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Far as I know, there are only two versions of the Genesis rom. U! and U h1. In U!, you die via black blob thing two screens over. In h1, it just pauses and stays that way near the beginning. Even after switching to 3 Button mode for the joypad to see if that made a difference, it STILL killed you. Given that it's happened to so many people, I'd say the problem is with the movie itself and not with what rom we have. >>;
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Don't you mean "S. Miyahon"? [/More vagueness]
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Thirded. ...Slimes with switchblades - that's not right! [/vague]
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*wince* Ach, I knew that. I guess I just skimmed through to see if a version was mentioned, saw the second game mentioned, and my half-asleep brain rolled with it. But yes, I'll be happy to see the rest of the levels, as well. Ecco seems to be set on Ludicrous Speed. o_o
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Which version didja use? I nabbed both 'ECCO - The Tides of Time (E)' and 'ECCO - The Tides of Time (U) [!]' and neither seem to work properly. The former has you plowing into a rock almost immediately and getting hung up. The latter brings up a language-select screen at the beginning that you never get out of. x.X;
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Ah, I dunno. Unless the later levels get different, Zero Wing is a pretty slow game. And there isn't enough weapon variety/power for my liking. If memory serves, there was only three levels of power for each, and only three different types, total. X.x Hm...was Darius Twin SNES or Genesis? o.o
Post subject: Arrow Flash
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Grar. I just finished beating it on hard mode with only 85 rerecords. No deaths. ...However, in my infinite stupidity, I failed to backup my stuff every so often. The blasted movie desynchs almost immediately as my ship plows up into a ship. *scowl* I'll be trying again in the morning. Maybe I'll take a stab at beating it with some form of slowdown in place. Since I can beat it fullspeed, I figure slowdown would only help the cause. Dangit. And I made some really insane moves near the end of level five where I took a lower path and had to do some annoyingly fast moves to keep from getting plotzed. Blar, I say. Blar! *goes to look for other good shooters* Suggestions? Watching Thunderforce 3 put me in the mood to blow things up. o_o
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Impressive. o.o Any plans for other shooter games? There were only about five thousand made for the console, after all X.x;
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Dunno about anyone else, but it desynched for me shortly after the fire/ice blob boss, when you were in the underwater part. c.c
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That site has no business being so cluttered and difficult to navigate. *pokes it*
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Do Towers of Blood. It's better because it has the cooler name. ~.~v
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Actually, I think zophar has runs for two outta three of the NES Lolo games. Some of the rooms are just plain ridiculous in how precise you have to make your movements. I, for one, would love seeing perfect runs through any of the Lolo games. Especially the GB ones, which, for whatever reasons, always seemed harder. But, to be fair, I'd probably watch movies of just about anything. o.o;
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One would think it wouldn't take much time to run through it. It's not a very tough game, per se. The trouble lies in the major BS factor that you HAVE to be a certain level before you can do any damage to certain bosses. I think you have to be level 15 or 16 before you tackle the one in the mountains. There a way around this, or would trying to make a run through this be bland? Trying to think of other games to work on, but aside from realizing that I STILL suck at Solar Jetman... ><
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That's about where I got up to when I played again earlier. But then it started raining crystal shards on my giant game head. ><
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Well, it was fast, I'll give ya that, but yeah... I'd still love seeing a run that went through all the levels. Some fancy footwork and such. That was a pretty laughable final boss design, I might add. X.x;
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2) Sliding in this game is of the devil.
God, ain't THAT the truth. *scowls at Transylvania* >< I'm glad someone made one for this. I was actually fairly good at the game, but it grew tedious. Glad someone made a movie, though, since while I suck at a lot of games, I still like to see the endings. ~.~v Edit: Just finished watching. Was pretty fun. But I do have a question for you... when you return to the city for the Bubble ammo, after you scale the first building, you go down and under the second. Unless I'm mistaken, you could plunger that building and just walk over the roof to save a few seconds. o.o Any particular reason you went for the low road? ...Now if you'll all excuse me, I'm off to watch old Disney shorts on DVD. >>;;;
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Try going with VirtuaNES instead? >>
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i dont believe that anyone will watch such a long video.
You think wrong, sir. I've never been able to get very far into the game and would love seeing all of the levels. And yes, I know how MANY there are. I'm just saying. >>;
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Since it's one of the few games I'm actually really GOOD at, I figured I'd go for an Ultimate Qix run. I dunno whether to go for sheer speed, or try and beat every level at 99%, though. Whatcha think, guys? Speed or style? Late ol' edit: More random games to try and speed through: Beavis and Butthead (I'd like to say it's nigh impossible, but...~.~) Cyborg Justice (This is iffy, it's kinda slow-moving...) Gauntlet 4 (Does it even HAVE an end in Arcade Mode? I went through a lot of similar-looking levels...) Pac-Man 2 (I'm sure I'm alone on this. ~.~) Darius 2, Arrow Flash, [Insert other tough shooter here] Shining Force II seems to have stolen all of my free time, lately. Otherwise I'd try a Cyborg Justice run. I still have the original cart sitting on top of my entertainment center. And I actually remember beating it. Trouble is, there's little variety in it. You get to choose from every part in the game at the start. What fun is that? X.x
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Well...I got to Colonel's third form before it apparently desynched for me. After setting off the second bomb, it pauses and just sorta...stays that way. X.x; Edit: Well, that was a dumb thing for me not to try. Unpaused and saw the ending. Disregard my brainlessness ~.~v
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After spending a better part of this evening playing it, I think I can safely say that I definitely won't be the one to work on a Beyond Oasis run. After getting Efreet and scaling that bloody mountain... ugh. That gauntlet they make you run through is a right pain in the ass. The first part being the hardest. Having you run against the wind through a series of three flamethrowers with enemies charging at you. If you let them get behind you, they putter their way back over to you at the worst times. But if you drop the first wave, a second, tougher wave flies out. >< After that, I'm not sure where to go, really. This is about as far as I've ever gotten. I certainly never got this far on the console due to those blasted flamethrowers. But I distinctly remember using the two remaining elementals. Maybe I rented it or something. xx; The game would be fairly quick, I think. It didn't take very long at all to round the first two elementals up. It's getting to the last two that'll take a bit of time. I think it's perfectly plausible, with rerecords, to get through without taking a single hit. But it'd be damn tricky. Especially the boss after the aforementioned gauntlet. You're running <-- thataway and the boss, who takes up the whole of the right half of the screen, is chasing you. It spits rocks at random spots and every so often, an inner mouth (think the Alien series) shoots out. That's the only weak spot and the rock spitting gets pretty furious as it loses life. Tough to avoid. Maybe I should stick to something simplier. Like Bonanza Bros. ~.~v
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Nya... I dunno why the hell I still even HAVE Winzip. Nostalgia and packrat-ishness, I guess. ~.~ Alrighty, lemme fiddle around in WinRar and see if I can't get somethin' working right. To quote the immortal Heroboy... I MUST SUCCEED! </vague> Edit: Waha~! It worked. X.x Well, that's nice to know. Now I can get started on Decap Attack. ~.~v Thanks for the suggestion. Dunno why the hell I didn't think to use WinRar anyway... ><;
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I second the Lost Vikings games. I always sucked at those and would absolutely adore seeing a full playthrough for both. X.x *scowl* Finding these games is harder than I hoped. I HAD a site, but the files from it download to a temp directory and then auto-open...but the zip file is empty. No bloody clue why this happens, but it's painfully annoying. Now I get to wade through porn-laced no-name sites. ><
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