Posts for Kuwaga

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Reminded me of this. Sorry, I couldn't find a better version. May already have been posted here. Link to video
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I have a similar theory for Nintendo and Yamauchi/Iwata. Ever since Iwata took over their games seem to have been lacking that little bit of extra depth that I enjoyed so much.
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Contained much lower levels of bs than I had expected. Link to video Edit: More at
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I liked the part where he ran down the stairs.
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If you can't modify the function, then you would probably have to find some way to automatically replace it, so that in the recursion part it will call your new function that checks for the table results first instead, and only then calls the original function. It should work in C/C++ at least. I'd also say it depends on the language, and also don't know a lot about programming.
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Has some Super Mario in it. Link to video
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erokky wrote:
As for JRPGs, I can very much suggest the Tales series on imported Playstation systems. They aren't the best games in the world, but the best JRPGs I've seen in recent years. (Yes, I do realize how this totally has something to do with the Xbox 360)
Post subject: Re: Duke Nukem Forever
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Mitjitsu wrote:
Obviously they were really taking there time and making sure it was just right before releasing it.
I wouldn't get too hyped up just because it was so long in the making. Chances are they had to start almost from scratch for several times and/or that the development consisted of very few people at most times. But I hope it'll turn out good. ^^ Edit:
Nach wrote:
Nice to see the Oracle was correct.
lol, or that. xD
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
This! :)
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
A tangential note, I've listed the tricks that I know about this game at
0xC20A doesn't seem to be x-speed after all. The value is higher when walking on your hands when really it should be lower (I compared the intervals of when Mario's x position changes) and very low for the quick hand stand jump. It rather seems to be some sort of x-movement-mode bitmask. Same goes for 0xC206 for y-speed. 0xC209 is 255 when moving to the left and 0 when not. I'll maybe look a bit further into that once my lua script is finished.
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andymac wrote:
Hmm this thread reminds me of a game I played once with a friend's gameboy. It was either gameboy or gameboy colour but I think it was just gameboy. My memory about it is pretty vague. It was a vertically orientated non scrolling puzzle game, where you were a guy who had to push blocks over ledges and climb ladders to make platforms ect. It was sort of like lode runner, but it was more about pushing blocks. I don't think there were any enemies. I can't remember exactly the object of the game, but I think it was to get a key to a door, or just get to a door. I also remember that you could rewind your movements by pressing B. I don't think it was an incredibly popular game.
I think that's one of the games I've been looking for a long time now too. It's a regular Game Boy game and you play as some sort of demi-humans, if we're looking for the same thing. I had it on a 100 in one cartridge I acquired in Greece and never knew its original name.
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Best part about this is the lyrics! He might have also done a Tetris/Super Mario beatbox and an epic Street Fighter II imitation, but I've found this to be more entertaining. Link to video
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You'd essentially have to plan the run so that the RNG will be at a good number once you reach the levels where it matters. In most levels you aren't able to influence the RNG at all as it currently looks, in others it's pretty easy. I'm working on some useful tools, so that this run won't be postponed forever.
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The only way to manipulate the RNG in this game is to trigger events that will make use of an RNG value. It will then advance to the next value. In any case you can also influence the RNG by soft resetting and letting an arbitrary amount of bricks fly into the screen before pressing start. Using that method you could chose one of about 50 different starting values. But I guess that'd waste too much time. (Needless to say you can basically do that for free at the very start of the game.) For general porpuses it'd make more sense to just deliberately waste a few frames in a level that uses the RNG a lot. Which are the levels where good RNG values would make a difference?
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Yea, but do we know for sure that the attack modifier is the only thing that's stored in that address and that there's not some sort of bit-masking going on? That's what I meant.
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Why was Ivysaur gotten at Mt Moon? Is it because the options of which Pokémon to get there are very limited? I get that using exp underflow you can only get 2 Pokémon entries at max anyway, but this makes it necessary to glitch a Bulbasaur later on. Wouldn't it theoretically have been more efficient to get another 2 Pokémon entries there, get only one Bulbasaur at a later point and RC that one up to Venusaur? Or does that take too long? Anyway, I hope that when the run is finished a very detailed description of the route and the many considerations that have been taken into account to end up at the finished route will be released along with it. I'd look very forward to reading that. ^^ Btw, has anyone ever tested if it's possible to catch Pokémon at a level higher than 16 using trainer-fly?
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I voted no because this is not Super Mario Bros 2. Runs of this should only be done on the Japanese original. [/lies]
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MUGG wrote:
I'm fine with the old pixel trick in the new runs. But the new pixel trick just sucks to look at. We want entertaining movies, not dull-looking and annoying ones... There is so much you can do gameplay wise in SML2, so it's stupid to be restricted to bunny hopping. Honestly, I will vote meh or no on a movie that uses the new pixel trick in a full game run.
Sure, it's a pitty that this trick will make the run a lot more monotonous than it would have to be. But leaving that trick out is just so arbitrary a restriction that I guess it'd only work for a playaround movie. It's bad luck, but in my opinion we just need to accept games the way they are and if this happens to be the fastest way of movement, then there's no way around but to use it.
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Voting yes for a "no passing through walls" 50 stars run! :D
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Sonikkustar wrote:
Swingin in the Breeze
That's some crazy optimization. Mickey does it again!
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I really don't get why you wouldn't have to get all the Mumbo tokens. What's the reasoning behind that? They are a collectible, they are hidden, there's a counter, they can only be collected once and they have a use in the game. Yes, you don't really need to have all of them, but the same is true for Jiggies and notes. Why are they different? "Not essential enough" would be a pretty arbitrary distinction imo.
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Its rendering engine was truly revolutionary for its time. But I think it would have been a lot more enjoyable if it had let you color hamsters too..
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any% if any game breaking glitches will be found, 100% (including mumbo tokens) if not