Posts for Kuwaga

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I at least feel that the one track publishing should go away. They belong on youtube and in the forums of the respective games imo. I've never got the point of rejecting fastest possible completion of a game that isn't entertaining to watch. If you could just browse through movies by their entertainment ratings those wouldn't get in the way, would they? Having an own category for them would also work.
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mmbossman wrote:
The 14% movie was obsoleted because it was old and very unoptimized by todays standards. After the 6% run was published, the category became obsolete, similar to the 16 star Super Mario 64 run. And that's all I'll say about that.
A Super Metroid 14% run has a much higher amount of exclusive content compared to a 16 star SM64 run (those 16 stars would ideally use the 120 star run strategies). Just felt the need to point that out. Edit: Oh, seems like somebody else already did. >_>
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Most common may be sometimes be most stupid, but if a mistake is common it can slowly become the new standard. I see 'ou' being used almost exclusively, but it may be due to the narrow selection of text types that I look at. What's most common is of course hard to find out, but in cases of doubt I don't see a problem with just picking one version at random. I understand that that's just me though. The idea of a standardized naming system isn't bad at all, but I would miss the romaji. There may be a few others who feel the same way.
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I thought there was a pretty established system using "ou" for long "o"s, doubling a consonant for tsu, and so forth. I come across notations such as "ō" only very seldom. The difference between r and l doesn't really matter except for when you transcribe katakana, doesn't it? I have to admit I'm no expert on this case, but when looking up song lyrics f.e. there seems to be a pretty much standardised way of transcribing to romaji. Anyway, if it's hard to decide on what kind of transcription to pick what's the problem with just going with the most common one then? The correct kana could still be used for tags so there'll be no problem googling for this site.
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La'cryma Christi - My Generation - (album version) I'm totally in love with that song recently. I catch myself listening to it so often it isn't even funny. :X I don't even like the band that much, I somehow dislike the voice of their vocalist. The falsetto part sucks, but I still can't help but love the song, lol.
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It's 9 past 10 and 40 seconds, the 2 is missing on the clock and a hammer is located beneath the minute hand... I don't get that picture at all! x_X Is it just random nonsense or am I missing out on an amazingly funny pun?
Post subject: Re: New naming system for multiregional and non-English titles
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roxahris wrote:
Why not just use the one most widely used?
Agreed. And I prefer romaji in multilingual contexts.
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I was kind of disappointed by that too. I was so looking forward to finally hearing those words out of her mouth again after all these years. :'(
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Have you considered if preventing immoral individuals or other people who fail (for a lack of smartness) to come to that logical conclusion from passing on their genes would be a valid act of bettering our society?
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Loved the Artemis boss fight and stage 3. And great job on keeping me entertained me during the waiting time for the fish boss. Highly entertaining so far! ^^ I have a feeling stage 1 could be easily optimised further though. : /
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Can you explain why rational means fair by default? I think you refer to a rational ideology that all people should have, and everybody should carry the same one. If that's the case, then I kind of agree. But it's very idealistic. There might still be people who succeed at abusing such a system to their own benefits.
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GMan wrote:
Kuwaga wrote:
Of course they wouldn't. Because rational thinking can lead to results such as "it's good for us to invade all countries with enough resources to make it profitable as long as they can't fight back and we can make up an excuse that will be accepted by most other people".
I don't think we agree on what rational is. Maybe I said the wrong word. Logical? Reasoned?
I don't think so. You can think rational/logical/reasoned while still caring about others, but it also works if you think very selfishly. Thinking logical doesn't prevent you from commiting crimes you won't be punished for, but are to your own benefit. That would require an additional component and that's to care for the rest of humanity too. I'd say that's an emotional thing or maybe I just don't know why people who think only logically wouldn't do such things. Can you explain it only using logic? "If all people would act that way" doesn't work as an argument in that case imo. Because a logically and selfishly thinking individual could still abuse others without them noticing, knowing it won't influence their behavior at all. He could still play the good guy.
Kuwaga wrote:
I've long been of the opinion that there's something inside sane people's minds that makes them not want to commit such acts. But apparently that routine seems to be missing in some individuals.
That referred to additional component.
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INFJ - 1.5% of the world population. I always knew I was something special. ;) The description kind of fits me. I can sometimes read your emotions before even you yourself are aware of them, mwahaha! XD 33 38 25 33 btw
moozooh wrote:
Wow, three other INFJs there. Very strange. Maybe they should add "you are likely to land on the forums of someday" to the description of that personality type. >_>
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I guess it depends on the individual. Some might give off more tells when chewing gum, others less. Sunglasses and cappies seem to work for some players too. Mixing up faked tells with real ones seems to be quite reliable to prevent others from reading you like an open book too. Because then attempting to do so can be dangerous for them. But to pull that off you must be aware of the tells you give off unconsciously. If you develop certain theories like thinking you win more games if you chew gum, you should always do that. It recalls the positive emotions from back then, enhancing your brain activity. That's probably also a reason for them to chew gum.
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It could be nobody is motivated because the goals of the run are so hard to define on a non-arbitrary basis. Edit: To MrGrunz below me: But people could already start planning it out.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
So why don't you think it's silly to collect a duplicate 37th heart piece that you're not even supposed to be able to reach?
Kuwaga wrote:
I'd say any changes to your inventory, to the overworld and to the dungeons which normally can't be reversed and were intended by the programmers to be there should count towards 100%.
RBA takes away some of the action we would get in a 100% run, collecting the 37th heart piece enhances it. Getting it is very entertaining imo, it also adds to that. It isn't silly because it makes an irreversible change into your inventory and to the overworld. The only category of my definition that it doesn't fit is "intended by programmers". So it's of course a matter of taste. For the sake of entertainment, I'd collect it. Most people don't even know there is an 37th heart piece, so it also adds a huge wtf factor to the average viewer. RBAing things into your inventory and then claiming you achieved 100% doesn't work with the definition I proposed. By my definition it doesn't achieve 100%, it only makes it seem so if you look at the inventory. That's why I called it silly. Collecting the 37th one and skipping an ordinary heart piece, is something I'd call 'silly' for similar reasons. Collecting heart pieces the usual way makes an irreversable change to the overworld - you can't pick them up a second time. If you can still collect a heart piece in the game (excluding the 37th one), is that really 100% just because your inventory is full? I don't think so.
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Of course they wouldn't. Because rational thinking can lead to results such as "it's good for us to invade all countries with enough resources to make it profitable as long as they can't fight back and we can make up an excuse that will be accepted by most other people". I've long been of the opinion that there's something inside sane people's minds that makes them not want to commit such acts. But apparently that routine seems to be missing in some individuals.
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Same for me. I forgot where I put my pause-bug-fix-version of Mupen. x_x I couldn't find a link to it anywhere and have given up searching.
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I'm just taking guesses. Actually I have no clue about most of them. 1.) Felicity - Happiness/Luck? 2.) Lexicon - Collection of words? 4.) Pious - Something that has to do with religion. An attribute that persons can have. No clue about the exact meaning, but it's something pro-religious. 5.) Vivacious - Living? 6.) Beguile - "Geil" means cool or sexy in German. Originally it meant something like "fat", as an attribute for food. I'm gonna translate be- as to make something be a certain way. Beloved is the only other English word I can think of that also starts with be-. My kind of random guess is that it means to make something appeal to lower instincts. 8.) Superfluous - Not necessary in terms of quantity or quality? x_x 9.) Obstinate - Hindering something? 10.) Cacophony - Has something to do with bad sounding sounds. 11.) Deprecate - Something related to depression, make somebody depressed? Make something less concentrated? (Less precise?) 12.) Facetious - Something personal? Just guessing 13.) Veritable - Testable for truth? 14.) Cavort - Having some sort of roundish, cavish hole? 15.) Inundate - I'd like to know what undate means first. But I don't. Let's just say it means accountable. 16.) Inane - Missing an s. Discribes the difficulty of this task :/ 18.) Convivial - Con means something like together, so it's probably more living beings that live closely together in some way? 19.) Staid - Something that refused to go away? XD 21.) Incipient - Ingredient is built up similarly. I have no idea about -cip-. Something that gets something put into itself? 23.) Badinage - Capability to commit evil acts? x_x 24.) Perfunctory - Something that makes something work better? 26.) Hermitage - Living alone like a hermit? 27.) Abscond - Something that's away in some way? Not belonging to a certain group? Irrelevant to a certain system? 28.) Bombinate - xD 32.) Mephitic - Maybe related to Mephisto in some way? Bad? 33.) Egress - Opposite of regress? Spread out? 34.) Frission - The process of something getting cold? The traces left from getting into a frozen state? 37.) Expectorate - Should have something to do with to expect, maybe it hasn't. Let's say it means a certain expected outcome of something that has several possible outcomes. 39.) Somniferous - Magnetic? x_X Just guessing because it has ferous in it. 40.) Venial - Not arterial? XD Slowly leading back to something? lol, what a lame guess.
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37 heart pieces is definitely a must, and I'd guess you'd almost have to call it 101% then (or 100.somehting >_>). It wouldn't feel very 100%ish to get the 37th one and skip an ordinary one. That doesn't feel like completion at all to me, even though the inventory would be completed. Anyway, a completed inventory isn't something that should determine whether 100% are achieved because you can RBA half of it, you can collect the same skultula a 100 times and other stuff that's just very silly. I'd say collecting all heart pieces (at 37 different locations), all 100 skultulas, all upgrades, all items and finishing all temples, including Ice Cavern, the Bottom of the Well and the Gerudo Trainng Grounds should be very much required. I'm kind of unsure about map and compass chests and even more unsure about all the others. Some of them are hidden quite well. I guess there's a difference between 100% just for the overworld and 100% dungeons and overworld. If you'd claim it to achieve 100% in dungeons, I just can't see anybody argueing against having to open all treasure chests. I'd count Link's cow towards 100% too. Since the Marathon man can't be beaten, I'd wouldn't be necessary, but since a high score pops up after you've tried to beat him at least once, it still seems necessary. I'd say any changes to your inventory, to the overworld and to the dungeons which normally can't be reversed and were intended by the programmers to be there should count towards 100%. The 37th heart piece is unintended, but I'd still collect it, making it >100%. By that definition you'd also have to visit all rooms in all dungeons, because while it's annoying, visiting those rooms still makes irreversible changes to your inventory in some way. Whether using RBA and BA should be allowed is still a seperate matter. Because with that definition, even if you glitched yourself some items, you'd still have to collect them the ordinary way. I'm more for forbidding those glitches because they would just confuse the audience. Also, it saves the trouble of glitching 3 extra hearts in a very repetive and boring manner.
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Freedom fighters are good. Terrorists are evil. Perspectives on what is good and what is evil are very subjective, there isn't really an objective opinion on this. The Bible teaches us that we shouldn't kill. It doesn't say we may kill for revenge or to protect our country. The Qur'an is a bit ambigious on that topic afaik, but Muslims seem to be less restricted from killing other people. This could of course be bad propaghanda from our countries so we have less of a bad conscious for killing those evil men or propaghanda from their countries to motivate their people to kill - or both. Anyway, Christians just seem to ignore the Bible whenever at war, and hope that God may bless their actions. Doesn't really sound all that Christian to me, they just distort their religion to justify war. I'm almost sure Muslims do the same. In that regard, I'd say all of them are evil.
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Nicos wrote:
i know that the forum isn't "proxy proof" so faking a french IP isn't that hard as for the gmt+1 timezone i'll call him clever... (exept that in france due to summer time it's currently "Gmt+2" not one ;) )
Sounds kind of paranoid to me. Bad French can mean that he's just very young. Using a proxy would really be too much effort just to submit two random runs to ubertroll us into oblivion imo. That and having to record them playing the game. As for charles-something, to me it seemed obvious he was kind of young when looking at the .m64. There were some scenes that a ten year old would find entertaining and brag to his friends about, but no simple troll would ever take the time to create. Of course this is based on a lot of assumptions on how trolls and children act, so I might be wrong. In dubio pro reo? x_x
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Sadly, they don't understand how to make good games without Yamauchi though imo. :(
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First we'll outsource the tracker, then other things will follow. In the end we won't get to do TASes anymore because the Chinese get it done quicker and for half the money. I've warned you guys!
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It comes from the desire to justify their buying of a third version of the game. XD Also, if you mash up+A when catching a pkmn the chances for it to be caught are higher because all of that effort has to go somewhere! :X