Posts for Kuwaga

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Can't start beta7, could start beta6. I get this in the logfile: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 187, in <module> File "", line 18, in run File "", line 76, in init File "managers.pyc", line 948, in __init__ ValueError: invalid literal for float(): homebullet
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Shiny Analhead also Ferret Analhead
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I like the new camera work. The camera clicking while opening the door is inexcusable though, it totally ruined the boringness of that scene I was so looking forward to. Also nice to see the island star done differently, way more stylish than the faster method. ^^
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I actually like 15, it's funny and kind of catchy. ^^
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My problem with track 6 that it sounds like it was only noise to me, I can identify the melody in every other track. There are some notes that sound like they'd be part of the melody, but they're too far apart for me. xD I'll listen to the easy ones once more. The track I've identified is not among those. ^^ Edit: No, I just don't get it. I have no problem with the level of noise though.
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None of them sounded anything like white noise to me.. I've listened to each of them once and only been able to identify a single one. Because that track is not so well known, I've decided that I shouldn't try for the rest because I simply might not know them well enough. Track 6 sounds like it would be the hardest.
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Carrying objects back through time when rerecording sounds like a strange concept to me though. XD My suggestion was that you don't use any input the traditional way, but manipulate your memories only once and at the beginning of the movie, then let everything happen. Doesn't this solve the problem? Edit: I just reread my post above and I didn't suggest that actually, but I meant to. ;)
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Hm, I gave it a try and I felt challenged, but not motivated to take the challenge. The difficulty felt unbalanced and I wasn't curious about future patterns because there were already lots of repetitions in the beginning, always in harder versions - which kind of bores me. I like Touhou, Ikaruga, Parodius and Raptor: Call of the Shadows. I think the inflecting is a nice idea though and it seems to work pretty well. I would feel more motivated if I could actually shoot back and it would probably be a nice idea to add a feature where you can, for example, repell bullets or something if you use the inflector a lot, I don't know. Maybe just something that gives me a feeling of being powerful. I just dislike the defensive concept of this game where I'm unable to fight back. All of my enemies survive and I die, this leaves me unsatisfied. Probably just not my kind of game. Edit: I also prefer holding down a button to change my speed over the switching system
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Thank you Kyman. It's cool to have different angles from previous runs, but it's also important that it doesn't distract from the overall action.
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I guess it isn't proven yet that quantum particles operate randomly. We only consider something to be random as long as we don't understand the precise mechanics behind it. For all people on earth to die off luck manipulation, you'd need a very high number of rerecords, if it's possible at all in a short time. I'd also find nitsuja's run more entertaining. ;)
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Voted for OoT because I liked the S3&K run that was obsoleted by this better, mainly because of the no death choice. Secondly, the amount of new stuff in the run wasn't very high aside from the death abusing shortcuts. OoT was almost entirely new.
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Thanks, the end game was less boring than I had imagined. Good job on the last levels! Oh, and thanks for the encode. ;)
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Let the input be memories. Makes it more interesting anyway, you practically have to set your memories in a way that you also encounter situations which trigger you to recall specific memories at certain times. Maybe some higher beings treat us like marionettes anyway and are simulating the future, then deciding to check and give us random ideas and then go with the one which would provide the best results. That would explain flash of wits in a weird way. xD Maybe they have a limit of possible simulations of the future because they go in real time. Makes the MMORPG more interesting and it also wouldn't work if several players could freeze time, they'd always have to wait for the last one to finish his move until the next frame. >_> And that's what we're always doing anyway.. Trying to calculate future events, then selecting the best option or suddenly getting an unexpected idea. The only thing that doesn't seem to happen in real time out of our perspective are the flash of wits or just sudden ideas. Those are like the higher beings' input. Or those moments where you do something and aren't even aware of why and how you're doing it, even though it's for the first time. Could also result from the higher beings planting scripts into our brains. Like input macros. ^^ Like they know there'll be a car accident and you'd normally be hit by the car and die. Then you suddenly move unconsciously away from the source of danger because the life saving script is triggered. Of course only if your player isn't lazy and has simulated those future events well enough to find a way for you to survive. Those are btw experiences where lots of people start believing in God and stuff. :X Higher being MMORPG religion ftw?
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Oh, didn't know that. It says it's the 1.0 usa version.. But it desyncs after the second ice stage visit. Hm, whatever..
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I don't know which version I'm using, so that should be the cause, but I'm sure it's not v1.0 because it desynces at a different point.
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Tried 1.43+ v15.1 (lua 0.05) found at gocha's mediafire directory and the release posted above. Makes no difference.
Lajsingen wrote:
damn I was watching this with no problems up til Spark Mandrill encounter, then the movie desynced wich caused Mega Man to die :(
This happens to me if I disable WIP1 timing.
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Tried 1.43+ and 1.43 v9+bugfix, both desyncing at the same point for me. 1.51 doesn't play the file at all. Edit: 1.43+ v15.1 (lua 0.05) does the same.
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Sky Sanctuary in Sonic & Knuckles The music makes it feel like a great accomplishment that you got to the stage and puts you (me) in a mood to lean back and enjoy.
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Desynced for me after revisiting the ice stage. Liked it until then. However, I must say I generally dislike Hadouken runs. You have to watch Mega Man kill himself three times which is already kind of alienating and then you watch him kill all the bosses in one hit, which also isn't very entertaining to me. I probably still wouldn't vote lower than 8 though. ;)
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1000th reply (in this thread) spam post :D
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Real life speed runs are actually possible. How make them tool assisted is the problem. I was thinking of a way to cheat at chess where you have one sender/receiver in each shoe and you'd communicate in binary with some computer that's somewhere else to win quite easily. (tap left, right, left, left, ...; receive an answer in a similar way, have a code for repeating etc) A mind reading tool would be quite useful, but difficult to fabricate. Just reading body language and stuff without any tools would be more efficient because creating a tool would take too long, wouldn't it? You could meassure your pulse and stuff though every now and then to check in how good of a condition you are atm as well as how nervous fe. In any case from a different stand point all of our lives are already tool assisted, we use quite a bunch of tools every day. But most of them haven't been made for speed running.. idk this post may be pointless, but whatever XD
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Asking if he made progress can motivate the author so I wouldn't deem it a bad habit. It shows people are interested in the run.
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V2R from Youtube wrote:
Revised Video: Its the 4th day on MM. It stops time for those who dont already know. What you have to do is wait until the timer almost stops (Around 5 sec left). Then look into the telescope at the bombers hideout. AS SOON AS THE TIMER STOPS JAM THE B BUTTON!!!!! If you did it correctly than you should be standing next to the old man talking to him. Once you can play you will have no timer and the moon will be gone. Also you cannnot access your start menu UNTIL it either sais Dawn of A New Day OR it goes to the (what i call) Night of A New Day. Then asfyer that you may use items again. But beware talking to people will crash your game!!!!! Do not talk to anybody except for the telescope man and the guards just to be safe.
If this comes because the game tries to load people's texts from the fourth day that don't exist or - what would be even better - from setting flags that you have talked to somebody in a part of the memory where it shouldn't be set, I was wondering if this could lead to any game breaking glitches. Has anybody investigated this case yet?
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Wow, I totally get it now. So, the game thinks you are fighting legendaries. Good job at figuring that one out! ^^ So you could basically fight some trainers too in a trainer fly glitch chain. So it would be reasonable to do research on what trainer fights are accessable that way and what special attack values their last pokemon have. Or is it not possible to get trainer values into CD2D that easily? You could select one from up to 13 trainers per possible value in CD2D, is that correct?
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DarkKobold wrote:
Why did you play a song for the scarecrow? Why did you have to go the owl? Why didn't you just go straight to the castle? Why did you fall down a well to collect chickens? Why did you glitch into that building near the lake? This run is cool, but ultra confusing.
I'll give some unqualified answers to kill time. :D The scarecrow song is played so a scarecrow can be 'summoned' in the adult segment to get to the fishing pond. A potential scarecrow skip is being worked on currently. Went to the owl because they are at the lake anyway for the scarecrow and the bug and it's faster to go to the market that way. Falling into the well resets the chicken that was used to fly over the fence to its starting position. They glitched into the building because they had to wait until morning before talking to the owl to skip the scene where the bridge comes down anyway. (quoting the post below me)
Kirkq wrote:
EDIT: Beaten by 2 seconds. Oh well, there's a bit of extra information.
Well, not if I edit my post to contain all of that extra info too. ;) j/k of course ^^