Posts for Kuwaga

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Yea, I was using a memory freezer back then, hoping to find some new BA tricks. And, among other things, I tested if it was possible to open the door with only the SoT. Tested it again today and it works. >_< It appears those annoying aliens succeeded again at putting fake memories into my brain. :(
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RattleMan wrote:
Kuwaga wrote:
Mh, it's been a while since I've actually played the game, but afaik you need all three spiritual stones. If you play the SoT without all three the door doesn't open and they kind of freeze in mid-air or something, don't they?
You can't get the Song of Time without all three Spiritual Stones. Once you have all three and go to HTCM, the cutscene of Impa and Zelda escaping plays, Zelda throws the Ocarina of Time in the moat, you pick it up, and that's when you learn the SoT.
This wasn't my point. Try using cheats to get the SoT, then play it in the ToT. Iirc the door stays closed if you don't have all three stones. And iirc the spiritual stones kind of fuse into one above the pedestal and get stuck there instead.
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I think our consciousness is our sense of time. I see it like a machine that constantly reads its own output, so its output becomes input again. And we can also save outputs, give them a number, and reread them later. This makes us aware of time because we can compare several junks of information and we know which came first. We can give them numbers because after we've remembered the first thing, our consciousness knows about it. Same is true for the second remembered piece of information. And that's why time seems linear to us. Though it might as well be flowing backwards or in circles or not at all, but just be there.
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nfq wrote:
how did he figure out that energy is exactly mc2? wild guess?
Just by using his brain because that's everything you need to understand the universe like you spefically stated.
nfq wrote:
clocks are not time.
Do you know how an atomic clock works? Ask Wikipedia. How would you explain that atoms in a plane traveling around the earth move slower, if it doesn't mean time is moving slower inside that plane?
nfq wrote:
to understand the universe, all you need is a brain
Is the brain a part of the universe? Can a brain fully understand itself? All we have to understand the universe is our brain. We cannot understand the whole universe because it's bigger than our brain and it doesn't fit in. We can't understand every single atom. Of course humans love to generalise things and make up groups for similar ones. But they are only similar to us, in fact they might be very different to a species with different sense organs. Do you think every instance of an oxygen isotope looks the same and acts the same? Or is it just that we can't detect the differences yet? We'll sure make up new groups for it once we can. Our generalisations will never lead us to a formula that explains the whole universe. To me it seems as foolish to believe in this as it was foolish to believe that the earth is the center of the universe. I think it's possible that every small atom is as big as a universe and that our universe is as small as an atom to others.
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Mh, it's been a while since I've actually played the game, but afaik you need all three spiritual stones. If you play the SoT without all three the door doesn't open and they kind of freeze in mid-air or something, don't they?
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Also the 2nd M from the left in that line.
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They are not double counted. Every 6th number is divisable by 6, that means by 2 and 3. So there are enough '2' and '3' factors in the final number to be divisable by 7!. I don't see a problem there. I think it's half as complicated as it seems. o_o
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I don't know if this counts as mathematical proof, but every 2nd number is divisable by 2, every 3rd by 3, every Nth by N. So if you multiply 7 consecutive numbers with each other, the result is at least divisable by 2,3,4,5,6 and 7. 7! is exactly the product of these numbers. So it seems very logical to be true. The only problem is that I don't know how to formulate mathematical proves. :X
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My point is that if we got fooled by reality or some strange (maybe godlike) phenomenon, we would never notice. Therefore we can never be a hundret percent sure of anything. You're kind of right about the coin flipping, though I fail to see an analogy to all of nfq's claims.
nfq wrote:
everything is a part of the EM spectrum. even sound
This is not impossible to be true. It could be that it is and we just aren't able to measure it and it doesn't expand in vacuum for unknown reasons that are totally unimaginable to us. They are unimaginable because we can't detect them with our senses, not even by using tools as assistance. Can we make any assumptions about how probable this scenario is? (Also, things we are able to detect by observing sound and not with (other XD) electromagnetic waves could be side effects of something else we know nothing about.) nfq doesn't have any proof for his claim, nor do we have for the opposite. We cannot fully grasp reality with our senses, but we can try to make the best of it, which is what science does.
Baxter wrote:
But ok, lets assume this is true. Everyone is seeing their own, subjective reality.
Yep, there are differences between everybody's vision of reality, but they have even more in common because we belong to the same race. We're carried out with similar sensors. And by communicating with each other we can try to elaborate what our views of reality have in common. So an objective view is actually humanity's subjective view. That's as objective as it gets; atm.
Kuwaga wrote:
Just because other theories are more common, it doesn't make them more true.
By this I meant in terms of really objective truth, which we cannot reach. And btw, my post about matter shouldn't be taken too seriously, lol.
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AQwertyZ wrote:
The fact that there are multiple incompatible religions in the world shows us that a religion can be wrong and still exist almost indefinitely.
The fact that there are multiple incompatible theories about how the world works shows us that theories can be wrong. nfq stated lots of theories. Just because other theories are more common, it doesn't make them more true. Evidence is the result of subjective interpretations of reality. And btw, nothing can be proved. "I know that I know nothing." Discussions like this start because people think they can actually prove something. None of you can prove nfq wrong, so please stop trying.
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upthorn wrote:
nfq wrote:
nfq wrote: the same way that the bible has withstood 3000 years of religious study.
Oh, so you mean to say that, even though it has withstood many years of rigorous study, the bible is fatally flawed, just like evolution?
By that he (maybe) wants to say that it's not very smart to use 150 years of withstanding as a pro evolution theory argument, when the bible which seemingly contradicts it has withstood more than ten times as many years.
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The way to the truth can be a very painful one as described in Plato's allegory of the cave. Stuff like this always makes people feel stupider at first.
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HSS wrote:
Are you saying you can hear sound coming out of speaker wires? :D
Yes, he can if he believes he can. And matter doesn't exist, but is an illusion. Matter is the partial absence of chaos. Chaos can never be totally absent. If it could, time would be able to stand still. Matter only exists at a certain point in time, that means if we treat time as if it could stand still, but it can't. These are all facts that can be proved by logical thinking.
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A bot which solves these puzzles in a quick way, but like somebody who does them for the first time, would be cool, but also pointless because it wouldn't be aiming for the fastest time. I'd be interested in a program which finds the fastest solution for Super Picross in 2 player mode though. Anything that uses lots of brute force won't work on that matter. I still think it would be cool if somebody continued my old WIP [URL=]here[/URL]. I just watched it again and I think it would be entertaining to me on larger levels. Somewhat entertaining in a way like watching chain reactions like falling dominoes.
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Wow, yea. That puzzle you posted was pretty hard but solveable without guessing. Maybe because I haven't played a picross game in a while. >_>
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This game has an option to store replays. So, wouldn't it be possible to write some kind of replay file editor? Would be easier than making a PC rerecording emulator at least. ;) But this would lead to the problem that you'd have to do lots of trial and error and watch the replay file from start every time.. However, it would be possible to make replay files for each stage and each spell card seperately first and then merge them together to a full replay of the whole game. I don't think there is any randomness in this game and you could give yourself full fire power with a game trainer beginning frome stage 2.
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I was seaching for cool speedruns and somehow I found some strange site that explained what a TAS is. However lots of the links there were dead, so I decided I had to find another site. I then found this site and the first thing I downloaded was SNES9x with rerecording, thinking to myself that I dislike this community because playing games sucks and nobody should do it as much as I and lots of you have. [even more off topic] Before watching any of the movies I started to try recording me playing Parodius slow downed with save states. I disliked the concept of slowing the game down however, I wanted to decide when to advance to the next frame myself. Then I discovered the frame advance button, yippie! And after defeating the turkey boss I experienced my first desync, so I got pissed and bored and looked at the movies on this site. First movie I downloaded was Mega Man X & X2 by DeHackEd. I thought it was cool, but I also thought it was kind of too easy (too unextreme) because whenever one of the games stayed paused for some kind of movie sequence, it's just playing one game at once again. I then started recording me playing 4 Sonic games at once as an attempt to cure me from being bored 24/7. I started some side projects, but they all got me bored again too fast. After a while, even the 4 games at once thing got me bored, so I quit. [/even more off topic]
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Got to lvl 33 pretty fast and managed to beat it. An odd number for a last stage.
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Tonedeaf 88.9% Rhythmdeaf 96.0% Adaptive Pitch 1.275 I did pretty well. :D I made some stupid mistakes on tonedeaf as my brain is full of holes and there was no replay button. Music is my hobby #1, I've never taken any lessons or anything though. With these results, I wonder why I'm having so much trouble making guitar tabs for my favourite songs. :(
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Hm, about illegality.. I have my own ideals. I do what I think is right and I don't do what I think is wrong. And I don't care for laws and religious teachings. I'm just being myself and if that's going to get my arrested or killed, then so be it. I won't be a slave to anybody who wants to tell me what to do. Just a thought, don't care about rules, live by your own rules. To me, my life wouldn't be worth living without that. ^^ I think it's nice of this guy to even ask if it's ok to post the videos. That shows he respects the work of the authors, doesn't it? I think he should just send PMs to the authors and ask them case by case. Everything will be fine. ^^
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To get arrows without entering Forest Temple. Edit: I did some more testings regarding the byte we can reach with RBA and an empty C-Right. It's only 2 bytes away from Water Temple map data (rooms you have already entered before finding the map). And 15 bytes in the other direction is a byte which determines the water level in Water Temple. So I'm guessing it's just some unimportant byte that has something to do with Water Temple. Or an unused byte because Water Temple needs less space than others, I don't know. There's still a chance that it has nothing to do with Water Temple, but I'm at least pretty sure that it's temple related.
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Yep, that's true, the same happens when you do a save the game.. It looks like there has to be a small route change. Or am I missing something? Edit: We could bomb hover over King Zora on the way back and keep the Odd Mushroom or deathwarp and trade Cojiro back to the Odd Mushroom as Adult Link. My guess is that bomb hovering over him would be faster by a lot, though I suck at route planning. :X This may even be what Acryte originally planned when he posted the route, lol.
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I know it would be a lot more work, but I'm voting for you to use the J-version and include subtitles in the avi-file. It would be a lot of extra work for somebody, and I surely don't want to be the one to do it. But by choosing the J-version without subtitles or the US-version while it's slower, the result will always be not 100% satisfying. By doing subtiltes we would have readable dialog and item names / attack names in the final version. And people will get less bored because the text will still be moving faster than in the US-version. This is my suggestion.
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Everything the Lonlon Milk glitch does is change 1A (26) to 1F (31). You need to have 1A there first, to get 1F. And the only way you can use it in a useful way that I can think of is with medallions. What's the use of having a fishing rod there? Is it just for fun?