Posts for Kuwaga

Post subject: Re: What does Mario say when he swings Bowser?
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CoolKirby wrote:
That would also explain the "Thank you so much for to playing my game!" at the end.
Wasn't it "Thank you so much-a for to playing my game-a"? ;p
ElectroSpecter wrote:
I will go with anything that doesn't actually end in Bowser. The last syllable definitely doesn't sound like "ser". Sounds more like "tin" or "tee" or something.
It might be Bow-ze-ru (ze-lu) with a slightly Japanese accent? I don't think I'm hearing an "ee"/"i", it's just a high pitched "e" with a yodeling quality to me.
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Salounkebounkey It should actually be 1, since he also says "It's-a me Mario" and "Let's-a go", so "So long-a Bowser" should make the most sense. So-lon-GE-bow-SE
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sonicpacker wrote:
The wall kicks in TTM are actually gwk (glitch wall kicks), not hswk. However, hswk are noticeably used in the BBH star "Big Boo's Balcony," and elsewhere. We already knew this was a flaw in defining 70 Stars BLJless. This is why we pointed out that one of our goals was "no major skips."
Which would make it a "no major skips and no BLJs but HSWKs are fine" run, which is very arbitrary, but I like it. The reason excluding HSWKs would be silly is that it's probably not possible to draw a clear line of what exactly counts as HS, as afaik know the glitch just amounts to a missing speed cap when repeatedly executing wall kicks, which are a perfectly normal game mechanic, right? I thought TTM would be high speed enough cause one wall kick was even pause buffered, but I guess HS refers to Mario's forward speed only and not the kicking interval. Oh well. I'm consciously pointing out how relatively arbitrary the goal of this run is in hopes to see more like it. Arbitrary goals don't always result in bad runs if they aren't arbitrary in the sense that they are set out to extract the maximum amount of entertainment of a game, without being too alienatingly arbitrary to the average viewer. It also isn't arbitary from the point of view of the SM64 TASing community, where no BLJs is a pretty common category, which is very likely part of the reason this run has been made. I wonder if this should be replaced by a more restrictive run (if somebody decides to make one) once an updated 120 star run has arrived, to eliminate some redundant content even if it'd make the run longer. (Ban TTC? ;p). My guess is that most people would be against that, excluding myself. Words.
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Hm, actually this run uses something like high speed wallkicks in TTM, so now that I think of it, it should either be obsoleted by a 1 star HSWK run or rejected due to arbitrary goal selection. ;p I kid. Arbitrary goals are fine with me if they produce interesting runs.
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I think that skipping directly to the credits should usually warrant a new category, but I'd make an exception here. Reasons bieng that RBA is already somewhat of a memory corruption technique and WWing doesn't really make the run that much shorter. I'd be of a different opinion if Young Link could just warp straight to the credits somehow.
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The category is mislabeled. This isn't "glitched", it's beating the game's random mode. Voting meh, leaning more towards no than yes. It's short and legit though, so a publication wouldn't hurt I guess. I wasn't really impressed.
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Yes, star, possibly TAS of the year and may I please have a list of authors per stage? ;)
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Would have voted meh again, but due to this it's a definite no to me for now:
HappyLee wrote:
Edit: Actually it still seems much improvable to me, not only key presses but also the speed. I would probably make a test run of it while I'm free. I'd like to discuss with you about it with PM or something later on, and if you need any help, I'd like to test it out for you while I'm free.
It shows to me that too little effort was spent on improving the last submission, even if 8-2 was impressive now to me. Once again, I'd gladly vote yes on a (significantly) improved version, because I like the idea.
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Maybe there should be more discussion about possible improvements before it gets resubmitted, I'm thinking the first published minimum presses run should really be a very high quality one to get people interested in the concept. I'd also be interested in seeing a more detailed submission text, explaining why these are the minimal presses required, including possible alternative routes that have been considered. I know it might be asking for much, but a detailed submission text would greatly enhance the entertainment value I'd personally receive from watching minimal presses runs. The DDR input display is very fitting for them and should maybe even become the standard imo.
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It might be bad game choice for a minimum presses run. I would probably vote yes on a significant improvement though. It has been moderately entertaining to me, but I haven't been in awe about anything. (voted meh)
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Haha, don't be like that. You have made some comments exclaiming that people are lucky to have close friends, it's not like that for everyone, and I thought there might be a chance that you wouldn't be too happy with your situation either. In that case I thought my pointer towards this direction might be helpful. In case you had trouble making friends, that'd be the among the more likely roots of the problem for me to assume given what little I know about you. In case all of that were true, it would be negligent of me not to hint you at some material that could maybe be helpful to you, don't you think? It doesn't mean I definitely think any of it is true at all. It's more of a just in case thing.
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No drug can do that for you, it's a misconception. Drugs themselves only lower the symptoms of depression, they can't cure it. The idea is that taking these drugs should help you make the changes in life suggested by an accompanying psychological counseling more easily. Taking them without changing your habits can even make things worse if you are unlucky. I see depression as a signal by your body that you'd have to change your lifestyle. It might be counterproductive to just turn it off and continue without making those changes.
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A good way to reduce the likelihood of your family becoming mentally insane when killing yourself is to fake an accident. The downside is that it usually involves wrecking a car. I feel sorry for the pain he must have been through to make that decision and for the pain this is causing to his acquaintances and family right now. @Warp: I don't mean this in a demeaning way, but there are programs on being right vs. being happy. Their message is you have to give up on trying to be right/correct all the time in order to become happy. You might be interested in some of that. I realize it might be difficult to stop trying to be right in case that's currently your main source of interaction with people. I'll also tell you a story about how to catch and tame an elephant. You tie it to a tree with a rope and wait for it to try to escape for a few weeks. After that time it'll stop trying, you can then remove the rope and it'll never try again, even if the rope that tied it to the tree has long been gone.
Post subject: Re: Don't listen to the Führer's lies!
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rog wrote:
Do not let him pull the wool over your eyes! Your "Führer" is not even who he says he is! In fact, he is a child! A girl, of no more than 10 years. Is that really who you want to lead you?
Who wouldn't? It's a dream come true. Here are 2 random [URL=]You[/URL][URL=]tube[/URL] links
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The Neo Theosophical Society fully supports these recent developments
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I merged the new eggs with the old vegetables and added random spices that normally wouldn't go with it.
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I fully support the name Horsebox for it. It's already a little miracle that Hourglass even works. Maybe you should donate some money to nitsuja.
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Yes I thought about my xml suggestion and it was probably kind of silly in retrospective. I haven't actually looked at the format, but I'm still for using extensions that already exist (that was my actual point), like .txt or maybe even .xls (another bad idea :D) or similar if it's tables. Use the extension depending on whatever it should be edited with for texty files. Binary files have unique formats, it makes sense to use custom extensions for them as they should usually tell you about the format the data is stored in it. It doesn't make so much sense for plain text files in my opinion. Use extensions according to the format of the data, not according to the use of the file. Maybe .input or .keytable or something like that if .txt is not an option (so they'd be filtered out by a file type selector). Almost everything's better than using the same extension imo. We sure don't want to download a bunch of .tas files and then "try" opening them with Notepad to see if they are text or binary.
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[URL=]ChuChu Rocket![/URL]? It has arrows. Doctor Brain games are great. Lost Vikings has a cooperative mode, lol. Maybe look for a Sokoban clone with a multiplayer mode. Trine 2 has puzzle elements and looks really beautiful. Goof Troop on the SNES? Hm, there should be more, but I can't remember any somehow.
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Different extensions for different file formats. Maybe .tas for binary, if it's the same for all supported systems it should be a good extension. Why not use xml and .xml for the text files? A benefit to using the same extensions and formats for different systems is that it could make it possible to create movie files that complete two games on different systems at the same time, so I like that idea a lot.
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Almost president of Israel, maybe he didn't decline in the alternate universe where this test originated from.
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If you find 17 years olds sexually attractive (as an adult), you are a sick and have committed a felony in your heart. You can't always tell the difference, so to be safe you should only be attracted to 20 year olds and rising. If you think you might have pedophile tendencies, there's always the option to seek mental treatment.
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Mh, I don't think you can legally distribute this game. Please remove the download link?
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I still believe that an intelligently learning bot which watches the RAM, forms hypotheses about how the different addresses interact and looks for ways on how it can influence them and verifies them by experiment/ trial and error, would ultimately be able to find pretty good solutions once it has learned enough about the game. It would be insanely hard to code and would still need to run for a very long time. It'd like to avoid situations where an earlier RAM structure of relevant addresses would have to repeat and it can't stop that from happening anymore, which is basically a death or game over.