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Joined: 7/26/2014
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Quick heads up for future reference: when entering a screen that starts you on stairs you can hold up or down during the fade-in then go down the stairs at a faster rate than you normally would. Places affected in the current route: Doma Castle after poison Post KaN Figaro Castle basement Opera when going back to your seat - This was done in both Erokky's as well as Kilaye's TAS's Kefka's tower center switch room (both sides) and the room on the right path with the hidden Aegis Shld.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/26/2014
Posts: 12
From what I understand there is a flag set during the transition from World of Balance to World of Ruin where that map is used as a part of a cutscene, which is what allows to ending to complete. Since this cutscene is skipped, the ending has the last final bit cut off, though the music still plays out.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/26/2014
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At south fig i am referring to the pause in movement that appeared to be to wait for the npcs to move out of the way. The exit out of town also uses more steps than needed. All of this could be to set up preemptives but it seems like it could be done better when I look at it. edit: after rewatching it doesn't look like you paused at all actually, i must have been seeing things. As for the battles in the grass outside narshe, i am doing some monitoring of the threat value and it is still incrementing it by 96 with each step even through to the desert. The strange thing is that AFTER getting an encounter, each step then increments it by 192 clear back to narshe. This might mean that it doesn't check to update the zone's encounter rate until after a battle. The forest always goes up by 192 regardless though.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/26/2014
Posts: 12
A few things i'm wondering about: Taking more than 2 steps in the forest outside narshe. Allowing mtek to do tek laser before crossbow (delays his 2nd turn). The NPC block in South Figaro (might be part of manipulating river?). Also i'm fairly sure you could get less battles in narshe area in general with a better encounter route, but it's hard to say how that would affect the rest of the run and you're doing this from clear RAM anyway. Leveling in south fig cave/koltz surprises me when you're able to do crits at will, but I run the game not TAS it. D: edit: I just realized that keylie is kilaye, now I feel dumb lol.
Experienced Forum User
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I haven't been able to get it to work; It does change after a couple minutes, but i'm left with a soft locked party of petrified imps and a floating morphed relm.
Experienced Forum User
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It shows i'm able to single target an ally, but it still ends up engulfing the enemy. Any ideas? Edit: I have it working by using muddle before the engulf, but I always need at least 3 people to set it up: 1 for goggles, engulf, and muddle respectively. The only possible solution I see is to have the character with muddle to equip a black belt as a relic before battle and have them be the character with goggles in battle. This would let you counter with the goggles animation, while selecting muddle during the enemy's attack animation.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/26/2014
Posts: 12
Great stuff, i'll do some testing later.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/26/2014
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You would be using a gem box to double cast the engulf, same as before.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/26/2014
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That's basically the same conclusion i came to as well. I've been working on using black belt with the goggles setup, but the only one i got to work so far is set to target all allies and enemies, which makes the game confused to say the least. I'm going to look through and see if i can get a BB in the 184th slot that targets a single ally or enemy while having a shield be put into the right arm slot of relm so I can attack with goggles after the sketch glitch. In an actual run I would be manipulating encounters to get intangirs consistently and jokerdoom them. For testing, farming single ghosts with frame skip is the way to go for sure. I probably wouldn't use bababreath on any tower bosses except for goddess and just jokerdoom everything else.
Experienced Forum User
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This is a video i made of the Locke scenario a while ago: I'm having the same problem of muddle not being targetable regardless of what character slot she is in or magic order used on 61EE. It seems like anything that targets the enemy by deault is impossible to use.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/26/2014
Posts: 12
Interesting stuff. And yes running from Ifrit has been known for a long time. Thunder rod is always fastest when used on Tunnel Armr; we've been putting Celes into memory by naming her then dying to warp back to the start of the scenario since Kad discovered it a while back.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/26/2014
Posts: 12
Yeah, KUTAN I'm still on the fence about, but it's faster with good luck of course. As for the relics, you can get them on the first visit to South Figaro then skip Celes in Locke's scenario (still pick up earrings). I think that would be faster, but I would have to time it as well as see how much time is lost on No 024. The 2nd option would be skipping the runningshoes/hyper and just pick up earrings, which may end up being best. I just want to say that you guys are awesome! Keylie and Catasrophe especially. I'll be putting together a run soon using your magic route.