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Do what you want, 'cause a pirate is free; You are a pirate! Sorry, I don't really have much to add to this one, except that I am also interested in the same thing as mmbossman, because our family are cheapskates and getting someone a DS lite for Christmas.
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curtmack wrote:
while genderless entities were typically referred to with feminine pronouns.
I think this is the root of calling things like ships and cars 'she', etc. Just a FYI. :)
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Well, I was using the NTSC instead of the PAL version, so the times weren't quite directly comparable. However I think I was on par for the first world or so and I think the bot managed to beat Ragowit's moves on a couple of levels. I'll check soon.
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The ulterior motive was to discourage reproduction in those who obeyed me. :)
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I started doing this just for fun a while ago; I did the first 2 worlds and a bit. I wrote a bot to solve levels in the least possible 'moves'... it didn't take much more imagination to then optimise it for frame count.
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Yeah, I posted it precisely because relying on some kind of 'meaning of life' to solve all your problems is foolhardy. You're free to believe in something 'greater than yourself' if you want, just don't expect it to actually turn out true later. As for the second question, I would say 'tough luck'. There are plenty of other things you can do other than reproduce, like further human knowledge, improve your own body, etc. None of these things are less important than reproduction, they just don't further evolution and all those other fun things that brought us to this point. Life likes living. Just because I said it's the meaning of life doesn't mean it's the only thing you should do. Hell, why would you believe me, anyway? I'm just one (youngish) guy, what could I possibly know about life? I'd rather you disagreed with me, that way something actually gets done and I don't have my words treated like gospel. If that sounded angry, it wasn't meant to be. I just like to be concise.
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"You'll absorb the DNA of any animal you touch. Promise." That made my day.
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AKA wrote:
but your system will look down on me for doing it
No it won't, it will just give you less points. But more points than someone who does nothing. mz already said he was rewarding variety rather than frame-shaving. Saying "it doesn't reward effort" is true, but not very helpful. So what? Effort isn't important, attainment is.
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The meaning of life, as made obvious by such things as just about every living thing ever and evolution, is to reproduce. The meaning of life isn't very helpful. It's not going to solve anything. Stop looking for it! As for Bisqwit... I guess you could have chosen an even worse religion. :p
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I'm quite into (watching) competitive gaming, mostly for enjoyment but occasionally for tips. I watch a fair amount of Starcraft and vs. fighter stuff (ST and Darkstalkers mainly) Speedrunning and competitive gaming are just as impressive to me.
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Coming from somebody who has made (slightly) false accusations before... it's not a good idea to jump to these conclusions. Anything you see can be taken out of context. Luckily my other is very understanding. :) Exercise caution, but be firm, is all I can say.
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'most people' huh... i'd like to see your data for that one
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It is probably one of those movies that needs extra frames adding to the beginning in order to make it sync. I'll do some testing later.
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shortcuts are for lazy people lazy people don't deserve people to cater to them!
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It doesn't support direct AVI output yet. I think I said this in the other topic too.
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Well, such analysis was carried out on things like Monopoly, so the same process could apply here. Of course this probably has more things that change it, but it's still quite doable. Ask DarkKobold :)
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I love it when lengthy and difficult RPGs get boiled down to a few minutes of stuff you actually have to do. Voted fairly high.
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I recorded a few things using the .rec stuff before. The only way of converting them is playing them back through the 'rec player' that comes with the plugins and capturing it using FRAPS/whatever there. It's not ideal but it's nice if you're not doing any TAS stuff.
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Jesus fucking christ, can we please have a thread with a FF game in it that doesn't turn into a discussion about which game is the best/worst? It's 9/6 by the way.
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re: the 'controller plugin has 2 sets of settings anyway' There's no conflict afaik, seeing as the settings are stored in the registry(?). Changes in one should mirror in the other. I know it looks confusing, but if they're both set to the same plugin, nothing bad should happen.
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I think Jade Cocoon would make an intensely boring TAS. For those who haven't played it, the concept is similar to Pokemon, except the game runs at an incredibly low speed. There are lots of extra systems like the fact that the trainer enters battle at first (you have to 'summon' your monsters, another speed drain) and the merging of monsters (of questionable use in a TAS). Also I think the cutscenes are unskippable, but this is nothing new. I just don't see it being too interesting (I have the PAL version).
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Well for this strategy, tabs aren't so important because of the Bronze Fist crits dealing 9999 fixed. The occasional non-crit damage he deals is always enough to do the job, so it seems pretty watertight to me.
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I didn't think Chrono Trigger could be optimised this much. That was simply amazing! Well done, inichi, your technical prowess and ability to find new ways to exploit the game is obvious.
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Truly amazing, confusing and fast TAS. Do you think these techniques can be applied to other dungeon-crawler style games? Eye of the Beholder perhaps? The GBA port lets you move one tile per frame too, though obviously the battles are long drawn-out tile-based affairs.
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AKA wrote:
A lot can happen in 7 years you know, ever heard of OoT?
What does a terrible N64 game have to do with ethics? :D
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