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Err, yeah, that's mostly what it is, but in almost all cases, the most entertaining is ones that are the fastest and have the fewest or no errors. This doesn't have those qualities.
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Viewer wrote:
Boco, that was over the line; there are people who are mentally fragile enough to take that seriously, and in any case, it's just a cruel thing to say, especially as a joke.
Anyone who would kills themselves because "the guy on the internet told me to" doesn't belong within 500 miles of the internet in the first place.
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When you are at the peak of your jump, hit A or B for the cyclone kick. When you are on your knee after landing or while getting up from a fall, wait a split second and hit A+B. It can be hard to get the timing down for this, but when you do, it's kinda easy.
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Zurreco wrote:
you might save a few seconds, but it would be much of a hassle.
Yes, but the point of the movies on this site is to show the fastest theoretical time, not the fastest time that's not too inconvenient. You look at the Castlevania run, which has well over 50 thousand rerecords, and the Sonic 3 run wich has 118 thousand. These people went the extra mile to be as perfect as the game can possibly allow. These are the ones people want to see, and the ones that should be published.
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And also, a game controller just isn't practical for first person shooters. Sometimes in TFC I'll be running diagonally, then do a jump+duck while priming a grenade and shooting at someone. I'd end up killing myself if I tried that on anything other than a keyboard and mouse.
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Because I'm too poor to afford any type of PC game controller. All I have is a keyboard and mouse.
air__devil wrote:
(your handle rules btw).
Just so you know, this is from the Ender's Game book series, not FF6 ;)
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mazzeneko wrote:
Actually it has been done already..
Locke wrote:
The Resident Evil games are kinda slow-paced. I downloaded the speed run for the Gamecube version and just couldn't watch it all. Just too boring.
I suppose I should have posted the link :p
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Bisqwit wrote:
[nitpick]Also, mirc is a client program (one of them). irc is the internet relay chat system. It is an irc channel, not mirc channel - similarly as we have webpages, not mozillapages.[/nitpick]
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Yeah, I just learned that in the mirc channel. Thanks though :) A better question then: What kind of keyboard is made in a way to allow such key presses?
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Here's a nice off-topic question. Is there a way to have several buttons on the keyboard pressed at once without the computer beeping at you and preventing some of the buttons from working? (Oh, say, a, b, t, s, k, and f and the same time).
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1. Family Guy 2. Simpsons 3. Futurama 4. South Park 5. B&BH would be my order for those 5 shows
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I used to like B&BH. I love South Park though. Gotta say Family Guy beats all other animated shows ever made though (including The Simpsons).
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So wouldn't minimalist and 100% completion runs BOTH be slower than just getting the major upgrades and skipping those purple/silver gems?
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I've never played this game, so I'm wondering what those things were that he went out of his way to get. (The ones that weren't obvious upgrades) As far as I could tell, they did nothing except heal him, and if that was all, then what's the point of getting them?
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Yes. Yes it was.
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It used to be!
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Ok, but the type of Doom 3 expansion you're hoping for is an actual expansion, which no Id game has. Just add-ons. Although, we can always cross our fingers and hope :p
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Wolfenstein 3d wasn't really a sequel to it. It was a completely different game that was just inspired by Castle Wolfenstein. Also, I forgot to ask this earlier, but wasn't Spear of Destiny also just another game in Id's Wolfenstein series and not an actual expansion?
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This is true. Although more of a prequel than a sequel if we go by story.
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Well, I found what looks to be the world records for Break the Targets and Board the Platforms Absolutly slaughters my times. (no surprise) Too bad there aren't videos though :(
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The Resident Evil games are kinda slow-paced. I downloaded the speed run for the Gamecube version and just couldn't watch it all. Just too boring.
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scourge of armagon and dissolutions of eternity were mission packs. Ground Zero and The Reckoning are also mission packs. Team Arena as I recall was a standalone game that didn't need quake3 to run. Expansions are meant to add to or continue the story from the original game. Mission packs are meant for fun. Team Arena, like Quake 3 had no story and was meant purely for multiplayer. If you want good examples of expansion packs, every blizzard game has one except warcraft 1. Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne Diablo: Hellfire (Although this was a 3rd party expansion made by Sierra, and not officially supported by Blizzard) Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Starcraft: Brood War All of those added to or continued the single player story.
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"nearly every single ID game has had an expansion pack since quake onward" well, I don't remember any for wolfenstein 3d, doom had "thy flesh consumed", don't remember any for doom2, Final Doom I know very little about. Actually, I know nothing about it. I never really played it. I don't remember expansions for Quake, Quake2, or Quake3. (Team Arena hardly counts as an expansion), and I don't know of any for Return to Castle Wolfenstein. (Enemy Territory doesn't really count, since there's no single player. It's basically just a free MP version of RtCW with some changes)
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I highly doubt there will be an expansion. Also: spoilers (not sure if this really counts as one, but eh)
Dark Mana wrote:
perhaps retelling the doom 2 story when the invasion hit earth?
The invasion was prevented in Doom 3 when you kill the cyberdemon and the soul cube seals off hell, so why would there be an expansion with an invasion of Earth?
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naw, in doom 1 and 2 is was also BFG 9000. The only differences in weapons is that they took out doom 2's super shotgun and replaced it with a p90, added grenades, and added a soulcube. For monsters, there were sill pistol zombie, shotgun zombie, chaingun zombie, imp, "demon" (the beasts with tiny metal legs), lost soul, cacodemon, hell knight, revenant, mancubus, arch vile, and the cyberdemon. No pain elemental, baron of hell, arachnotron, specters, or spider mastermind. Of course there were a few new monsters but I don't know the name of most of them.
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