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Experienced Forum User
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aw heck, might as well call it absolut "perfection"
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ah finally a sonic movie. Very well done. Love the rerecord count too :D
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ooh, that last comment gave me another question. If you do have bramble, and then select your paladin's level 3 thorns, do you get the level 3 thorns, or the level 15-21 thorns from the armor. Or is it whever one was running first, like when 2 paladins are using the same aura?
Post subject: Diablo 2 question
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 3/29/2004
Posts: 224
Ok this one's for you guys who know a lot about this game. Say I have a mercenary from Act 2, and he's got the might aura. Then I equip him with Bramble. Does he then give off both might AND thorns aura, or just one of them? If so, which. Also, for the same armor, does it give a passive thorns aura or do you have to select it?
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How would the times be recorded for single? Each level or all the way through? And in time units or real time?
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would this be per level? Because I'm not sure how to find the total time from link to master hand.
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Personally, I like the first one much better :)
Post subject: Super Smash Brothers
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Hey, just thought I'd make a topic for this one. Just wondering what everyone's records are for break the targets and board the platforms. Mine are: Break the Targets: Luigi:------ 18.83 Mario:----- 15.29 DK: --------18.89 Link:------- 22.20 Samus:---- 15.00 Falcon: ----24.75 Ness: ------28.90 Yoshi:----- 25.61 Kirby: -----25.27 Fox: -------14.79 Pikachu: --23.69 Jigglypuff: 26.53 Board the Platforms: Luigi:------ 31.87 Mario:----- 20.21 DK:-------- 29.11 Link:------- 38.80 Samus:---- 39.90 Falcon:---- 35.70 Ness:------ 45.03 Yoshi:----- 21.73 Kirby:----- 36.30 Fox:------- 28.21 Pikachu:-- 27.05 Jigglypuff: 38.79 Not great times I know, but oh well. :) Also, does anyone know where there are videos of WRs for these?
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Yup, "Bisqwit is greater than dumbass troll"
Experienced Forum User
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Bisqwit > dumbass troll
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Yes, good job, but you spelled it wrong about a hundred times in other topics. "Post subject: FUCK YA ALL."
Experienced Forum User
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Hey, you keep spelling "you" wrong, btw. Yes, it's "you", not "ya". "Ya" is short for "yes".
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Gee, what a cute little boy this is.
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not sure if this was meantioned in an earlier post or not, but will there be a 100% timeattack?
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Yeah, you're missing a period after "today"
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I couldn't find any internet games for doom remake. The default ip for the master server was, but that's unresponsive. What did you use FODA?
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Nice krieg, that's the best looking screenshot I've seen. But yeah, I've played it a little bit and I love the new graphics.
Experienced Forum User
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Phil wrote:
What do you mean? You don't like our Super punch out run?
I think he might have been talking about the previous run.
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Did this run die?
Experienced Forum User
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Is there a download link you can post to doom remake? I'm only finding foreign sites and I can't navigate myself to the download :( (except for one, but it failed.)
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Yes Torn, you should read previous messages before posting something that's already been talked about.
Experienced Forum User
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Well, jDoom doesn't use the doom.exe/doom2.exe files. It has it's own exe. First thing you do is put Doom.wad and/or Doom2.wad in the directory you want to install jDoom in. Then you download and install: Then download and install:
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This timeattack: Gabby Jay 06.77 Bear Hugger 17.09 Piston Hurricane 06.15 Bald Bull 08.86 Bob Charlie 08.09 Dragon Chan 08.56 Masked Muscle 07.77 Mr. Sandman 18.50 Aran Ryan 10.98 Heike Kagero 12.03 Mad Clown 13.37 Super Machoman 18.30 Narcis Prince 12.73 Hoy Quarlow 10.84 Rick Bruiser 15.47 Nick Bruiser 11.82 187.33 seconds total WR times posted earlier in this topic: Gabby Jay 06.26 Bear Hugger 13.49 Piston Hurricane 05.50 Bald Bull 08.64 Bob Charlie 05.50 Dragon Chan 07.56 Masked Muscle 06.33 Mr. Sandman 13.15 Aran Ryan 08.45 Heike Kagero 10.60 Mad Clown 09.24 Super Machoman 09.58 Narcis Prince 08.58 Hoy Quarlow 08.35 Rick Bruiser 11.09 Nick Bruiser 08.71 141.03 seconds total 46.3 second difference. I'm not saying that the video on this site isn't entertaining. I enjoyed it, and I'm glad the author submitted it, but still, if it can be improved upon, especially by so much time, then it needs to be pointed out.
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Those are FAR from the original gfx. The ones in the screenshots look like actual 3d models. None of the official Doom games or patches ever had those.
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