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Just download the zip file and extract the SMV ;) EDIT: UGH ... not working. Just paste the whole thing into the url and hit enter :P's%20Revenge%20(U).zip
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jaysmad wrote:
I am doing a TAS of this game. I have done the 3 Spiderman levels in 4,41 (15 880 frames). The final product will be quite amazing.
Congrats. The run posted here, though good, is a bit sloppy on the spiderman levels so it's no suprise you're already 5000 frames ahead ;) Are you going to post wips?
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jaysmad wrote:
comicalflop wrote:
many people have stated how Spiderman and the X-men in Arcade's Revenge still stands as the most TASable Spiderman SNES game of all... but prove us wrong!
Funny you mention this since i started a TAS of this a week ago.
Funny you should mention that. I actually started one a couple days ago, but if you're making progress, I'll hold off on this :)
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Well, Stella's looking pretty good (just tested 2.3.5). It's open source and they've got save states. I'm assuming implementing recording for a 2600 shouldn't be nearly as difficult as newer systems, as there's really not that much information to capture. As much as I'd love to see this (I started out with a 2600 in like 1985), I doubt that there would be much demand for this. If, however, I'm proven wrong and there's a massive outcry for 2600 TAS', Stella may be a viable option as far as emulators are concerned.
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Truncated wrote:
Another suggestion: make the "Splice movie" button bring up a Save As... dialog. My first thought when i used it the first time was "Huh, where did my file go?". The path and name can be kept, so you can just press Enter if you like it the old way.
I actually beat you to it .... though I can't prove it cause I'm the only one who's seen the latest build :P I've reworked all the formats to allow you to update metadata (author/description info in the movie), so I've got a custom SaveAs dialog that allows you to edit this information. This has been applied to the Splicer as well :) YAY, PROGRESS!!!!
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upthorn wrote:
Here's a feature request, which should be fairly simple to implement (for most formats anyway). It would be nice to be able to add a button press to a range of frames without losing the prior input data. Say for example that in a genesis game, you have a range of frames selected that goes A, B, C; and you want to add "down" to each of those frames. currently, changing the data in a selection results in 3 identical frames, ideally there would be an option for it to result in (vA,vB,vC). This request is from an old, but I haven't found anything that indicates that it's handled in the current one.
I'll add an "Append Input" toggle to the editor for the next release.
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Deviance wrote:
This movie is perfect. It can't be beaten.
Come on, claims like these are only fun if you back them up with some kind of wacky proposition. Something like, "if anyone beats this run, I promise to do X". I suggest X be something humiliating/unpleasant. :P
If this gets beaten by even a single frame, Phil has to root for the Leafs whenever they play Montreal (unless you don't like hockey, in which case that's no punishment at all).
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And I was about to post that his name is Billy ... whodathunkit Going to watch the movie now so I can post something relevant :) EDIT: And now i'm voting yes. That looked really well done. I have to ask though, did you always try to kill everyone as fast as possible or were there some delays for more entertaining fights?
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Truncated wrote:
Bug, I think: for FCM splicing (the only one i tried), I can input 0 as the first frame, but it won't splice. Putting 1 means I can splice, but the first frame is lost in the spliced movie. A movie of frame 1-80 twice is 156 frames long, not 160. Suggestion for splicing: not putting any start/end number for a movie assumes all of it.
Hrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm, dang :P Since this was the first-ish introduction of the new splicer, I expected some issues. I'm cleaning it up this evening so i'll look into this. EDIT: Fixed :) Thanks Truncated
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Randil wrote:
1. How does "Autofire Update" work? I mean, how do I insert autofire input with that function, and how do I change which button that is autofired? In short, I have no idea about how it works. :)
When this flag is set, it basically just means that if you select a group of frames and edit, the edit will be applied to alternating frames.
Randil wrote:
Splice movie function: *This function really needs an "Add movie" button. It's annoying having to drop down movies to that window.
Can do :)
Randil wrote:
*It would be nice with the possibility to mark more than one movie. If I have, say, 10 movies in that window and want to remove them all, it takes some time as it is right now.
Can do as well.
Randil wrote:
*Once you're assigned Start and End frames for a movie, and you add another movie to the window, the Start and End frames you assigned for the first movie disappears. Maybe this is intentional
That's more than likely a bug :P
Randil wrote:
*If you open a movie, copy some frames, open the "View copy buffer" window and look at your frames, close that window, close the movie itself, and open "View copy buffer" the program crashes.
DAMMMIT! I've fixed that and reintroduced it so many times it's making my head hurt. Argh. Thanks for the feedback. Still working on supporting documentation to distribute with the next release (hopefully this'll explain the less obvious functions). I threw it out there before, but no one seems to want to write this for me :( If I get it finished though, does anyone feel like translating it for me?
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Very very cool. Noticeable lag, but i guess that's to be expected. Congratulations man. Yes vote here.
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NecroVMX: There's nothing wrong with voting no on movies you don't like, and there's nothing wrong with stating why, but if you're reasoning is "I think this movie sucks", you're asking for people to respond less than courteously. Just saying "I didn't think the zipping looked good in this movie aesthetically, so I'm voting no" would have been sufficient. Now this is essentially a flame war, which is pointless. People probably shouldn't be goading you on though, as it just prompts a back-and-forth that doesn't really contribute to the topic at hand.
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jaysmad wrote:
Maximus wrote:
I actually don't track the non-input data (the extra numbers you can see). There was never any demand for it, since it doesn't effect the movie, but if it's requested, I'll add it :)
That would be cool! Thanks, and btw this program is great! I just found it, or has it found me? Anyways i'm having a-lot of fun with it already and have much plans to do with this gadget. Thx again!
Thank you :) I'm working towards the next release and i'll make sure this makes it's way in. Hoping the next release is worthy of being 1.0, but if not, RC1 fo sho :P
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西坡 wrote:
PS:you reply so fast.I think many people must love you,
<WAAH>Everybody but my parents ;) </WAAH> I'll get a description together after I watch the movie. EDIT: I haven't read the previous thread, but i've got a couple questions. 1) Does constantly attacking make you move faster horizontally? (EDIT: Nevermind, tested myself ;) 2) In stage 4, the lag is pretty bad, could you have killed some enemies to reduce this? 3) In the automatic scrolling parts (stage 4-2?) why didn't you kill the guys with the swords while you were waiting for the screen to scroll?
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jaysmad wrote:
How do i input numbers like in Fabian&JXQ's SMW run? I cant seem to input any numbers in the frame data. Maybe i'm just dumb =P Or did i missed a post?
I actually don't track the non-input data (the extra numbers you can see). There was never any demand for it, since it doesn't effect the movie, but if it's requested, I'll add it :)
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西坡 wrote:
~~~~~~~~ I spend two days,I final know how to upload my movie by dictionary.Thank you. My English must be improved like movie. Is it right?And what should I do next?
Now you wait for people to watch the movie and vote. If you like, I can clean up the description for you, since you should probably elaborate on where you improved on the previous movie, what new strategies/glitches you found/used ... etc.
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Voting yes simply because this is the greatest comment every supplied with a movie summary
FODA wrote:
This hadn't been done on the other version because it was very old and terrible and full of shame!
That, and because the movie's well done ;)
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Nevermind, i'm just dumb ... helps if you're not missing an #include :P
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西坡 wrote:
O~~~sorry.I maybe do a wrong thing. I am a new comer,and I am a Chinese,my English is very poor,and there is a big different in culture.So I am sorry.I didn't read your rule,and I think I must need a dictionary,because I can't know what you say.Please forgive me.
If you need help, just let me know. [Edit by Bisqwit: Replaced "a hand" with "help". Idioms don't translate well.]
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w000ps :P Good call. Didn't even check if those values were represented elsewhere. EDIT: Has anyone else ever had to make this kind of change? Is this a common issue? Just wondering as far as prioritization goes is all.
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Personally, I'm not a big fan of the single frame improvement, but it is an improvement. It may not be the most entertaining, but it will breed competition (and hopefully not contempt).
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laughing_gas wrote:
Minor question: if I need to edit in a mode change (from game boy to super game boy) at the very beginning, does it need to be at least 1 frame long?
Those kinds of changes aren't currently supported. If you throw your VBM into a hex editor and cruise to position 0x16, just insert the following byte to change the mode type: 00 - GB 01 - GBA 02 - GBC 04 - SGB EDIT: order was wrong :P
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Not sure if this was mentioned before, but if you've got the game paused (through the hotkey), the screen won't refresh unless you frame advance or continue otherwise. This means if you were in the menu, you can't go back to the game without it looking like the emulator is frozen. EDIT: Also, is there a way to display input while playing/recording. I thought this was here but i can't find it for some reason.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Okay, now, the REAL point is that we shouldn't be punishing people who find and use glitches effectively, because that takes a lot of brainpower! Why punish brainpower???!??? Invalid Session. Please resubmit the form. Invalid Session. Please resubmit the form. Invalid Session. Please resubmit the form. Invalid Session. Please resubmit the form.
Agreed. Still not sure what this "Invalid Session. Please resubmit the form." stuff is all about though.
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NecroVMX wrote:
Yes, how about NOT forcing him into the wall, becuase it looks like shit.
I think that's really up to the author. If he wants to do a "non-glitched" run, that really up to him. I think overall though, this movie was really well done, and the abuse of programming errors is what solidified that conclusion, for me at least. That statement would have to apply to most glitched runs, as "forcing the player into a wall" is generally (not always though) what constitutes a glitch, and abuse of that glitch can lead to unforseen, time saving results. You can't really penalize a run because of the aesthetics of a glitch, since it's purpose is usually to save time, which it does in this case.
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