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Nach wrote:
Nach, pardon me if i'm being stupid, but is it not feasible to convert SMV to ZMV? 'm not sure how the timing differs between SNES9x and ZSNES (which I was using back when MSDOS 6.22 was my OS and Nesticle was still the shit ... so kudos for a good app), but something along the lines of nesmock should be able to make the movies (somewhat) cross-compatible. EDIT. Sorry ... kinda went off topic
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Groan :P
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getting a 404 when I try to access (It B0RKED :P) In case people don't like dated executables, you could also just place a build timestamp in the about dialog, so that people can still figure out what version they're using (since checking a file timestamp is ever so difficult o_0)
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I'd like no nominate Bisqwit, Nitsuja and DeHackEd lifetime achievement awards to tools development that have made TASing possible (or at least, possible to the extent that they are today). As for the WTF, this game was pwned due to glitches!!! award, I'd have to nominate Gigafrost for his Zelda 2 Run.
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JXQ wrote:
... Is this the same thing FCM does? If so then I think it's a very bad idea, unless some great hex-editing tools were designed as well ...
I'm workin on it :P (I agree though that RLE is balls when it comes to manual editing)
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Sounds interesting, though perhaps excessive for the needs of the community. I'm more than likely the wrong person to comment here, but it just doesn't seem likely that there are going to be "new" emulators being supported in the near future that could benefit from such a standard (i'm guessing nitsuja/bisqwit would know best here). If, however, this is something that blows peoples skirts up (so to speak), i'd be happy to help :)
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I don't think tricks pages are published unless there's a demand for it. If you want to start a thread and publish the tricks, that's a good start.
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Randil wrote:
Maximus, I noticed today that if you open a movie in the TAS movie splicer that you're currently playing with an emulator, the program crashes (I noticed this when I opened a .fcm-file while playing it with FCEU, and I'm guessing that it's the same for other formats as well). Is this something that can be fixed? Perhaps an error message saying "File already in use by emulator", or something like that. I'm guessing that moviefiles don't like it when two different programs are using them at the same time... :P
Oops. Yeah, the emulators lock the stream when they're actively using the file. I actually had this happen before, noted it, said I'd fix it, then forgot :P I'll add it to the list. EDIT I think I know what i'm doing for the new release (as far as UI overhaul goes). The top portion is what the app is so far. The lower is what I'm going to replace the tabs with. I think, though the tabbed interface looked pretty, it's kind of overkill for what I'm trying to accomplish (especially since NONE of the fields are editable).
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Since I'm back from Phoenix (tradeshow and conference), I'm hoping to keep pounding away at v0-8. Aside from some additional codebase cleaning, bugfixes (I hope) and general improvements, I'm aiming for both VBM and M64 READ support to be enabled. However, i figure I can release a new verision once I have WRITE support for at least one of those two nailed down. The question now is, which one do y'all think is more urgent? I got an email recently asking for mupen support, but there doesn't seem to be any (major) urgency to the request. If no one's got a preference, I'll just do whatever I think'll be easiest :P (FMV perhaps? :P)
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Also never completed this game when i was a kid (or for that matter, my actual paper route ... which explains why they fired me :P) Nice work.
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Well done Turner :P Yes vote here.
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Randil wrote:
Any news, Maximus?
Nothing noteworthy. I ended up wasting a couple weeks attempting to redesign the application (I got rid of the tabbed interface for a while and went to listing changes textually ... then I thought that was dumb so I reverted back). I tend to get on this redesign kick too often, and it affects my ability to move forward with development :P I've finished laying out mupen64 and starting writing the save/load routines for that and visualboyadvance. All your comments and everyone elses are noted and slowly being implemented ;) I'll hopefully have something for everyone before christmas.
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not much to add here other than "yes" :)
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Phil wrote:
Well, after 9z should come 9aa then 9ab etc.... Yes, no!!?
Or, if there are still bugfixes and whatnot pending before a revision increment, you could add the build date as part of the filename (ie gens_9z_20061130, gens_9z_20061203 ... etc). Makes it easy to discern if you have the latest version :)
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hippo wrote:
over this weekend i'm gunna go through what you have so far and take some notes and maybe jog down some ideas for the future... do you have your todo list or a roadmap up anywhere?
Todolist is split between the NOTES.TXT file I maintain, as well as inlined with the code (I have 3 sections for easy searching if you're looking through the code, TODO::, DEBUG::, NOTES::) As far as a roadmap is concerned, I haven't really thought that through. I think once I get VBA and mupen incorporated into this application, nail down any issues with the copy-pasting algorithm and tweak a couple features, this thing'll be done.
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creaothceann wrote:
Anyway, 14 buttons * 16 pixels * 5 players would already consume 1120 pixels horizontally, hence the trend to separate planes. Do you want to list the 5 players vertically, for each input frame? Or display only the required number of columns?
I'm going to assume that they only want the required number of columns. It's very, very rare to see >2 players worth of input in a given movie, and I default my columns to 75px (which is overkill for the current display method), and with only a maximum of 5 columns (the sixth being for the frame counter), it's 450px total. For the next version though, I'll try to clean up the input display method.
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creaothceann wrote:
I didn't do it like that because you have to visually scan each line for a key, rather than looking it up via its column.
I went for player by column vs. player input by column, allowing all available players' input to be visible at once. I like the way vSNES has the player tabs visible (other editors have that hidden in menus), but I figured users might want to see everything in the same list.
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hippo wrote:
just a though, even though it's not that big of a deal, but it might be nice instead of <, ^, etc..., the program used icons for the directional arrows...
This is something that's been looked into. Before I introduced editing, I actually had a seperate form with an image of the respective format's controller with checkboxes over the directional pad and the buttons :P This bloated the file and proved to be kind of cumbersome when it came to actually editing. I am however looking to improve the editing process, since right now, i can't filter out unnecessary input values (you can type anything you want into the controller input fields and update as such). Even though saving discards unusable data (ie. if you type in QWUFDPSFSDF<>AB for controller input, it'll display it, but won't save anything but the S<>AB) it's not visually pleasing :P Ideas are welcome as to how to best tackle this. So far, it seems all other editor authors have gone the route of dedicated columns per input type per frame (see figure 1), whereas I've gone with the mashed together approach From what I've seem, I've got the first editor to break from the above tradition. The question now is whether or not it's an improvement (I think so :P). If we break from ASCII character representation of frame input though, what should it be replaced with? Should it be a simple representation like luke did with FCEU 98.16's frame input view? How should the editing features change then?
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Location: Toronto, Ontario :) Maybe we can get more people working on this and really crank out a defacto TAS tool. EDIT. I keep see-sawing back and forth between wanting to re-write this in a more portable/available framework/structure, but I kind of want to move forward, not laterally. I think I'm going to do a bit more cleaning, maybe implement some new, sexy (hopefully functional) features, and keep v0-8 in .NET 2.0. If anyone wants to collaborate on the re-write, any help is appreciated. I'm still not 100% sure on whether it should be C++ (MFC, wxWidgets, Glade/GTK+) or Java (SWT). I think this could prove to be a pretty useful tool, but for it to be REALLY useful, the Linux community shouldn't be excluded. Currently, the codebase is extremely Windows-centric (i doubt Mono can handle Windows.Forms that well ... yet). Anyhoo, there's still about 10-15 things on the todo list that can be cranked out a lot easier under the .NET framework than not, so I guess I'll keep working on it as such until I have another sudden change of heart :P The code is available (here on TASVideos as well as SourceForge), so if you have any suggestions as to how we can tighten up some routines ... shoot :P
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xoinx wrote:
I guess this means that you should keep the file name consistent on the webhost to prevent 404 of the links on the download page
Can do. Looking for more permanent hosting, but i don't know if i should stick this up on zShare or one of those hosting services. If anyone knows of a good one, let me know (if not, my personal space holds about 10 megs ... which is plenty since I only started using it for source/binary hosting).
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Well, I do love a challenge, so as a result, I think I'm going to try porting this from .NET to MFC. This will hopefully make this more useful, as .NET would no longer be required. The tests that I've run seem to show a definite performance increase (especially with redraw times ... damn does .NET add overhead :P). (the above is actually in Borland C++ Builder 2K6, but the IDE is so brutally slow, I'm switching over to MSVC++). Just in case this ends up taking longer than I'd like, or I get hit by a snowmobile, here's the source for v0.7.1 (C#): Keep the ideas coming though.
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Definite yes. Been following this one for a long time. It's a shame I can only vote yes once, but I doubt getting enough votes is going to be a problem here ;)
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Definitely sounds interesting, but if it's an RFC, shouldn't there be accompanying documentation to review? :P (j/k). If this were to be implemented, before you could use it effectively you'd still need to know how to locate memory addresses that would be mapped to variables. Sounds like an interesting project though
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Randil wrote:
An idea that just hit me is that it would be a good idea to have a few new error messages in the "Splice Movie" section. For example. if you neither have a source movie or a target movie selected and press "Splice", it says "Movie types don't match". Instead, it would be nice if it said "You must select at source movie and a target movie", or something like that. The same goes for if you have a source movie selected but no target movie, it could just say "You must select a target movie". I think you get my point.
Makes sense. I think this can be worked into the next release. I actually have a question for everyone (except my 2 current active users =P) ... is there any value in migrating this over to MSVC++ or Borland C++ so that the .NET framework is no longer a requirement.
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Keep em coming Randil. The "ViewCopyBuffer" error was actually fixed, and then reintroduced at the last minute because I'm dumb :P (it's fixed and the package linked in the first post is updated). I actually added the messageboxes for FMV's to the Splice/Save/SaveAs commands because I don't have FMV writing implemented yet (so technically not a bug cause it's there on pupose :P)
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