Posts for Mechuyael

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Bag of Magic Food seems to be the closest to understanding what I've meant to say. Since I have a history of misunderstandings when trying to speak/write in English, it seems to me that this is the case here as well. Not that I'm assuming that people would agree if they did understand me.
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As I said, I can't seem to express my intent clearly, and so I won't pursue this further.
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How many enemies does it add though? The only added enemies I noticed was bats in one room that didn't have bats before in the 4th level IIRC, and the person got through that part before they could even pose as an obstacle. As for damage, it seemed to be the same as when I played myself in easy, though maybe the fact that the player knew what he was doing made it seem that way.
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Okay, it seems that I can't communicate what I mean well. Nevermind then.
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So the game is easy. If playing with Torchic is harder than playing with Mudkip even in the slightest, then why not go with Torchic? Chamale: That's not what I meant.. I'm just saying that picking the starter pokemon is the closest thing this game has to picking a difficulty in other.
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Was it harder than when starting with Mudkip?
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Yeah, but if a Castlevania: Bloodlines run was rejected for not being the hardest difficulty when it mostly only affects the second-to-last boss fight length, then why shouldn't prospective Pokemon masters prove their bad-ass-itude by picking the most difficult starter pokemon, even if it means having to catch another pokemon?
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I think it would have been interesting if you picked Torchic instead of Mudkip, since it's the closest thing to picking hard more in the game. Plus, from checking screens and such, the Torchic's third form looks the coolest.
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A run of Elemental Master (U) for the Genesis. I gave up after dying about three times. This is actually my best run yet in this game, which is odd as usually I use save-states. IIRC I paused the game briefly at some point to get some soup as I was hungry. Or maybe I made an in-game pause when I wanted to tinker with the volume. You'll be able to guess depending on the length of the pause if it's there. Linkage
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Well, the Tower mode is what sets the game apart from the other Gauntlets I've played, and is the part I enjoyed.
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Well, when I played the game as a kid I always went Fire > Earth > Wind > Ice, but that was mostly for the ring in the fire tower that kept you from losing health. I suppose that a TAS-er wouldn't need that ring to keep his health intact. And there's no way that I'll have the time to attempt a multi-player run.
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Will you be trying to find the elemental spirits or however they're called? IIRC, they aren't too out of the way, and they are quite helpful. I always wondered which class combos were the best.
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Thanks. Expect to either see too much of me, or not to see me almost at all. :)
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I suppose that if I manage to spare some time I'll try doing a TAS-run, though it won't be optimized or anything, will just be a normal run with save states. I don't really think that I'll be able to dedicate myself to making a TAS-run that's worth publishing. At least not for the next year and a half.
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Hmm, that's odd. That's the first time I ran into this, and I've read a number of other request threads for specific games. My apologies, and thanks for bringing it to my attention.
Post subject: Gauntlet IV
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Hey all, this is actually why I made this account. :) I loved playing Gauntlet IV when I was a kid with my brother, though we really sucked at it. We only managed to reach the 5th castle once or twice, but always died there. I'd be really happy to see someone actually finish this game while making the enemies and dragons look like total weaklings. Plus the music was great, IMO. If anyone has the spare time and is willing, I'd really appreciate it.
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I liked this game, but its interest-factor depends on how much people would be interested in seeing how things happen from three different view-points. I personally like the idea of seeing how 3 different groups of heroes with only very loose ties to each other manage to save the world, but I've found out that my opinions differ from those of the general public (i.e., I have bad taste in most things).
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Unfortunately, I'm not really that good a player, and can't really help with anything. IIRC I liked Ray the best because his moves looked the coolest. Well, at least until I unlocked that guy that's a real wuss in the story but just plain rocks when you use him. Edit: I checked myself and found that out. Whoops. Sorry for the false hopes.
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Glad to be of help. Perhaps the programmers presumed that Americans would be less patient about watching the opening cutscene again and again. :) I know that I started mashing buttons trying to skip it by the third or fourth run.
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I thought that my first post will be different, but what the heck. I love the game, I've played it to death a year or so ago. Just wanted to let you know that you can skip the starting "cinematic" by pressing start. Maybe you can skip other conversations/etc' with it, but it's almost 1AM here and that was the only thing I could get my brain to bother rechecking to be sure.
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