Posts for MikeRS

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thegreginator wrote:
Ex: Yoshi can eat a Rex and then spit him back out, at which point he tumbles through the level, killing anything in its path.
That only happens when you're using Luigi. There's a few noticeable engine differences when using Luigi, but using Mario makes SMA2 mimick the original more closely.
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Hello everybody! I just completed the first world of MvDK, and I'll let all of you see weather you'd want to see some more. (And just in case you're wondering, I haven't been working on it solid; most of the time I spend a few minutes on it, take a few more minutes of a break :P)
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What are the specs of the Mac? If it's an older machine, then you might have to settle with FCEU which is a pretty good balance between accuracy and speed. If it's a faster machine (like a G5 or the upper-class Intel Macs), then you could be perfectly fine with an accuracy-oriented emulator.
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I'm curious, though it might to a little soon to ask the question. Since the Nintendo DS can render in full 3D, would it be possible to view one/both of the screens in a much higher resolution than the native console? Just as many Nintendo 64 emulators allow you to put it at 1280x1024 or something else higher than the real N64, could it be feasable with 3D Nintendo DS games? I also realize that published AVIs on this site are only accepted at the console's native resolution, but for those who use the emulation movie file, it's not a limitation :P
Post subject: Mario vs. Donkey Kong
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I picked up this game recently, it's a fun little sequel to the arcade Donkey Kong. I think it shall be TAS'd, it just can't live with one :D Should the aim be for fastest time or high score? Edit: Actually I've gone through a couple levels now, aiming for high score. I'm not normally an expert at these types of games, but it stilll amazes me of the scores I'm recieving. Perhaps after I complete World 1, I'll post a WIP and have you guys comment on it.
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Aqfaq wrote:
JXQ wrote:
But I can't understand why one would want to watch a SNES Doom TAS when a PC Doom TAS is available?
Because generally PC Doom TAS does not aim for frame precision, ha-ha. There might also be some new bugs to abuse in the SNES version. On the other hand, I believe strafe-running, wall-running and many other tricks do not work so well on SNES.
Frames on a computer are not absolute. Doom runs aim for the best time, counting frames is not an accurate measurement at all. You can run the game at 5% normal speed, but still see 60FPS.
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There's already both tool-assisted and non-tool-assisted runs of Doom, using the higher-quality PC versions.
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well I've got a good dump of the game, but even while using the official BIOS, there's sprite rendering problems in VisualBoyAdvance (random flicker, throughout the game). As fun as TASing it would be, VBA's rendering state isn't pretty
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I've found a few "GBA BIOSes" floating around on the Internet, but for some reason I never found one that wasn't corrupted. So a few months ago, I got a flash cart, and I used the DumpRom program to dump my own GBA's BIOS; now I've got a perfect BIOS dump (MD5 checksum: a860e8c0b6d573d191e4ec7db1b1e4f6 ; SHA1 checksum: 300c20df6731a33952ded8c436f7f186d25d3492). (Please note, the BIOS on Nintendo DS is different; I have not dumped it yet, but as far as I know it just has one byte changed so GBA games can have exclusive unlockables when played on the NDS, similar to the GBC BIOS being slightly different in the GBA so certain GBC games (eg, Zelda Oracles) have GBA unlockables) Now if only I can either find a perfect M&L: SS dump, or I successfully put together an Xboo cable to dump the game (I'm not good at putting together hardware like that :/). I'd go for TASing this game, it might be one of those things I actually hang onto. I like this game very much
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Plays fine for me, using the perfect ([!]) dump of the game. But out of curiosity, where did you get your VBA version? I'm using Rerecording v17.1, but it still plays fine; weird.
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xebra: Haha funny. But what I meant is that I left Windows, but a few years and versions later, hey look just more problems that make your head scratch of why it's still popular. TNSe: Ah, so I'm not the only one. BTW, it is Windows XP i'm using.
Post subject: Whoa, Famtasia does something funky with the Windows GDI.
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So I run Famtasia to play the Legend of Zelda speedrun done in it, and after a minute a lot of stuff goes (for the lack of a better word) funky: [URL=][/URL] Anyone else get that problem? plus, Famtasia grinds to an annoyingly slow grovel whenever I scale the window :< Geez. I swear, the more I've been using Windows recently (for all this emulator/speedrun stuff!), I've been reminded why I stopped using Windows 95 so long ago...
Post subject: Super Mario Advance 3, low-score
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I had this idea of doing a run of Yoshi's Island with the lowest possible score. A couple of days after the idea, I started doing it. First try was with the SNES game, but then a limitation was found that the scoreboard only records five stars minimum, instead of zero. Tried SMA3, it went all the way down to zero! So after two weeks of occassional play, I'm stuck on World 2-5. The level is so darn difficult (to speedrun). I've tried the level for three days, and for the past few I've just given up on the run. Plus I had a filesystem mishap, a friend had the latest video file and I was able to play back that (and remake savestates, yay!); the biggest thing lost is a journal of each level and what was hard in them. As hard as it might be to believe, I watched the existing SNES run of Yoshi's Island after I started this. I noticed many places where the run could be significantly shorter. Anybody out there an expert on replaying earlier parts without losing the future parts? ;) So with those two blockers, I will just put out a WIP for all of you to watch if you feel like it, any continuation (or start over of the whole game) is not certain to be done by me, but I might. Requires rerecord v17.1
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I don't really know what to say... if I could vote in the poll, I'd say YES. The part that leaves me speachless is the general nonsense of the game itself @_@
Post subject: Super Mario World: SMA2, 100% completion run - proposal
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After being rejected of a quick run to Bowser in SMA2 (too boring, nothing interesting to be seen over the SNES runs, obvious mistakes). It would be far more interesting to show off the game's extra features, wouldn't it? SMA2 keeps track of Dragon Coins for each course. They get changed into Princess Coins after you've gotten all 350 coins and beat Bowser. Plus there's a small clip of all the coins falling and piling up, Yoshi eating a larger-than-normal coin, then pooping (er, laying an egg, I call it pooping ;p) an egg that hatches into a Princess Coin. (From there, all the coins are regainable in levels again however many times you like, only wtih a new face) I expect that a 100% run would take a _very_ long time to make into perfection (or extremely close into perfection). Plus there'd have to be some mandatory time watching the cutscene of having the colours and enemies changed after the 96 goals, and then some time to beat Bowser (beating him prematurely seems like a waste of time) right after that.
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Alright, thanks for all the feedback, but I have a few things to add (any bits I didn't quote I have nothing to comment on).
hopper wrote:
Castle #1: You pick up the P-block for no apparent reason and just chuck it into the lava. You lost time doing this and gained nothing for it. Watch the SNES run and see if you can jump off of the P-block to avoid having to grab onto the fence. That will save a few seconds. Why didn't you pick up the fire flower? Use Fiery Mario to shoot Iggy as you knock him off of the platform, which would look super cool.
The P-Block jump doesn't seem to work in SMA2... at least I couldn't get it to work. If you have success, then whoopie!
Donut Plains 1: You can collect that feather faster. After you start flying, you stop in the clouds for no apparent reason and have to turn around so that you can start running again. That cost you a few seconds. At the end of the level you run into a pipe before grabbing the key, losing more time.
Flying even while slowing down the emulation speed is one of my weak points in SMW. Next movie (which as you say later on, might be much more fun for 100% completion) will improve on it, when/if there's a next movie.
Donut Secret House: You lose time after you stomp on the P-block, turn around, then start running to get yourself airborne again. You should grab the P-block from a running start and take it with you as you fly up to the secret door. The boss fight wasn't great. At one point you're just standing there, waiting for the Big Boo to rematerialize. See the SNES version for a terrific boss fight.
Thanks I downloaded the SNES run and that's a terrific idea!
Star World 1: Can you not fall through the blocks faster here? In the SNES version it's possible to launch yourself through them by getting enough of them spinning.
Nope, can't fall fast in the yellow blocks in SMA2 either.
Star World 3: It isn't necessary to steal Lakitu's cloud here; you can actually fly straight up. See the SNES version. Several seconds can be saved here.
Aha, didn't know that, thanks. In the real game I take even longer to jump on top of the blue diagonal blocks and use Fire Mario to shoot Lakitu :P So I didn't have any experience in speeding through this stage either.
Bowser's Castle: Why did you pick door #3? Door #3 is only the right choice on Let's Make a Deal. In Door #5, this is where you should be grabbing the feather that you should have in reserve. It will save several seconds in the final battle with Bowser and make for a much more entertaining fight. On your way to the final battle, you screw around with the mecha koopas a lot for no apparent reason. This costs you many frames. Even for a capeless fight, this boss fight isn't terribly interesting. In Bowser's final form, you just run back and forth under him. Again, see the SNES version.
Well in the real game I'm just so used to Door #3, that's why I picked it. Next time I'll evaluate all the options. Also, in Door #5 I don't follow why I would have a cape in reserve. If I get the Fire Flower in Castle #1, I'll get the cape in DP1 and the Fire would be in reserve. Sorry I'm going by memory of the game, but do you care to elaborate?
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First problem: Run gvba, it's a GTK+2 GUI that works just like the Windows emulator. It's pretty neat ;) Second-problem: Well, I'm not sure if it compiles cleanly on GNU/Linux. If it doesn't, you can use Wine for it. Although that still causes problems (at least for me). If you can, just boot into Windows to run, it's what I did.